3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

Wow my guns have never killed nor maimed anyone I guess I've been using them wrong all these years

Doesn't mean they weren't designed to do what I stated. That is their primary reason for invention and use.

Guns are designed to fire a projectile whether that projectile kills has nothing to do with the gun and everything to do with the person holding it
Firing a projectile is for protection? That must be why the gun was invented, for war. They needed "protection".

Of course it's for protection

But then again using a gun for self defense is perfectly legal
If it's for protection, why did men leave their families unarmed and take their guns to war? Oh right, that's what the gun was designed for, war. Even the NRA doesn't disagree with that. Gun control is no different than Pipe Bomb control. Their only purpose is to kill.

It's the government that sends men to war not the gun

And like I said the vast majority of guns in this country will never be used to kill anyone so I guess they are all being used incorectly
Yes...Americans understand that the anti gun extremists are nuts.....so...after San Bernadino..where 14 unarmed people in a gun free zone were killed by 2 muslims with guns....in a gun free zone....Americans bought out the entire stock of AR-15s...

Post San Bernardino Gun Sales Surge Drains U.S. AR Supply - The Truth About Guns

TTAG’s reached out to some of this country’s largest firearms wholesalers and learned that the sales channel is dry. AR’s they ain’t got. And no wonder. IWI US’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Michael Kassner, tells TTAG that IWI’s sold thousands of Tavors over the weekend. Folks, that’s a $2k rifle. You can imagine how many low-end AR’s are finding new homes in the rush to tool-up against terrorism, further fueled by the assault media’s decision to come out of the gun confiscation closet, ahead of Hillary Clinton’s potential election. There’s a lag between wholesaler supply and what you see at your local gun store. That means . . .

you’ll still see guns on the shelves for the time being. But for how long?
Almost all of them bought by chickenshit gun nuts like you boys or girls or whatever you may be. Do you people suck on these at night like little pacifiers? Why do you chickenshits think you need so many guns? Just how wimpy and effeminate are you little girls? How much money do you spend trying to buy yourselves some manhood?
Based on this post alone, it should be illegal for you to ever pwn a gun.
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

A lot of gun grabbers own guns...they just don't want anyone else to have them....obama, the clintons and all the other gun grabbers have armed men all around them...they just don't want normal people to have guns.
Normal people don't need guns and people like that, because of guns, will have them until the very end of guns. Just deal with it.

except for the normal people raped, robbed, kidnapped, tortured, murdered every day in every state...you mean except for those people, all the other normal people don't need a gun...right?

and when guns never existed.....before there was one gun on the planet...are you saying rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture, slavery, mirder was not possible.....gee, you better tell al those victims back then that they were not really victims after all...
Yep, some of the best shots I've competed against were Marines. However the ballistics of the 7.62X39 are well known and as I stated actually intentionally hitting someone at 1000 meters with one would be quite the trick. The bullet drop at 1000 meters is over 1000 inches so we're talking the trajectory of a rainbow. The AR in a precision set up will be using 80 grain VLD bullets (Very Low Drag) and they are dropping less than half of that.

I recall the biggest problem the AK has is that instead of a smaller bullet, its 7.62x39 is just a depowered round with the same caliber...result, it's a not-super-accurate medium-velocity round. The 5.56x45 has slightly-less overall KE, but leaves the muzzle at about 40% higher velocity.
7.62x39 has about the same power as the (very) old .30/30 round.
Suitable for deer, but not remarkably more powerful than 5.56x45.
Wow my guns have never killed nor maimed anyone I guess I've been using them wrong all these years

Doesn't mean they weren't designed to do what I stated. That is their primary reason for invention and use.

Guns are designed to fire a projectile whether that projectile kills has nothing to do with the gun and everything to do with the person holding it
Firing a projectile is for protection? That must be why the gun was invented, for war. They needed "protection".

Of course it's for protection

But then again using a gun for self defense is perfectly legal
If it's for protection, why did men leave their families unarmed and take their guns to war? Oh right, that's what the gun was designed for, war. Even the NRA doesn't disagree with that. Gun control is no different than Pipe Bomb control. Their only purpose is to kill.

You do realize that they left guns for their wives...right? guns keep the peace all over the world and in most cases they are never fired....most cops never fire their weapons, but the presence of a fun keeps the peace....most soldiers never fire their weapons, but the mere presence of their guns keeps enemies from attacking........

most of the 13 million armed citizens in the United States never fire their weapons, but they stop violent criminal attack 1.5 million times a year.According to Bill Clinton.
You do realize that they left guns for their wives...right? guns keep the peace all over the world and in most cases they are never fired..
Nope. They took their guns to war, and guns kill people all over the world. If they didn't you'd have no problem with ISIS being even better armed than you are.
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

A lot of gun grabbers own guns...they just don't want anyone else to have them....obama, the clintons and all the other gun grabbers have armed men all around them...they just don't want normal people to have guns.
Normal people don't need guns and people like that, because of guns, will have them until the very end of guns. Just deal with it.

except for the normal people raped, robbed, kidnapped, tortured, murdered every day in every state...you mean except for those people, all the other normal people don't need a gun...right?
In 99 out of 100 cases, a gun didn't and wouldn't have helped them. Guns are for killing things, mainly people, period. That's why the gun was invented.
Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

A lot of gun grabbers own guns...they just don't want anyone else to have them....obama, the clintons and all the other gun grabbers have armed men all around them...they just don't want normal people to have guns.
Normal people don't need guns and people like that, because of guns, will have them until the very end of guns. Just deal with it.

except for the normal people raped, robbed, kidnapped, tortured, murdered every day in every state...you mean except for those people, all the other normal people don't need a gun...right?
In 99 out of 100 cases, a gun didn't and wouldn't have helped them. Guns are for killing things, mainly people, period. That's why the gun was invented.

