3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

Ever heard of a Bowie knife? You going to ban pointy knives like they want to do in the UK? The point being you asshats ban all sorts of things and the net result is those banned weapons end up being used more than before your stupid ban was put in place.

A thinking person would figure out that the practice doesn't work but you are two things...one is you're a non thinker and second you don't care about crime prevention, you only care about stripping rights and property from people because you are at heart a totalitarian monster as you have shown over and over and over.

What a load of crap. Watch this video. While it is a comedy routine, he makes some relevant points - especially the bits about why you want your peashooter. I especially love the bit about 'crime prevention' and how a gun 'protects' your family.

I will stick with 40 years of actual research and the truth about Australian gun control rather than a comedian......
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike the knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.

Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?

The number I saw yesterday....357 million guns in private hands.....
Yes it is. Left wing is total government control. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT at all. Try using your noggin sometime.

Oh, so Hitler rounded up all the commies and shot them because he liked their philosophy? Really? No, no govt control is called libertarianism or anarchy. Talk about trying to use your noggin...

Why is it that you think two socialists fighting each other over control of a territory means they both can't be socialists.....the Latin Kings and the MS-13 fight each other that doesn't mean they aren't both violent gangs.........

That dumb point about the German national socialists trying to kick out the russian based international socialists so therefore the German socialists weren't socialists is such a childish argument.......
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike the knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.

Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?

This came out on Friday...

Gun-Homicide Rate Decreased as Gun Ownership Increased

Based on data from a 2012 Congressional Research Service (CRS) report(and additional data from another Wonkblog article “There are now more guns than people in the United States”), the number of privately owned firearms in U.S. increased from about 185 million in 1993 to 357 million in 2013.

And keep in mind......gun murder is going down, not up...with even more guns in private hands....in Europe...gun crime is increasing, more British police are carrying guns than ever before and Australia is starting to see more gun crime......
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike the knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.

Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?

The number I saw yesterday....357 million guns in private hands.....

that is excluding homemade ar-15s which as long as they are held by the maker

do not require a serial or 4473 form
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike the knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.

Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?
Few? A few is what Japan has, 128 million people and roughly a dozen gun murders a year. We average 9k...

As in all gun murder it is the culture of the society that determines if the criminals commit murder or not......the Japanese people are controlled by the group dynamic, they do not commit crime of any kind..and if a memberf of the family commits a crime they shame the whole family..they don't excuse it....also, their police have massive powers to deal with crime...they can search anyone they want, at any time for any reason and their prosecutors beat and coerce confessions routinely and the judges don't care....nothing we would tolerate here...

Try to do your research instead of just parroting the talking points of anti gun extremists....
Except the ones on 21 October 2002, 29 April 2011, 9 September 2014, 22 October 2014

Wow, not exactly on the scale of Columbine, San Bernadino, Colorado, Aurora.....I could go on...

Nope....you didn't say anything about scale...you said they never happened...they did happen in a country that confiscated guns....and now has extreme gun control...and the only thing that kept them from being worse is that the shooter didn't shoot more people...they had guns and could have, they just didn't...

And the recent muslim immigrant who took hostages in Australia....he could have gone to a mall or a school instead of the coffee shop and instead of holding hostages, he could have murdered more people....the gun control laws did not stop him...at all....

And the 15 year old immigrant who shot the police employee with the illegally owned gun...he could have walked into his school and shot people...but he chose not to....the Australian gun laws did not prevent it.....

And gun crime is going up in Australia...they are finding more guns, experiencing more gun violence....dittos Europe and Britain...

Why are the British police arming more police officers?
Ummmmm, duh is the only response I can come up with. If you look at governments you have two choices for them. They are either individualistic where the individual has the maximum amount of rights and responsibilities, anarchy is the extreme form of that. The other choice is a collectivist government. The most extreme versions of that type government are totalitarian dictatorships such as the Soviet Union or fascist Germany. Both claimed to be socialist in nature but the reality was the citizen existed for the benefit of the State.

