3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.

Ever heard of a Bowie knife? You going to ban pointy knives like they want to do in the UK? The point being you asshats ban all sorts of things and the net result is those banned weapons end up being used more than before your stupid ban was put in place.

A thinking person would figure out that the practice doesn't work but you are two things...one is you're a non thinker and second you don't care about crime prevention, you only care about stripping rights and property from people because you are at heart a totalitarian monster as you have shown over and over and over.
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You mean like this? why look at that, all of the same "values" that PMH claims are fascist.

Terrific, not Left Wing, as I said.
Totally left wing moron. Government philosophies are teeter totters. On the right there is NO GOVERNMENT. On the left there is TOTAL GOVERNMENT. Try learning something other than the propaganda you have been fed your whole miserable life.
God you're an a moron.
Care to point to a place where they have worked? You are advocating for the theft of property guaranteed to me by the Bill of Rights so if there is no factual data that supports that theft (which so far I have been unable to locate) then your willingness to steal my property is immaterial to what you think is a "good idea". The fact remains that bans don't work so you'll just have to come up with some other hare brained idea to steal my property.

Don't care if it's your personal property. If the second is repealed it becomes the law of the land. I'm sure slave owners didn't like the change of law that made their property free either.

Of course bans work. Assault weapons were banned in Australia in 1997. There have been no mass shootings since.

Care to bet. I suggest you do a real search. And just so you know the weapon used in Tasmania was an illegal M-16 that had been confiscated by the Australian police and was slated to be destroyed. It wasn't and ended up being used to commit that horrible crime.

Those people all died because the AUSTRALIAN government fucked up.
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.
Ever heard of a Bowie knife? You going to ban pointy knives like they want to do in the UK? The point being you asshats ban all sorts of things and the net result is those banned weapons end up being used more than before your stupid ban was put in place.

A thinking person would figure out that the practice doesn't work but you are two things...one is you're a non thinker and second you don't care about crime prevention, you only care about stripping rights and property from people because you are at heart a totalitarian monster as you have shown over and over and over.
One, you lost the point on gun versus knife, two, why do we ban pipe bombs?
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You mean like this? why look at that, all of the same "values" that PMH claims are fascist.

Terrific, not Left Wing, as I said.
Totally left wing moron. Government philosophies are teeter totters. On the right there is NO GOVERNMENT. On the left there is TOTAL GOVERNMENT. Try learning something other than the propaganda you have been fed your whole miserable life.
God you're an a moron.

Oh look, a cute cartoon. Let me know when the world changes over into a cartoon. Till then your cartoon is cute but bullshit. Just like you.

So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...

No. The arguments are different. You cannot give the same weight to an argument about knives as you can about guns. It's like me giving the same weight to a single shot pistol and a nuclear bomb.
Care to point to a place where they have worked? You are advocating for the theft of property guaranteed to me by the Bill of Rights so if there is no factual data that supports that theft (which so far I have been unable to locate) then your willingness to steal my property is immaterial to what you think is a "good idea". The fact remains that bans don't work so you'll just have to come up with some other hare brained idea to steal my property.

Don't care if it's your personal property. If the second is repealed it becomes the law of the land. I'm sure slave owners didn't like the change of law that made their property free either.

Of course bans work. Assault weapons were banned in Australia in 1997. There have been no mass shootings since.

Except the ones on 21 October 2002, 29 April 2011, 9 September 2014, 22 October 2014
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

Assault weapons?


ball bats, tire irons, batons, lead pipes, etc?

BTW, which is the 'assault' weapon?

top, or bottom?
Which is full auto?
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.
Ever heard of a Bowie knife? You going to ban pointy knives like they want to do in the UK? The point being you asshats ban all sorts of things and the net result is those banned weapons end up being used more than before your stupid ban was put in place.

A thinking person would figure out that the practice doesn't work but you are two things...one is you're a non thinker and second you don't care about crime prevention, you only care about stripping rights and property from people because you are at heart a totalitarian monster as you have shown over and over and over.
One, you lost the point on gun versus knife, two, why do we ban pipe bombs?

