3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

I own guns. Try again and see above

an admission of hypocrisy?

Good for you.

Now, go away.
Nope, when all the guns go mine go as well. Until then I have need of them, while most do not.

You need one with a nice toe trigger.
I'd rather belong to the United States, where we have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Ummmmm, duh is the only response I can come up with. If you look at governments you have two choices for them. They are either individualistic where the individual has the maximum amount of rights and responsibilities, anarchy is the extreme form of that. The other choice is a collectivist government. The most extreme versions of that type government are totalitarian dictatorships such as the Soviet Union or fascist Germany. Both claimed to be socialist in nature but the reality was the citizen existed for the benefit of the State.

Family values that PMH referred to are cute but were non existent based on both the Soviet Union and the NAZI use of the children to spy on the parents to root out anti government thought.

So, yet again you are just simply wrong.

It was the only response you could come up with because you are not au fait with political systems. A socialist govt does not believe in totalitarianism. Greece is a socialist govt. Currently France is, too. Truth be told China, the USSR, Vietnam - none of them are Communist in the Marxist sense. They are all totalitarian regimes. Why you equate that to socialism is beyond me. I think maybe because conservatives only think in sound bites and have to compartmentalise things in order to understand them. Nuance and the like are beyond your capability. Red State = Goodum. Blue State - Baddum...

Bullcrap. A socialist government requires a form of totalitarianism for it to operate. A socialist government takes most of the money from the people who are then unable to do the sorts of things we can do here, thus they don't get to enjoy their lives nearly as completely as we do. How many Swedes do you see over here in the US?

How many Norwegians? I have a very good friend who is Norwegian and here in the States he is very middle class. But, he can afford to travel to Norway every couple of years to visit his relatives. They can't even though they qualify as middle class over there.

Thus the government has removed their ability to travel so while they are not totalitarian in name, they are in practice, to a point. Norwegians have nowhere near the rights that we do. Neither do the French (my wife is French) the Germans or the Brits. Hell there was a fantastic music video for the Police song "Invisible Sun". Banned in the UK, and whenever the video is posted to Youtube it only lasts a few days before it is pulled.

So yes, socialistic countries are indeed totalitarian, they just don't feel the need to murder their citizens so are a mild form of dictatorship.
Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?
Few? A few is what Japan has, 128 million people and roughly a dozen gun murders a year. We average 9k...

yes, a few.

we have 300+ million firearms in the hands of civilians.
(How many are in the hands of Japanese civilians)

which comes to well over 299+ million that weren't used to kill, or injure anyone.

Very small percentage being misused.
Sorry, that math doesn't work for me. I focus only on the body counts, since that is what matters.

take off your shoes and use your toes.

the math works
Nope. Tell me, are you bothered by people murdered by knives? I am, and yet that percentage will be even smaller because not as many people are killed that way and because we have several times the number of knives that we have guns but the only reasons I'm not calling for a ban on knives is they weren't invented simply to kill things. Regardless, in the end, the body count is the actual number that matters.

Really? It's only the body count that matters? So... you are telling us that you value a child rapist and murderer as much as you value the child?
I'd rather belong to the United States, where we have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Hopefully not for long. I think a repeal of the 2nd - or at least an amendment to the amendment - will be on the cards if these mass shootings keep on happening. People have had enough.

Won't happen in your lifetime, your childrens lifetime, not your grandchildrens lifetime.
I'd rather belong to the United States, where we have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Hopefully not for long. I think a repeal of the 2nd - or at least an amendment to the amendment - will be on the cards if these mass shootings keep on happening. People have had enough.

Really? I think you need to look at the poll numbers. A majority of the American people for the first time ever have stated that assault weapons SHOULD NOT be BANNED. Looks like you are wrong yet again...

"New NYT/CBS News Poll Shows Americans Oppose Assault Weapons Ban"

Wow. You really suck at conversation. You have to resort to a comedian to mouth your words for you. Truly, epically pathetic. Go home junior.

The bit I love the most in the routine is where he goes (and I'm paraphrasing here) "50 percent of you guys in the audience agree with me on my anti-gun stance. The other 50 percent are divided into three groups. Roughly 50 percent of them know this is a comedy routine and think it's funny. 40 percent don't really care and are just staring at the ceiling, not giving a fuck. The other 10 percent are seething. And for two reasons. 1) I'm making good points, 2) I'm a foreigner."