Family values that PMH referred to are cute but were non existent based on both the Soviet Union and the NAZI use of the children to spy on the parents to root out anti government thought.

So, yet again you are just simply wrong.

It was the only response you could come up with because you are not au fait with political systems. A socialist govt does not believe in totalitarianism. Greece is a socialist govt. Currently France is, too. Truth be told China, the USSR, Vietnam - none of them are Communist in the Marxist sense. They are all totalitarian regimes. Why you equate that to socialism is beyond me. I think maybe because conservatives only think in sound bites and have to compartmentalise things in order to understand them. Nuance and the like are beyond your capability. Red State = Goodum. Blue State - Baddum...

There are degrees of government control of the economy in a socilaist society.........but the government controlling the means of production is the definition of socialism....
Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike the knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.

Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?
Few? A few is what Japan has, 128 million people and roughly a dozen gun murders a year. We average 9k...

As in all gun murder it is the culture of the society that determines if the criminals commit murder or not......the Japanese people are controlled by the group dynamic, they do not commit crime of any kind..and if a memberf of the family commits a crime they shame the whole family..they don't excuse it....also, their police have massive powers to deal with crime...they can search anyone they want, at any time for any reason and their prosecutors beat and coerce confessions routinely and the judges don't care....nothing we would tolerate here...

Try to do your research instead of just parroting the talking points of anti gun extremists....

their police have massive powers to deal with crime...they can search anyone they want, at any time for any reason and their prosecutors beat and coerce confessions routinely and the judges don't care....nothing we would tolerate here..

well except for the leftists they are demanding it more and more everyday
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

A lot of gun grabbers own guns...they just don't want anyone else to have them....obama, the clintons and all the other gun grabbers have armed men all around them...they just don't want normal people to have guns.

Non on the scale of Paris.

but, they were mass shootings, in a country you claimed had had none for almost 20 years.

You've an average of one a day this year...using your analogy. You have two examples in the four that were 9 YEARS apart....

Their criminals and mass shooters get guns when they want them....their gun control laws didn't stop them...the only reason these shootings didn't turn into mass shootings is that the shooter didn't choose to shoot more people.........the Australians have been lucky......they haven't been protected by their gun control laws....
Okay....I have isolated shooting incidents in Australia that could just as easily have turned into mass shooting events....and yes, I know, you are going to move the goal posts and change the results.......in your post you qouted a study that showed no mass shootings in Australia after the ban..and that is obviously not true...look below.....and the only thing that kept some of these shootings from being mass shootings is pure dumb luck...

So no, the gun confiscation in Austrulia did not stop mass shootings....dumb luck did.....since all of these shooters had no trouble getting guns.....right?

Tell me.....how is anything other than luck that kept these from being mass shootings...since the shooter obviously was able to get a gun and shoot people in gun free Australia...right?

