3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

Volunteer at a soup kitchen and leave me out of it.

Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME!

No...it's all about I pay a shitload in taxes so I'm doing more than my part.
Plus I spend a crapload of money thus fattening up the tax coffers so democrats can give the money to some undeserving bum,or piss it away on things like the 500 billion that went missing with the Solyndra scam your buddy obama orchestrated.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen and leave me out of it.

Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME!

No...it's all about I pay a shitload in taxes so I'm doing more than my part.
Plus I spend a crapload of money thus fattening up the tax coffers so democrats can give the money to some undeserving bum,or piss it away on things like the 500 billion that went missing with the Solyndra scam your buddy obama orchestrated.

So what? We're all still paying trillions for your NaziCon war on Iraq - and will be for a long time.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen and leave me out of it.

Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME!

No...it's all about I pay a shitload in taxes so I'm doing more than my part.
Plus I spend a crapload of money thus fattening up the tax coffers so democrats can give the money to some undeserving bum,or piss it away on things like the 500 billion that went missing with the Solyndra scam your buddy obama orchestrated.

So what? We're all still paying trillions for your NaziCon war on Iraq - and will be for a long time.

You have no room to talk when it comes to military spending and wars.
And It sure would be nice if obama would spend some of those missing trillions on protecting Americans....but that doesnt seem to be in the budget.
Although he's just fine with spending our money on immigrants from questionable regions.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen and leave me out of it.

Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME!

No...it's all about I pay a shitload in taxes so I'm doing more than my part.
Plus I spend a crapload of money thus fattening up the tax coffers so democrats can give the money to some undeserving bum,or piss it away on things like the 500 billion that went missing with the Solyndra scam your buddy obama orchestrated.

So what? We're all still paying trillions for your NaziCon war on Iraq - and will be for a long time.

You have no room to talk when it comes to military spending and wars.
And It sure would be nice if obama would spend some of those missing trillions on protecting Americans....but that doesnt seem to be in the budget.
Although he's just fine with spending our money on immigrants from questionable regions.

How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't stop on the day Obama was sworn in.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen and leave me out of it.

Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME!

No...it's all about I pay a shitload in taxes so I'm doing more than my part.
Plus I spend a crapload of money thus fattening up the tax coffers so democrats can give the money to some undeserving bum,or piss it away on things like the 500 billion that went missing with the Solyndra scam your buddy obama orchestrated.

So what? We're all still paying trillions for your NaziCon war on Iraq - and will be for a long time.

You have no room to talk when it comes to military spending and wars.
And It sure would be nice if obama would spend some of those missing trillions on protecting Americans....but that doesnt seem to be in the budget.
Although he's just fine with spending our money on immigrants from questionable regions.

How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't stop on the day Obama was sworn in.

1.7 trillion...so what happened to the other 6.3 trillion?
Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME!

No...it's all about I pay a shitload in taxes so I'm doing more than my part.
Plus I spend a crapload of money thus fattening up the tax coffers so democrats can give the money to some undeserving bum,or piss it away on things like the 500 billion that went missing with the Solyndra scam your buddy obama orchestrated.

So what? We're all still paying trillions for your NaziCon war on Iraq - and will be for a long time.

You have no room to talk when it comes to military spending and wars.
And It sure would be nice if obama would spend some of those missing trillions on protecting Americans....but that doesnt seem to be in the budget.
Although he's just fine with spending our money on immigrants from questionable regions.

How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't stop on the day Obama was sworn in.

1.7 trillion...so what happened to the other 6.3 trillion?

Funny. Please provide your "credible" proof - with calculations.
No...it's all about I pay a shitload in taxes so I'm doing more than my part.
Plus I spend a crapload of money thus fattening up the tax coffers so democrats can give the money to some undeserving bum,or piss it away on things like the 500 billion that went missing with the Solyndra scam your buddy obama orchestrated.

So what? We're all still paying trillions for your NaziCon war on Iraq - and will be for a long time.

You have no room to talk when it comes to military spending and wars.
And It sure would be nice if obama would spend some of those missing trillions on protecting Americans....but that doesnt seem to be in the budget.
Although he's just fine with spending our money on immigrants from questionable regions.

How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't stop on the day Obama was sworn in.

1.7 trillion...so what happened to the other 6.3 trillion?

Funny. Please provide your "credible" proof - with calculations.

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

The new CRS report says the war in Iraq ended up costing $814.6 billion. Afghanistan has cost $685.6 billion.

It's all over the internet....
So what? We're all still paying trillions for your NaziCon war on Iraq - and will be for a long time.

You have no room to talk when it comes to military spending and wars.
And It sure would be nice if obama would spend some of those missing trillions on protecting Americans....but that doesnt seem to be in the budget.
Although he's just fine with spending our money on immigrants from questionable regions.

How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't stop on the day Obama was sworn in.

1.7 trillion...so what happened to the other 6.3 trillion?

Funny. Please provide your "credible" proof - with calculations.

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

The new CRS report says the war in Iraq ended up costing $814.6 billion. Afghanistan has cost $685.6 billion.

It's all over the internet....

Since when are those two wars over? The Bush clusterfuck is far from over.
Go for a Saiga in 7.62 - 39........they can cycle a ham and cheese sandwich without a hiccup, reliable as all hell and the ammo is cheap.

It really is stoopid how many guns have sold in recent weeks!! Every time Soetero opens his mouth on ghey gun control, gun shop owners head to pubs to buy everybody a round!!:2up:
Go for a Saiga in 7.62 - 39........they can cycle a ham and cheese sandwich without a hiccup, reliable as all hell and the ammo is cheap.

