3 Conservative Lies About Obama's Record Debunked in One Post

Jun 9, 2012

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.

Do you wear knee pads when waving the pom poms?

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.

Do you wear knee pads when waving the pom poms?

Yes, we know how much you right wingers can't stand the truth, but you will keep cheerleading the GOP trash no matter what. Goooooooooooooooo team! :eusa_hand:
Lefties newest thing is putting up bullshit charts from Lefty websites - without making any sort of their own statement - and expecting us to take the time to deconstruct the falsified data behind it.

F them.

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.

Do you wear knee pads when waving the pom poms?

Got nothing, aye?
Lefties newest thing is putting up bullshit charts from Lefty websites - without making any sort of their own statement - and expecting us to take the time to deconstruct the falsified data behind it.

F them.

I agree, it's getting old to see the crap being spewed from the left. If Obama's record on jobs and spending is so great, why isn't he running on them?? Did he forget to read the Daily Cuss today??

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.

Do you wear knee pads when waving the pom poms?

He doesn't wave pom poms. He drew a picture of Obama on his hand and makes out with it whenever he isn't typing up these threads.

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.

Do you wear knee pads when waving the pom poms?

He doesn't wave pom poms. He drew a picture of Obama on his hand and makes out with it whenever he isn't typing up these threads.

And you have nothing as well.


ANY chance people can actually address the graphs and info in the OP?
Lefties newest thing is putting up bullshit charts from Lefty websites - without making any sort of their own statement - and expecting us to take the time to deconstruct the falsified data behind it.

F them.

I agree, it's getting old to see the crap being spewed from the left. If Obama's record on jobs and spending is so great, why isn't he running on them?? Did he forget to read the Daily Cuss today??

The business insider is a bullshit chart from a lefty site? :cuckoo:

Your desperation is beyond pathetic, if you think these charts are lying, feel free to find others with the same information.
If not, just admit you are a bunch of crybabies that can't get over how much the GOP hates america and does nothing but destroys it further at every chance they get,...
there lies flourish because they repete and repete them right in the face of facts.

they need to be outed every damned time they try to repete their lies.
Lefties newest thing is putting up bullshit charts from Lefty websites - without making any sort of their own statement - and expecting us to take the time to deconstruct the falsified data behind it.

F them.

I agree, it's getting old to see the crap being spewed from the left. If Obama's record on jobs and spending is so great, why isn't he running on them?? Did he forget to read the Daily Cuss today??

He is running on them, Dummy. You're just not seeing it because you watch Fox News. Where do you think this data is coming from? Oh you poor little simpletons don't like the truth, spelled out in chart form? Tough shit. Swallow the pill and get on with it.

As for me not making my own statement? First, you need to read my post in its entirety. I backed up my claims of the lies debunked within it. Secondly, when you have facts behind you, you don't need a fucking opinion. That's why I'm not Rushed Rimjob. You see, I don't need to make up lies to support my OPINION about the largest tax hike in the country's history, or about his spending and jobs record. I have data. Data is king. Data trumps your tremors and suspicions, muh-facka.
Do you wear knee pads when waving the pom poms?

He doesn't wave pom poms. He drew a picture of Obama on his hand and makes out with it whenever he isn't typing up these threads.

And you have nothing as well.


ANY chance people can actually address the graphs and info in the OP?

The charts are based on local and state jobs, not federal. DC fed jobs are exploding while state and local governments are losing revenue and laying off folks because of the lost business revenue. A lot of businesses have shut their doors or moved to other countries in the past couple of years.

Like I said if Obama's record is so good, why isn't he running on it??
Do you wear knee pads when waving the pom poms?

He doesn't wave pom poms. He drew a picture of Obama on his hand and makes out with it whenever he isn't typing up these threads.

And you have nothing as well.


ANY chance people can actually address the graphs and info in the OP?

Lol oh BDBoop.

Allow me to give you the real reason why I didn't break down his OP.

Conservaderrps started a thread with a list of points about Obamacare. Quantum_Windbag went through every single point and told him why he was wrong, Conservaderrps responded to Quantum with a long list of insults, addressing nothing that was said to him.

He's not here to discuss anything, he's here to fling poo at anyone who would dare say anything other than Obama is my Savior. So I'll fling a little of what I have as well and have fun while doing it :).
there lies flourish because they repete and repete them right in the face of facts.

they need to be outed every damned time they try to repete their lies.

I would think after 3 tries you'd spell REPEAT correctly! Lol!

Was it YOU that said you were a TEACHER? Wasn't english was it?? :)
there lies flourish because they repete and repete them right in the face of facts.

they need to be outed every damned time they try to repete their lies.

I would think after 3 tries you'd spell REPEAT correctly! Lol!

Was it YOU that said you were a TEACHER? Wasn't english was it?? :)

I think you're thinking of Franco. He says he's a teacher, which is equally frightening (if that lie were true).
Where is the federal employee plot on that chart? States are broke, so they are slashing spending. This makes sense. What about the federal employees vs. the private sector?

I wish i could find harder data.

Where is the federal employee plot on that chart? States are broke, so they are slashing spending. This makes sense. What about the federal employees vs. the private sector?

I wish i could find harder data.


Anyone can pick and choose data that says what they want it to say, whala a chart comes into existence that even matches the data. Neat little thing data is. :lol:
Where is the federal employee plot on that chart? States are broke, so they are slashing spending. This makes sense. What about the federal employees vs. the private sector?

I wish i could find harder data.


Anyone can pick and choose data that says what they want it to say, whala a chart comes into existence that even matches the data. Neat little thing data is. :lol:

Well, yeah. the original OP chart is void of federal employees vs. private employees. I wonder why that is? Could it be because the federal government employs more people than the private sector, which would make the entire argument that Obama has not increased the size of government void and therefore a lie?

That's what i see here. The federal govt. has steadily grown while the states/locals are forced the slash spending due to budget shortfalls.

That graph was the only one I could find on it because it seems people want to talk about the pay between private/public more than the figures on how many people the federal govt. employs. Which by the way, is sad. The federal workers make almost double that of the private workers that pay the public workers salaries. That's not sustainable. Especially if federal payroll head counts continue to increase.
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Where is the federal employee plot on that chart? States are broke, so they are slashing spending. This makes sense. What about the federal employees vs. the private sector?

I wish i could find harder data.


Anyone can pick and choose data that says what they want it to say, whala a chart comes into existence that even matches the data. Neat little thing data is. :lol:

Well, yeah. the original OP chart is void of federal employees vs. private employees. I wonder why that is? Could it be because the federal government employs more people than the private sector, which would make the entire argument that Obama has not increased the size of government void and therefore a lie?

That's what i see here. The federal govt. has steadily grown while the states/locals are forced the slash spending due to budget shortfalls.

That graph was the only one I could find on it because it seems people want to talk about the pay between private/public more than the figures on how many people the federal govt. employs. Which by the way, is sad. The federal workers make almost double that of the private workers that pay the public workers salaries. That's not sustainable. Especially if federal payroll head counts continue to increase.

Private Sector Is Not Fine Public Sector Is Still Fat


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