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

25 January 1996 – Hillcrest murders – Peter May shot and killed his three children, his estranged wife and her parents in the Brisbane suburb of Hillcrest before killing himself.[54]
  • 16 August 1998 – Victorian police officers Gary Silk and Rodney Miller were shot dead in an ambush by Bendali Debs and Jason Joseph Roberts in the Moorabbin Police murders.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
  • 23 May 2012 – Christopher 'Badness' Binse, a career criminal well known to police, was arrested after a 44-hour siege at an East Keilor home in Melbourne's north west. During the siege, Binse fired several shots at police and refused to co-operate with negotiators; eventually tear gas had to be used to force him out of the house, at which point he refused to put down his weapon and was then sprayed with a volley of non-lethal bullets.[citation needed]
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
  • 9 September 2014 – Lockhart massacre – Geoff Hunt shot and killed his wife, Kim, his 10-year-old son Fletcher, and his daughters Mia, eight and Phoebe, six before killing himself on a farm in Lockhart in the Riverina district near Wagga Wagga New South Wales. The body of Geoff Hunt and a firearm are later found in a dam on the farm by police divers and a suicide note written by Geoff Hunt is also found inside the house on the farm.[citation needed]
  • 7 November 2014 – Jordy Brook carjacked a Channel 7 news cameraman at gun point during a crime spree on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. He was later captured and arrested by police after luring police on a high speed chase and crashing the car.[citation needed
  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
  • 27 June 2015 – Hermidale triple murder – the bodies of three people, two men and a woman are found shot dead on a property in a rural farming community in the town of Hermidale west of Nyngan, the bodies of 28-year-old Jacob Cumberland his father 59-year-old Stephen Cumberland and a 36-year-old woman were found with gun shot wounds, the body of Jacob Cumberland was found on the drive way of the property, the body of the 36-year-old woman was found in the backyard of the property and the body of Stephen Cumberland was found in a burnt out caravan on the property. 61-year-old Allan O'Connor is later arrested and charged with the murders.
  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
  • 2 October 2015 - 2015 Parramatta shooting On 2 October 2015, Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, a 15-year-old boy, shot and killed Curtis Cheng, an unarmed police civilian finance worker, outside the New South Wales Police Force headquarters in Parramatta, Australia. Jabar was subsequently shot and killed by special constables who were protecting the police station.
BTW Screw drivers, hammers and wrenches have been used to murder a lot of people too

Let's play a game. Let's count up all the hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches in the world and see how many have been used to kill people, and how many have been used for what they were designed to do.

Let's do the same with guns.

Impossible to do

But that's what you people do make impossible statements

Tell me what specific gun legislation will stop people from using guns to kill?

You just refuse to admit that people kill always have always will
People are violent always have been always will be

I would rather see people be able to defend themselves with the best tools available even if that means an extremely small percentage of people use those tools for ill
Wow my guns have never killed nor maimed anyone I guess I've been using them wrong all these years

Doesn't mean they weren't designed to do what I stated. That is their primary reason for invention and use.

Guns are designed to fire a projectile whether that projectile kills has nothing to do with the gun and everything to do with the person holding it
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

A lot of gun grabbers own guns...they just don't want anyone else to have them....obama, the clintons and all the other gun grabbers have armed men all around them...they just don't want normal people to have guns.
Normal people don't need guns and people like that, because of guns, will have them until the very end of guns. Just deal with it.
Wow my guns have never killed nor maimed anyone I guess I've been using them wrong all these years

Doesn't mean they weren't designed to do what I stated. That is their primary reason for invention and use.

Guns are designed to fire a projectile whether that projectile kills has nothing to do with the gun and everything to do with the person holding it
Firing a projectile is for protection? That must be why the gun was invented, for war. They needed "protection".
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You just listed the values instilled by socialists all over the world.
Nope. Sweden is nothing like that...
Wow my guns have never killed nor maimed anyone I guess I've been using them wrong all these years

Doesn't mean they weren't designed to do what I stated. That is their primary reason for invention and use.

Guns are designed to fire a projectile whether that projectile kills has nothing to do with the gun and everything to do with the person holding it
Firing a projectile is for protection? That must be why the gun was invented, for war. They needed "protection".

Of course it's for protection

But then again using a gun for self defense is perfectly legal
Wow my guns have never killed nor maimed anyone I guess I've been using them wrong all these years

Doesn't mean they weren't designed to do what I stated. That is their primary reason for invention and use.

Guns are designed to fire a projectile whether that projectile kills has nothing to do with the gun and everything to do with the person holding it
Firing a projectile is for protection? That must be why the gun was invented, for war. They needed "protection".

Of course it's for protection

But then again using a gun for self defense is perfectly legal
If it's for protection, why did men leave their families unarmed and take their guns to war? Oh right, that's what the gun was designed for, war. Even the NRA doesn't disagree with that. Gun control is no different than Pipe Bomb control. Their only purpose is to kill.

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