3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

They will either be banned or magazine capacity severely reduced. Duck hunters can only have 3 shells in gun at a time.
I think the proper thing is to simply apply the same laws to them as to the .45 Thompson. And if you are caught off your property with one of the assault weapons without that license, you get a felony conviction and all your guns confiscated and destroyed. Also, a three month waiting period to purchase a gun, whether private or commercial sale. And if you sell a gun without the paper work, same thing, felony conviction, and all your weapons are confiscated and destroyed, and you never can own another firearm. Not only that, if you do said sell, without the paperwork, and the gun is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You are a fucking idiot.

His ideas sound reasonable and sane to me.
Franco, mussolini and hitler were socialists......they did not believe in the principals of Modern Conservatism...or as it used to be known as "Classical Liberalism."

No, they were fascists. Hitler's National Socialists were socialist the same way the Democratic Republic of Korea is 'democratic'...
They will either be banned or magazine capacity severely reduced. Duck hunters can only have 3 shells in gun at a time.
I think the proper thing is to simply apply the same laws to them as to the .45 Thompson. And if you are caught off your property with one of the assault weapons without that license, you get a felony conviction and all your guns confiscated and destroyed. Also, a three month waiting period to purchase a gun, whether private or commercial sale. And if you sell a gun without the paper work, same thing, felony conviction, and all your weapons are confiscated and destroyed, and you never can own another firearm. Not only that, if you do said sell, without the paperwork, and the gun is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You are a fucking idiot.

His ideas sound reasonable and sane to me.

Care to point to a place where they have worked? You are advocating for the theft of property guaranteed to me by the Bill of Rights so if there is no factual data that supports that theft (which so far I have been unable to locate) then your willingness to steal my property is immaterial to what you think is a "good idea". The fact remains that bans don't work so you'll just have to come up with some other hare brained idea to steal my property.
Franco, mussolini and hitler were socialists......they did not believe in the principals of Modern Conservatism...or as it used to be known as "Classical Liberalism."

No, they were fascists. Hitler's National Socialists were socialist the same way the Democratic Republic of Korea is 'democratic'...

There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
Yes...Americans understand that the anti gun extremists are nuts.....so...after San Bernadino..where 14 unarmed people in a gun free zone were killed by 2 muslims with guns....in a gun free zone....Americans bought out the entire stock of AR-15s...

Post San Bernardino Gun Sales Surge Drains U.S. AR Supply - The Truth About Guns

TTAG’s reached out to some of this country’s largest firearms wholesalers and learned that the sales channel is dry. AR’s they ain’t got. And no wonder. IWI US’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Michael Kassner, tells TTAG that IWI’s sold thousands of Tavors over the weekend. Folks, that’s a $2k rifle. You can imagine how many low-end AR’s are finding new homes in the rush to tool-up against terrorism, further fueled by the assault media’s decision to come out of the gun confiscation closet, ahead of Hillary Clinton’s potential election. There’s a lag between wholesaler supply and what you see at your local gun store. That means . . .

you’ll still see guns on the shelves for the time being. But for how long?
Do ou know what we had before mass shootings, before gun free zones, before 300,000,000 plus semi-automatic weapons on the streets? We had virtually NO MASS SHOOTINGS.

The problem isn't gun free zones. The problem is guns.

Anyone here remember the 1970s? Then, the gun problem was the Saturday Night Special. Small, concealable small caliber handguns that were cheap and easily obtainable. The gun favored by criminals for those very qualities.

And what did the NRA advocate and the gun manufacturers provide? Semi-automatic firing systems and large capacity magazines. Their answer was more people with guns. And the natural consequence of that bit of irresponsible stupidity was the phenomenon of the mass shooting.

Honestly, who is buying their specious logic? With that line of thinking we were told that more guns makes us safer, as if gasoline could extinguish fires.

Well, here we are. 300,000,000, plus guns on our streets. With all those triggers out there, why, oh God why do we still suffer gun deaths by mass shooting?

Anyone who answers "gun free zones" is guilty of one dimensional thinking and perpetuating death and tragedy.
Care to point to a place where they have worked? You are advocating for the theft of property guaranteed to me by the Bill of Rights so if there is no factual data that supports that theft (which so far I have been unable to locate) then your willingness to steal my property is immaterial to what you think is a "good idea". The fact remains that bans don't work so you'll just have to come up with some other hare brained idea to steal my property.

Don't care if it's your personal property. If the second is repealed it becomes the law of the land. I'm sure slave owners didn't like the change of law that made their property free either.

Of course bans work. Assault weapons were banned in Australia in 1997. There have been no mass shootings since.
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You mean like this? why look at that, all of the same "values" that PMH claims are fascist.

There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You mean like this? why look at that, all of the same "values" that PMH claims are fascist.

Terrific, not Left Wing, as I said.
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You mean like this? why look at that, all of the same "values" that PMH claims are fascist.

Terrific, not Left Wing, as I said.

Totally left wing moron. Government philosophies are teeter totters. On the right there is NO GOVERNMENT. On the left there is TOTAL GOVERNMENT. Try learning something other than the propaganda you have been fed your whole miserable life.
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.

No they are not. Totalitarianism is not left-wing.

Yes it is. Left wing is total government control. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT at all. Try using your noggin sometime.
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow
So do guns. Every argument you just made to support pointy knives is equally applicable to guns.

Just sayin...
A gun was invented for only one reason, very unlike the knife. While it can kill, it wasn't designed only to kill, and mostly human beings.
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Hmmmmm. There have always been shitloads of guns in the country. The only correlation I see is the more gun laws the more crime. Now, correlation does not equal causation but there are 20,000 gun laws on the books as we speak. There is more gun crime now than there was before any of those laws were enacted.

Care to post up who commits the overwhelming majority of violent crime in the USA?
So were knives, and spears.

That aside, what percentage of personally owned firearms are used to kill or maim?

Knives have many uses. How many people have personal spears? And how often are they used to commit crimes.

Most people are not unhappy with personally owned firearms (although why they are needed is another story), it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

it's the assault weapons that make most people raise an eyebrow

Assault weapons?


ball bats, tire irons, batons, lead pipes, etc?

BTW, which is the 'assault' weapon?

top, or bottom?

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