3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

You claimed that the people wanted assault weapons banned because they were "sick of them". You are wrong. The second number you posted has been at that level for the past 25 years. So yet again, nothing new.

You truly have no clue about what you are speaking. No wonder you're a grump. Most 'tards are....

Up until your last poll they did for more than 20 years. The fickleness of current events has an effect. People are running scared because of ISIS. No surprises they want their peashooters. ISIS is the NRA and gun manufacturer's wet dream. No need for any advertising. Just scaremonger.

As I said, and I'll say again, nuance is lost on neocon whackjobs. Everything is black and white to you. Why? Because you're not smart enough to think outside the circle or see the bigger picture.
I can watch any video I want. You can't. I can read any book I want. You can't. I can own any gun I want to. You can't. I can go to any movie I want to. You can't. I can watch hundreds of channels of TV whenever the hell I want to. You can't.

You like what you have because you have no clue what freedom truly is. You have no reference point to compare it to.

Good night child.

We don't have hundreds of channels because there is no demand. At the moment I have access to about 50 or 60. You can't watch any video you want. You can watch child porn? Really? Illegal here for good reason. I can watch any other video I want, read any book I want and watch any movie I want. You equate owning a gun to freedom??? RATFLMAO! I would see it as a rod on my back. BTW, if I really want to, I can own a gun. Have to get a license, but I can own one.

As for freedom, I'm talking about your political system and who's pulling the levers....
I can watch any video I want. You can't. I can read any book I want. You can't. I can own any gun I want to. You can't. I can go to any movie I want to. You can't. I can watch hundreds of channels of TV whenever the hell I want to. You can't.

You like what you have because you have no clue what freedom truly is. You have no reference point to compare it to.

Good night child.

We don't have hundreds of channels because there is no demand. At the moment I have access to about 50 or 60. You can't watch any video you want. You can watch child porn? Really? Illegal here for good reason. I can watch any other video I want, read any book I want and watch any movie I want. You equate owning a gun to freedom??? RATFLMAO! I would see it as a rod on my back. BTW, if I really want to, I can own a gun. Have to get a license, but I can own one.

As for freedom, I'm talking about your political system and who's pulling the levers....

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure there isn't. There were 3 TV channels when I was a child. When I made it into my 20's there were up to 9 I think it was. As many channels as there are there are people to watch them you buffoon. No, you can't watch the music video by the Police called Invisible Sun. It is BANNED in the UK but not here in the States. No, you can't get a license unless you have money so no, you are not free to get a gun. On the other hand I can go down to my local store and buy any one I choose.

No license, no permit, and that's because, unlike your country, where the government has determined you are nothing more than a child and are not to be trusted with sharp pointy things because you might put your eye out, my government was founded by men who realized that true freedom requires that anyone who wishes one may have a firearm because we're adults.

The same assholes who pull our levers are also pulling yours junior. Do try and keep up. Your understanding of the world ir remarkably myopic.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure there isn't. There were 3 TV channels when I was a child. When I made it into my 20's there were up to 9 I think it was. As many channels as there are there are people to watch them you buffoon. No, you can't watch the music video by the Police called Invisible Sun. It is BANNED in the UK but not here in the States. No, you can't get a license unless you have money so no, you are not free to get a gun. On the other hand I can go down to my local store and buy any one I choose.

No license, no permit, and that's because, unlike your country, where the government has determined you are nothing more than a child and are not to be trusted with sharp pointy things because you might put your eye out, my government was founded by men who realized that true freedom requires that anyone who wishes one may have a firearm because we're adults.

The same assholes who pull our levers are also pulling yours junior. Do try and keep up. Your understanding of the world ir remarkably myopic.

Invisible Sun was banned by the BBC, the state-owned channel. It was available on all other free to air channels, so you are wrong. However the US does have a history of censorship... Banned! A History of Banned Rock 'N' Roll

You equate owning guns to freedom? RATFLMAO! Ha! I see it as a yoke around your neck where you are so scared and distrustful of your society and govt you only feel safe with your peashooter in your hands. Our society has moved on from such archaic thinking.

Your levers are being pulled by your corporate overlords....that gas you buy, the roads you use, the electricity pulsing through your house are brought to you by your monied overseers. Bow to Magog oh slave of the almighty dollar...
BTW Screw drivers, hammers and wrenches have been used to murder a lot of people too

Let's play a game. Let's count up all the hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches in the world and see how many have been used to kill people, and how many have been used for what they were designed to do.

Let's do the same with guns.
BTW Screw drivers, hammers and wrenches have been used to murder a lot of people too

Let's play a game. Let's count up all the hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches in the world and see how many have been used to kill people, and how many have been used for what they were designed to do.

Let's do the same with guns.

Do you know what the least common denominator in all murders is?

It's not a gun, it's not a weapon of any kind

It's the person who decides to kill

As far as I'm concerned my guns are designed to fire a projectile at a target that is all

It is I who choose the target no one else

People are violent always have been always will be

And I can tell you that fists and feet kill more people than rifles of any kind including so called assault rifles

Maybe people were designed to maim and kill too huh?
Franco, mussolini and hitler were socialists......they did not believe in the principals of Modern Conservatism...or as it used to be known as "Classical Liberalism."

No, they were fascists. Hitler's National Socialists were socialist the same way the Democratic Republic of Korea is 'democratic'...