You belong to that 10 percent Westie....

I am quite happy to be counted in that august minority. Less than ten percent of Americans felt we should be free of the British Crown and we created a country that advanced farther, faster, than any country before it. You would have been one of those content to accept the scraps left to you by your masters. I'm not. I'm an adult and will have what I have worked for.
Bullcrap. A socialist government requires a form of totalitarianism for it to operate. A socialist government takes most of the money from the people who are then unable to do the sorts of things we can do here, thus they don't get to enjoy their lives nearly as completely as we do. How many Swedes do you see over here in the US?

How many Norwegians? I have a very good friend who is Norwegian and here in the States he is very middle class. But, he can afford to travel to Norway every couple of years to visit his relatives. They can't even though they qualify as middle class over there.

Thus the government has removed their ability to travel so while they are not totalitarian in name, they are in practice, to a point. Norwegians have nowhere near the rights that we do. Neither do the French (my wife is French) the Germans or the Brits. Hell there was a fantastic music video for the Police song "Invisible Sun". Banned in the UK, and whenever the video is posted to Youtube it only lasts a few days before it is pulled.

So yes, socialistic countries are indeed totalitarian, they just don't feel the need to murder their citizens so are a mild form of dictatorship.

You have no clue what a socialist govt is. A totalitarian govt is a totalitarian govt. You can't have a 'sort of' totalitarian govt. Norway, Sweden, France and Greece have socialist govts, which are in no way totalitarian...at all. Their political systems - NZ and Australia included - are much superior to yours.

What are you taking about? The European, Australian and NZ systems are much more freer than the US. You live under the illusion you are free but you are not. You are tied to corporations. They buy off you Senators and Congress critters with ease - let along state govts and governors - and run your country. Your freedom is an illusion. Sure, you're freer than almost all other non western countries, but compared to the rest of us your shackles are anything by transparent. You just don't know it.

I am quite happy to be counted in that august minority. Less than ten percent of Americans felt we should be free of the British Crown and we created a country that advanced farther, faster, than any country before it. You would have been one of those content to accept the scraps left to you by your masters. I'm not. I'm an adult and will have what I have worked for.

What masters? No one tells us what to do. Oh, sure the Queen is the head of the Comomnwealth, but so what? As if she has any affect on anything (she doesn't). I'd take my freedoms and country over yours any day of the week.
Bullcrap. A socialist government requires a form of totalitarianism for it to operate. A socialist government takes most of the money from the people who are then unable to do the sorts of things we can do here, thus they don't get to enjoy their lives nearly as completely as we do. How many Swedes do you see over here in the US?

How many Norwegians? I have a very good friend who is Norwegian and here in the States he is very middle class. But, he can afford to travel to Norway every couple of years to visit his relatives. They can't even though they qualify as middle class over there.

Thus the government has removed their ability to travel so while they are not totalitarian in name, they are in practice, to a point. Norwegians have nowhere near the rights that we do. Neither do the French (my wife is French) the Germans or the Brits. Hell there was a fantastic music video for the Police song "Invisible Sun". Banned in the UK, and whenever the video is posted to Youtube it only lasts a few days before it is pulled.

So yes, socialistic countries are indeed totalitarian, they just don't feel the need to murder their citizens so are a mild form of dictatorship.

You have no clue what a socialist govt is. A totalitarian govt is a totalitarian govt. You can't have a 'sort of' totalitarian govt. Norway, Sweden, France and Greece have socialist govts, which are in no way totalitarian...at all. Their political systems - NZ and Australia included - are much superior to yours.

What are you taking about? The European, Australian and NZ systems are much more freer than the US. You live under the illusion you are free but you are not. You are tied to corporations. They buy off you Senators and Congress critters with ease - let along state govts and governors - and run your country. Your freedom is an illusion. Sure, you're freer than almost all other non western countries, but compared to the rest of us your shackles are anything by transparent. You just don't know it.

Yeah, I do. My wife is French jackass. Her family has lived under a form of socialism their entire lives. They can't afford to travel here either for the most part. We helped pay for her cousin and his girlfriend to travel here so they could enjoy Burning Man, he's a theater director and she's a pyrotechnician so they had always wanted to see the spectacle.

