3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?
Few? A few is what Japan has, 128 million people and roughly a dozen gun murders a year. We average 9k...

yes, a few.

we have 300+ million firearms in the hands of civilians.
(How many are in the hands of Japanese civilians)

which comes to well over 299+ million that weren't used to kill, or injure anyone.

Very small percentage being misused.
Sorry, that math doesn't work for me. I focus only on the body counts, since that is what matters.

take off your shoes and use your toes.

the math works
Nope. Tell me, are you bothered by people murdered by knives? I am, and yet that percentage will be even smaller because not as many people are killed that way and because we have several times the number of knives that we have guns but the only reasons I'm not calling for a ban on knives is they weren't invented simply to kill things. Regardless, in the end, the body count is the actual number that matters.

Regardless, in the end, the body count is the actual number that matters.

Only to someone that needs talking points instead of facts
Why would you be treated differently than any other law abiding citizen?
I wouldn't be.

You're claiming you would be.
Nope. I abhor hypocrites.

You should put yourself on ignore then
You should stop trolling.

Is that what bombarding you with facts is called now?
Take that test yet boys?


Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -8.0
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82


The Political Compass
You're claiming you would be.
Nope. I abhor hypocrites.

You should put yourself on ignore then
You should stop trolling.

Is that what bombarding you with facts is called now?
Your "facts" matter as much as the price of tea in China.

Your "facts" matter as much as the price of tea in China.

Because you ignore both?
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

The only math that matters is how many dead bodies do I have, which is almost without exception too many. At 100 or less a year, we'll call it good.
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Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

I own guns. Try again and see above

an admission of hypocrisy?

Good for you.

Now, go away.
Because you ignore both?
No, because they don't don't matter. There could be ten times as many guns and a tenth as many gun deaths, and it would still be too much and I would still want all the guns gone.

Then you admit facts don't matter, only your dislike of firearms?

It was fun laughing at you.

You might want to seek help with that case of Hoplophobia
I own guns. Try again and see above.

I own guns. Try again and see above

an admission of hypocrisy?

Good for you.

Now, go away.
Nope, when all the guns go mine go as well. Until then I have need of them, while most do not.
Wow. You really suck at conversation. You have to resort to a comedian to mouth your words for you. Truly, epically pathetic. Go home junior.

The bit I love the most in the routine is where he goes (and I'm paraphrasing here) "50 percent of you guys in the audience agree with me on my anti-gun stance. The other 50 percent are divided into three groups. Roughly 50 percent of them know this is a comedy routine and think it's funny. 40 percent don't really care and are just staring at the ceiling, not giving a fuck. The other 10 percent are seething. And for two reasons. 1) I'm making good points, 2) I'm a foreigner."

You belong to that 10 percent Westie....

Non on the scale of Paris.

but, they were mass shootings, in a country you claimed had had none for almost 20 years.

You've an average of one a day this year...using your analogy. You have two example in the four that were 9 YEARS apart....

Not according to Mother Jones.

They say only 4.

but, that's beside the point, because it doesn't fit your narrative.

YOu made the claim that NO mass shootings had occurred in Austrailia in almost 20 years.

I proved you wrong

stop whining.

join Paint in a cup of tea...

or perhaps Hemlock.
It's not surprising the stock of ARs are sold out. Same holds true for AKs. The supply into this country comes and goes. If they aren't in right now chances are they'll be back. However, I wouldn't wait too long on that putting that purchase off as these weapons may likely be outlawed with the next Administration if not before. A local guy was arrested yesterday because his AR had a shortened barrel thereby making it "illegal". Don't know if he performed the chop job or even was aware of it, but he was an activist that apparently pissed someone off and they were looking for an excuse to arrest him. Moral: don't flaunt your cosmetic surgery in the faces of the powerful especially when you've not been winning friends. Will come back to bite you in the ass.
Yes...Americans understand that the anti gun extremists are nuts.....so...after San Bernadino..where 14 unarmed people in a gun free zone were killed by 2 muslims with guns....in a gun free zone....Americans bought out the entire stock of AR-15s...

Post San Bernardino Gun Sales Surge Drains U.S. AR Supply - The Truth About Guns

TTAG’s reached out to some of this country’s largest firearms wholesalers and learned that the sales channel is dry. AR’s they ain’t got. And no wonder. IWI US’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Michael Kassner, tells TTAG that IWI’s sold thousands of Tavors over the weekend. Folks, that’s a $2k rifle. You can imagine how many low-end AR’s are finding new homes in the rush to tool-up against terrorism, further fueled by the assault media’s decision to come out of the gun confiscation closet, ahead of Hillary Clinton’s potential election. There’s a lag between wholesaler supply and what you see at your local gun store. That means . . .

you’ll still see guns on the shelves for the time being. But for how long?
Do ou know what we had before mass shootings, before gun free zones, before 300,000,000 plus semi-automatic weapons on the streets? We had virtually NO MASS SHOOTINGS.

Ye gods, what a pile. Lemme get my hip waders...

The problem isn't gun free zones. The problem is guns.

Anyone here remember the 1970s? Then, the gun problem was the Saturday Night Special. Small, concealable small caliber handguns that were cheap and easily obtainable. The gun favored by criminals for those very qualities.

Bullshit. "Saturday Night Special" is like "assault rifle" or "high capacity magazine": a buzzword devoid of meaning.

And what did the NRA advocate and the gun manufacturers provide? Semi-automatic firing systems and large capacity magazines. Their answer was more people with guns. And the natural consequence of that bit of irresponsible stupidity was the phenomenon of the mass shooting.

Idiocy. Semiautomatic firing systems have been around for over a century. They were first produced in the late 19th century...the first mass-produced semiauto rifle was the Winchester Model 1903. The legendary Colt .45 pistol went into production in 1911.

Also note: until 1968, anyone could buy almost any guns they wanted, mail order! You could order a rifle or shotgun from the Sears catalog. You could buy a 20mm anti-tank gun mail order.
Not according to Mother Jones.

They say only 4.

but, that's beside the point, because it doesn't fit your narrative.

YOu made the claim that NO mass shootings had occurred in Austrailia in almost 20 years.

I proved you wrong

stop whining.

join Paint in a cup of tea.

or perhaps Hemlock.

They were not random, which is the real point. They were domestic related, as are a lot of yours. As I said to westie, nuance isn't in the neocon whackjob mantra

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