No, I didn't. Your laws have been passed all over the world and those laws haven't prevented anything. The largest mass shooting just happened in France. Strict gun control. Before that it was Norway. Strict gun control.

Your laws don't work jackass.
Yes it is. Left wing is total government control. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT at all. Try using your noggin sometime.

Oh, so Hitler rounded up all the commies and shot them because he liked their philosophy? Really? No, no govt control is called libertarianism or anarchy. Talk about trying to use your noggin...

So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...

No. The arguments are different. You cannot give the same weight to an argument about knives as you can about guns. It's like me giving the same weight to a single shot pistol and a nuclear bomb.

Sure I can. They are both tools and are no better than the people who use them. No gun law has ever been shown to prevent crime. In fact it is the opposite. Where concealed carry laws have gone into effect the violent crime rate has dropped.

You are simply wrong.
it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

Assault weapons?


ball bats, tire irons, batons, lead pipes, etc?

BTW, which is the 'assault' weapon?

top, or bottom?

I was thinking "I wonder is some idiot will start on the old 'please define an assault weapon'...blah blah, blah." And here you are. I'm not going through this crap again. If you wanna be a smart arse, knock yourself out. Everybody - and I mean everybody including you - knows the generic term I'm refering.
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

Assault weapons?


ball bats, tire irons, batons, lead pipes, etc?

BTW, which is the 'assault' weapon?

top, or bottom?
Which is full auto?


nor are the ARs sold in gun stores.

you need a special license to purchase and own a fully automatic firearm
it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

Assault weapons?


ball bats, tire irons, batons, lead pipes, etc?

BTW, which is the 'assault' weapon?

top, or bottom?

I was thinking "I wonder is some idiot will start on the old 'please define an assault weapon'...blah blah, blah." And here you are. I'm not going through this crap again. If you wanna be a smart arse, knock yourself out. Everybody - and I mean everybody including you - knows the generic term I'm refering.

can't answer the question?
Yes it is. Left wing is total government control. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT at all. Try using your noggin sometime.

Oh, so Hitler rounded up all the commies and shot them because he liked their philosophy? Really? No, no govt control is called libertarianism or anarchy. Talk about trying to use your noggin...

Ummmmm, duh is the only response I can come up with. If you look at governments you have two choices for them. They are either individualistic where the individual has the maximum amount of rights and responsibilities, anarchy is the extreme form of that. The other choice is a collectivist government. The most extreme versions of that type government are totalitarian dictatorships such as the Soviet Union or fascist Germany. Both claimed to be socialist in nature but the reality was the citizen existed for the benefit of the State.

Family values that PMH referred to are cute but were non existent based on both the Soviet Union and the NAZI use of the children to spy on the parents to root out anti government thought.

So, yet again you are just simply wrong.
Ever heard of a Bowie knife? You going to ban pointy knives like they want to do in the UK? The point being you asshats ban all sorts of things and the net result is those banned weapons end up being used more than before your stupid ban was put in place.

A thinking person would figure out that the practice doesn't work but you are two things...one is you're a non thinker and second you don't care about crime prevention, you only care about stripping rights and property from people because you are at heart a totalitarian monster as you have shown over and over and over.

What a load of crap. Watch this video. While it is a comedy routine, he makes some relevant points - especially the bits about why you want your peashooter. I especially love the bit about 'crime prevention' and how a gun 'protects' your family.

So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike the knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.

Then why, out of the 300+ million privately owned firearms, are so few used to commit murder?
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

Assault weapons?


ball bats, tire irons, batons, lead pipes, etc?

BTW, which is the 'assault' weapon?

top, or bottom?
Which is full auto?


nor are the ARs sold in gun stores.

you need a special license to purchase and own a fully automatic firearm
I would require a special license to own any gun, very special.
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

Assault weapons?


ball bats, tire irons, batons, lead pipes, etc?

BTW, which is the 'assault' weapon?

top, or bottom?
Which is full auto?


nor are the ARs sold in gun stores.

you need a special license to purchase and own a fully automatic firearm
I would require a special license to own any gun, very special.

I would require a special license to own any gun, very special

Why would you be treated differently than any other law abiding citizen?

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