I am tied to no corporations you imbecile. I purchase what I want form local companies almost exclusively, we purchase our food from local farms. We get our meat from Butlers Meats in Carson City and they source their inventory from local farms as well. The only corporations I regularly pay money to are the oil companies for the gas in my vehicles and lo and behold I own stock in them so get some of my money back.

You're a typical retard who knows nothing about the real world. Socialist governments take your money and give you a small bit of it back to go buy your booze to take your mind off of your miserable fucking life because you can't afford to do anything else.

I am quite happy to be counted in that august minority. Less than ten percent of Americans felt we should be free of the British Crown and we created a country that advanced farther, faster, than any country before it. You would have been one of those content to accept the scraps left to you by your masters. I'm not. I'm an adult and will have what I have worked for.

What masters? No one tells us what to do. Oh, sure the Queen is the head of the Comomnwealth, but so what? As if she has any affect on anything (she doesn't). I'd take my freedoms and country over yours any day of the week.

:laugh: Thank you for proving my point so eloquently.
Really? I think you need to look at the poll numbers. A majority of the American people for the first time ever have stated that assault weapons SHOULD NOT be BANNED. Looks like you are wrong yet again...

"New NYT/CBS News Poll Shows Americans Oppose Assault Weapons Ban"

Good News: New NYT/CBS News Poll Shows Americans Oppose Assault Weapons Ban

Two things: 1) If you look at the data of historic polls in your link, that is the first time in 12 polls that the figure has been against a ban. Not surprising after Paris and San Bernadino.
2) Below that poll is another that says 50 percent of people believe stricter gun laws would curb violence a lot or some.
Really? I think you need to look at the poll numbers. A majority of the American people for the first time ever have stated that assault weapons SHOULD NOT be BANNED. Looks like you are wrong yet again...

"New NYT/CBS News Poll Shows Americans Oppose Assault Weapons Ban"

Good News: New NYT/CBS News Poll Shows Americans Oppose Assault Weapons Ban

Two things: 1) If you look at the data of historic polls in your link, that is the first time in 12 polls that the figure has been against a ban. Not surprising after Paris and San Bernadino.
2) Below that poll is another that says 50 percent of people believe stricter gun laws would curb violence a lot or some.

You claimed that the people wanted assault weapons banned because they were "sick of them". You are wrong. The second number you posted has been at that level for the past 25 years. So yet again, nothing new.

You truly have no clue about what you are speaking. No wonder you're a grump. Most 'tards are....
:laugh: Thank you for proving my point so eloquently.

I haven't proven anything. Just because you think you're free doesn't mean you are....

I can watch any video I want. You can't. I can read any book I want. You can't. I can own any gun I want to. You can't. I can go to any movie I want to. You can't. I can watch hundreds of channels of TV whenever the hell I want to. You can't.

You like what you have because you have no clue what freedom truly is. You have no reference point to compare it to.

Good night child.
:laugh: Thank you for proving my point so eloquently.

I haven't proven anything. Just because you think you're free doesn't mean you are....

I haven't proven anything

You're finally correct about something

Just because you think you're free doesn't mean you are....

as free as you over there in the UK.

(or freer)

Spent 2 years over there in the late 80s,

That was enough
Yeah, I do. My wife is French jackass. Her family has lived under a form of socialism their entire lives. They can't afford to travel here either for the most part. We helped pay for her cousin and his girlfriend to travel here so they could enjoy Burning Man, he's a theater director and she's a pyrotechnician so they had always wanted to see the spectacle.

I am tied to no corporations you imbecile. I purchase what I want form local companies almost exclusively, we purchase our food from local farms. We get our meat from Butlers Meats in Carson City and they source their inventory from local farms as well. The only corporations I regularly pay money to are the oil companies for the gas in my vehicles and lo and behold I own stock in them so get some of my money back.

You're a typical retard who knows nothing about the real world. Socialist governments take your money and give you a small bit of it back to go buy your booze to take your mind off of your miserable fucking life because you can't afford to do anything else.

Maybe your wife's family needs to get better paying jobs. Only an imbecile would take their own personal family situation and say it is the norm. There are 100s of 1000s of rich French people and millions of middle class French people who travel all over the world every year.

You may not be tied to corporations but your representatives are.

Most socialist governments realise socialism and capitalism need to work together, not against one another.

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