1.5 million Americans who used guns to stop violent criminal attack, according to bill clinton, disagree with you.
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

A lot of gun grabbers own guns...they just don't want anyone else to have them....obama, the clintons and all the other gun grabbers have armed men all around them...they just don't want normal people to have guns.

that is how the nazi worked gun control

that is how isis is currently dealing out gun control
Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

A lot of gun grabbers own guns...they just don't want anyone else to have them....obama, the clintons and all the other gun grabbers have armed men all around them...they just don't want normal people to have guns.
Normal people don't need guns and people like that, because of guns, will have them until the very end of guns. Just deal with it.

except for the normal people raped, robbed, kidnapped, tortured, murdered every day in every state...you mean except for those people, all the other normal people don't need a gun...right?
In 99 out of 100 cases, a gun didn't and wouldn't have helped them. Guns are for killing things, mainly people, period. That's why the gun was invented.

You have been proven wrong on this over and over and over again. Until you post something credible that refutes the very well presented facts that show you to be wrong this will be considered SPAM in the future and dealt with accordingly.

Because they look dangerous?
I believe that either is the main reason or has a lot to do with it. Resemblance to the M-16, which is seen in all contemporary war movies imparts a certain macho mystique to it.

I'm a relic from the M-1 Garand era, which was one hell of a weapon. Big and heavy, but it will take out an adversary right through a cinder block wall at 500 yards. But the present ideal is light weight and Buck Rogers imagery.

I've never seen an AR-15, which closely resembles the M-16 and probably accounts for its popularity. Based on all I've read and heard about both weapons my preference inclines to the AK-47, which is very sturdy, extremely reliable -- even in wet, sandy conditions, and is relatively simple to disassemble and clean. Plus a good AK-47 is priced at around $400, while an AR-15 costs $1,500. I don't know how much an M-16 costs but it must be around $2,000.

I'll be interested in hearing from those who have hands-on knowledge of all three of these weapons. Which is the better weapon, and why?

The M1 Garand is cool. When you shoot an AR-15 it sounds like a cannon if you are used to firing .22's and small caliber weapons.

The AK-47 is the most popular assault rifle ever I think because it was purposely built to be used anywhere, mud, sand, dirt, and keep working. And it has stood the passing of time.
The M1 Garand is cool. When you shoot an AR-15 it sounds like a cannon if you are used to firing .22's and small caliber weapons.

The AK-47 is the most popular assault rifle ever I think because it was purposely built to be used anywhere, mud, sand, dirt, and keep working. And it has stood the passing of time.
My neighbor was among the Marines in Vietnam when the real fighting got started. His T/O weapon when he got there was the M-14, which he really liked. Little by little they began transitioning to the M-16, which he said nobody liked. He said it was comparatively flimsy and too complicated. He said they called it a "Buck Rogers" gun and a "toy."

He said the M-16 started malfunctioning during familiarization and qualification. Later, when his unit moved "in country" they were ambushed by NVA troops and two Marines he knew were killed when their M-16s malfunctioned. He said it wasn't widely known but there nearly was a mutiny by Marines who demanded to have the M-14s returned -- which they were. About a year later the cause of the M-16 failures was corrected and they were re-issued.

Since he told me that I have read something that confirms it. But even without that information I've never liked the M-16 or the Ar-15, neither of which I've ever seen or handled. I just don't like anything about them. I was spoiled by the M-1, which I was very proficient with and although I've never handled an M-14 it looks good to me and I've heard nothing but good about it.

Everything I've ever read and heard about the AK-47 makes me wonder why the U.S. didn't adopt it as the military standard -- mainly because its most outstanding characteristic, reliability under harsh conditions, is the most important consideration in a combat weapon. The only negative feature I've read about is accuracy compared with the M-16. But that can easily be improved with tighter machining standards and better steel barrels. The bottom line is our troops would have an easier-to-maintain, more reliable weapon at one-third the cost.
And like I said the vast majority of guns in this country will never be used to kill anyone so I guess they are all being used incorectly
That is correct, and they also have no reason to exist then. If you never kill anything, you never needed a gun.

I can come up with a list a mile long of shit you don't need and I need my guns for my hobbies of target and skeet shooting

And if my house ever gets broken into I have the option of protecting myself, my wife, my dogs and my property

You won't have that option will you?
And like I said the vast majority of guns in this country will never be used to kill anyone so I guess they are all being used incorectly
That is correct, and they also have no reason to exist then. If you never kill anything, you never needed a gun.

I can come up with a list a mile long of shit you don't need and I need my guns for my hobbies of target and skeet shooting

And if my house ever gets broken into I have the option of protecting myself, my wife, my dogs and my property

You won't have that option will you?
Guns are not toys, for hobbies.
And like I said the vast majority of guns in this country will never be used to kill anyone so I guess they are all being used incorectly
That is correct, and they also have no reason to exist then. If you never kill anything, you never needed a gun.

I can come up with a list a mile long of shit you don't need and I need my guns for my hobbies of target and skeet shooting

And if my house ever gets broken into I have the option of protecting myself, my wife, my dogs and my property

You won't have that option will you?

<---channels PMH "Why would I want to protect your wife, your dog, or your property?"
And like I said the vast majority of guns in this country will never be used to kill anyone so I guess they are all being used incorectly
That is correct, and they also have no reason to exist then. If you never kill anything, you never needed a gun.

I can come up with a list a mile long of shit you don't need and I need my guns for my hobbies of target and skeet shooting

And if my house ever gets broken into I have the option of protecting myself, my wife, my dogs and my property

You won't have that option will you?
Guns are not toys, for hobbies.

Not toys but perfectly suited for the hobbies of target and skeet shooting

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