$3.5Trillion?! this is “the minimum of what we should be spending", says Bernie ahead of a swing into conservative Midwest areas to stump for his bill

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WE NEED A POLITICAL REVOLUTION, MY FRIENDS! (Followed by a combing revolution!)

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a $3.5 trillion spending plan that represents the absolute least we must do to save the planet can be whittled down to a fraction of that, dooming us to climate incineration.

They’ll be told that this is a victory that honors their deal, because they at least got something they can pretend is a real climate bill, regardless of how eviscerated and inadequate it proves to be.

The best way to avert this scenario is for progressives to be on record and crystal clear about their demands. That way, if those demands aren’t met, their votes aren’t negotiable when the Democratic Party establishment and its corporate donors put real pressure on them to cave.
a $3.5 trillion spending plan that represents the absolute least we must do to save the planet can be whittled down to a fraction of that, dooming us to climate incineration.
The US is about 15% of the climate change problem. You might want to change your avatar to "Chikin Little"
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“Raising $3.5 trillion is not hard if we’re willing to advance our progressive values. There’s a lot of money available if we make billionaires and giant corporations pay their fair share, and if we fund the IRS so that tax cheats have to cough up what they owe.” - Bernie
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voters will reward bold, even costly legislative action, they care more about results than they do about bipartisanship for its own sake.
when will Crazy Bernie learn?

cut taxes
cut spending
grow the jobs!

Manchin and Sinema will block the $3.5T scam. The $1T Bill has a shot, unless the progs stop it.
Manchin will block that too.

Manchin will block that too.

Senator Manchin supports the bipartisan infrastructure bill, as does Senator Sinema. even Senator Sasse of the Republicans support it, among 20 other Senate Republicans...it's the progs in the House who will tank it
Manchin does not dictate the terms. it's Bernie who dictates the terms

" the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution includes:

A civilian climate corps
Debt relief
Environmental justice investments in clean water affordability and access, healthy ports, and climate equity
Investments in clean vehicles
Paid Family and Medical Leave
ACA expansion extension and filling the Medicaid Coverage Gap
Health equity (maternal, behavioral, and racial justice health investments)
State and local tax (SALT) tax deduction relief which primarily benefits wealthy, blue states
Tax “fairness” for high-income individuals, or those who are making more than $400,000 per year
Universal Pre-K for 3- and 4-year olds
Electrifying the federal vehicle fleet (USPS and non-USPS)
Lawful permanent status for qualified immigrants or amnesty for illegal aliens

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which 19 Senate Republicans voted for, also contains many leftist carveouts. This includes:

Defines “gender identity” as a protected class.
Doles out “digital equity” grants partly based on racial or ethnic minority status.
State-mandated carbon reduction program
Contains funding for “zero-emission vehicles”
Addresses “over-the-road bus tolling equity”
Contains the word “equity” 64 times
Provides roughly $2.5 billion to help the U.S. government expand the border processing stations used by migrants from poor Central American nations and other regions around the world."

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