It really is stoopid how many guns have sold in recent weeks!! Every time Soetero opens his mouth on ghey gun control, gun shop owners head to pubs to buy everybody a round!!:2up:

One of the local distributors I know well-sold 250 AR rifles in the last week-they normally do about 25 a week

Obama is going to make the Christmas Bonuses there pretty nice.

Just bought 10 P-Mag G3 20 rounders-normally they haver a thousand in stock. not now
Go for a Saiga in 7.62 - 39........they can cycle a ham and cheese sandwich without a hiccup, reliable as all hell and the ammo is cheap.

It really is stoopid how many guns have sold in recent weeks!! Every time Soetero opens his mouth on ghey gun control, gun shop owners head to pubs to buy everybody a round!!:2up:

One of the local distributors I know well-sold 250 AR rifles in the last week-they normally do about 25 a week

Obama is going to make the Christmas Bonuses there pretty nice.

Just bought 10 P-Mag G3 20 rounders-normally they haver a thousand in stock. not now

God bless the NRA - and retarded gun nutters!
Go for a Saiga in 7.62 - 39........they can cycle a ham and cheese sandwich without a hiccup, reliable as all hell and the ammo is cheap.

It really is stoopid how many guns have sold in recent weeks!! Every time Soetero opens his mouth on ghey gun control, gun shop owners head to pubs to buy everybody a round!!:2up:

One of the local distributors I know well-sold 250 AR rifles in the last week-they normally do about 25 a week

Obama is going to make the Christmas Bonuses there pretty nice.

Just bought 10 P-Mag G3 20 rounders-normally they haver a thousand in stock. not now

God bless the NRA - and retarded gun nutters!

Indeed............couldn't agree more.

Hey what do the limpwristeed use out there in Shitstainsville, South Dakota? Have you people even ever seen a skyscraper or fireworks show?:disbelief:

Love the sentiments of the jerkoff fairy-asses who live in the middle of nowhere!! Ofcuckingcourse you can afford to be a limpwrister when a terror bad guy is not going to come within 500 miles of your sand pit landscape.
Yes...Americans understand that the anti gun extremists are nuts.....so...after San Bernadino..where 14 unarmed people in a gun free zone were killed by 2 muslims with guns....in a gun free zone....Americans bought out the entire stock of AR-15s...

Post San Bernardino Gun Sales Surge Drains U.S. AR Supply - The Truth About Guns

TTAG’s reached out to some of this country’s largest firearms wholesalers and learned that the sales channel is dry. AR’s they ain’t got. And no wonder. IWI US’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Michael Kassner, tells TTAG that IWI’s sold thousands of Tavors over the weekend. Folks, that’s a $2k rifle. You can imagine how many low-end AR’s are finding new homes in the rush to tool-up against terrorism, further fueled by the assault media’s decision to come out of the gun confiscation closet, ahead of Hillary Clinton’s potential election. There’s a lag between wholesaler supply and what you see at your local gun store. That means . . .

you’ll still see guns on the shelves for the time being. But for how long?
Yeah, that's what every family needs, automatic rifles to take down the bans of terrorist in their neighborhood.

Because they look dangerous?
I believe that either is the main reason or has a lot to do with it. Resemblance to the M-16, which is seen in all contemporary war movies imparts a certain macho mystique to it.

I'm a relic from the M-1 Garand era, which was one hell of a weapon. Big and heavy, but it will take out an adversary right through a cinder block wall at 500 yards. But the present ideal is light weight and Buck Rogers imagery.

I've never seen an AR-15, which closely resembles the M-16 and probably accounts for its popularity. Based on all I've read and heard about both weapons my preference inclines to the AK-47, which is very sturdy, extremely reliable -- even in wet, sandy conditions, and is relatively simple to disassemble and clean. Plus a good AK-47 is priced at around $400, while an AR-15 costs $1,500. I don't know how much an M-16 costs but it must be around $2,000.

I'll be interested in hearing from those who have hands-on knowledge of all three of these weapons. Which is the better weapon, and why?

I have one of each. If society collapsed and I could only head to the hills with 1....no question it's the AK47. Never breaks. Never needs cleaning. Fires a 2x larger bullet. And...it eats the cheapest steel cased ammo you can buy... $4 for 20 rounds...and loves it. I can by 100 rounds for $15 in bulk packs every time I'm in the store and never hurts the budget. Have a great supply stocked up now. About 8 spare mags. Give me the AK any day over the AR.

the question is what mental illness makes you *want* society to collapse?
According to NRA gun nutters - we may as well do away with speed limits and motor vehicle laws. After all - they don't prevent EVERYONE from violating them. Should we also do away with law enforcement - since they don't prevent and/or solve ALL crimes?

Treating law abiding people like criminals so as to maybe stop a crime is counterproductive

Cops don't pull over every driver to maybe catch one drunk
Cops don't search every house in a town to maybe catch one drug dealer

And cops are not there to protect you they show up after the crime to take pictures of the blood splatter

Really? What is radar for? Are you suggesting that cops don't specifically guard people and property?

No they don't

When was the last time a cop "guarded " you or your home?
Why have Secret Service protection? After all, JFK was killed and Reagan was shot. Hint: Because it helps - and is better than not having Secret Service protection. Imagine if Obama didn't have Secret Service protection.
You cannot compare a contingent of armed body guards designated specifically to protect one person to a police force

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