Nope....they were actually socialists......you guys want to deny him because his crimes were called out in public while the mass murders of the other socialists, the international socialists, occurred in remote locations....so if you can't deny hitler, the one guy who was called out for mass murder, then you have to accept that socialism, in all it's variations is responsible for the mass murder or genocide of close to 100 million people in modern times....
BTW Screw drivers, hammers and wrenches have been used to murder a lot of people too

Let's play a game. Let's count up all the hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches in the world and see how many have been used to kill people, and how many have been used for what they were designed to do.

Let's do the same with guns.

Each year knives kill more people than rifles.

Each year blunt objects kill more people than rifles.

Each year bare hands kill more people than rifles.
Yes...Americans understand that the anti gun extremists are nuts.....so...after San Bernadino..where 14 unarmed people in a gun free zone were killed by 2 muslims with guns....in a gun free zone....Americans bought out the entire stock of AR-15s...

Post San Bernardino Gun Sales Surge Drains U.S. AR Supply - The Truth About Guns

TTAG’s reached out to some of this country’s largest firearms wholesalers and learned that the sales channel is dry. AR’s they ain’t got. And no wonder. IWI US’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Michael Kassner, tells TTAG that IWI’s sold thousands of Tavors over the weekend. Folks, that’s a $2k rifle. You can imagine how many low-end AR’s are finding new homes in the rush to tool-up against terrorism, further fueled by the assault media’s decision to come out of the gun confiscation closet, ahead of Hillary Clinton’s potential election. There’s a lag between wholesaler supply and what you see at your local gun store. That means . . .

you’ll still see guns on the shelves for the time being. But for how long?
Do ou know what we had before mass shootings, before gun free zones, before 300,000,000 plus semi-automatic weapons on the streets? We had virtually NO MASS SHOOTINGS.

The problem isn't gun free zones. The problem is guns.

Anyone here remember the 1970s? Then, the gun problem was the Saturday Night Special. Small, concealable small caliber handguns that were cheap and easily obtainable. The gun favored by criminals for those very qualities.

And what did the NRA advocate and the gun manufacturers provide? Semi-automatic firing systems and large capacity magazines. Their answer was more people with guns. And the natural consequence of that bit of irresponsible stupidity was the phenomenon of the mass shooting.

Honestly, who is buying their specious logic? With that line of thinking we were told that more guns makes us safer, as if gasoline could extinguish fires.

Well, here we are. 300,000,000, plus guns on our streets. With all those triggers out there, why, oh God why do we still suffer gun deaths by mass shooting?

Anyone who answers "gun free zones" is guilty of one dimensional thinking and perpetuating death and tragedy.

You realize that rifles kill fewer people than knives, blunt objects and bare hands right...and you are wrong...did you research mass shootings? Before the 70s........you should...
A gun is a tool

Tell me do you have only one size wrench or only one screwdriver in your tool box?

A tool designed to kill and maim people. What are your wrench and screwdriver designed to do?

Nope... a gun is designed to preserve the life of the user or those he protects.....and in most cases the weapon isn't taken out of the holster or if it is, it isn't fired.......
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You just listed the values instilled by socialists all over the world.
Franco, mussolini and hitler were socialists......they did not believe in the principals of Modern Conservatism...or as it used to be known as "Classical Liberalism."

No, they were fascists. Hitler's National Socialists were socialist the same way the Democratic Republic of Korea is 'democratic'...

The German government had complete control over the economy.....they were socialists.
Care to point to a place where they have worked? You are advocating for the theft of property guaranteed to me by the Bill of Rights so if there is no factual data that supports that theft (which so far I have been unable to locate) then your willingness to steal my property is immaterial to what you think is a "good idea". The fact remains that bans don't work so you'll just have to come up with some other hare brained idea to steal my property.

Don't care if it's your personal property. If the second is repealed it becomes the law of the land. I'm sure slave owners didn't like the change of law that made their property free either.

Of course bans work. Assault weapons were banned in Australia in 1997. There have been no mass shootings since.

You are right...when the republicans used guns to free blacks from their democrat slave masters...the democrats didn't like it one bit...that is why some of the democrats created the ku klux klan and others murdered the free blacks and their republican allies.....

And that is a lie about the confiscation in Australia...they have had 3 mass shootings in Australia since the ban.....and many more that could easily have been mass shootings, the only thing that stopped the shooter from being a mass shooter, since he already had an illegal gun...he didn't shoot more people...

Gun ownership in Australia is back up to the levels before the confiscation and their gun crime rate is starting to go up.
There's no difference between the socialism practiced by Stalin,and the fascism practiced by Hitler. They are both left wing philosophies.
Utter nonsense, of course, and they are nothing like left wing. This, kiddos, is right-wing:

Family, nationalism, racism, symbolism, conformity, unity, expansionism, xenophobia, and aggression (AKA war).

You mean like this? why look at that, all of the same "values" that PMH claims are fascist.

Terrific, not Left Wing, as I said.
Totally left wing moron. Government philosophies are teeter totters. On the right there is NO GOVERNMENT. On the left there is TOTAL GOVERNMENT. Try learning something other than the propaganda you have been fed your whole miserable life.
God you're an a moron.

State imposed collectivism doesn't include hitler...did you ever research the German economy......I love how you lefties have to manipulate everything to hide who you really are...the left needs more government to implement it's collectivist beliefs, the right seeks to limit the government........do some real research..and please link to which left wing site you got that image from.

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