3 current FBI investigations: Clinton emails, Clinton Foundation, and Dossier author

FBI, DOJ ramp up Clinton Foundation investigation

Payback is a bitch, just like Hillary.

The DOJ is going to reopen the email case, they are looking at pay for play Corrupt in the Clinton Foundation, and look into the author of the Trump Dossier.

Let’s see how those investigations go without Hillary and Obama sycophants DOJ.
The author of the dossier reported Russian interference in our election. He is and should be treated as an American hero but the bottom feeders have their priorities totally out of whack.
FBI, DOJ ramp up Clinton Foundation investigation

Payback is a bitch, just like Hillary.

The DOJ is going to reopen the email case, they are looking at pay for play Corrupt in the Clinton Foundation, and look into the author of the Trump Dossier.

Let’s see how those investigations go without Hillary and Obama sycophants DOJ.

The best part....the clinton's no longer control law enforcement....so actual investigations can be conducted by actual federal agents.....

This is spot on.

If the investigatiors are all in the tank for you, it's not a true investigation.

The FBI investigation into Hillary's email was a fucking joke.

You know...I don't think weiner got immunity for anything.......and those emails were on his computer......how much pressure do you think it would take to get him to rat out huma and hilary?
You dumbasses believe every conspiracy theory about Hillary any blogger makes up. You’ve been programmed to hate and I feel sorry for you..
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The Clinton’s used the Clinton Foundation as their personal slush fund.

Donors paid millions to the Foundation in e change for political favors, both in influence and straight up favors.

The probate servers and deleted emails are most certainly regarding these corrupt deals at the expense of the taxpayer and American Citizen.

Once she lost, the donations dried up.

It’s a shame how many corrupt fucks there are in DC, and the idiot sheep vote for them and tell you that YOU are a bad person ifk yo don’t als o vote for them.

Corrine Brown was just given a prison sentence for her corrupt “charity”...and that wasn’t a drop in the bucket for Clinton Foundation corruption.

That’s why HIllary screamed, “We’re fucked!” On election night and threw a million dollar bottle of Champagne at a 120 inch television,
Where in hell do you get your information? Does it just come to you after you take meds? A million dollar bottle of Champagne? How many 6' portraits did Hillary buy with Foundation funds? How many donations to AGs, say in Florida for example, out of charity money just before a decision that would affect her? Idiot sheep vote? Didn't we just see that a week or so ago, even by those who railed against the tax bill then voted for it, all smiles and puckered up for a public ass-kissing? If you are really a Colonel, I sure hope you are retired from active service.

Oh, I am still active. I serve down south, below the Mason Dixon line, deep in the bush where it’s moist and humid and sticky, but hopefully not smelly. I like it with the grass cut low, just above the valley.

Here is a good read for you.

Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot
FBI, DOJ ramp up Clinton Foundation investigation

Payback is a bitch, just like Hillary.

The DOJ is going to reopen the email case, they are looking at pay for play Corrupt in the Clinton Foundation, and look into the author of the Trump Dossier.

Let’s see how those investigations go without Hillary and Obama sycophants DOJ.
This will be the third politically motivated Investigation into the Clinton Foundation. I bet you didn’t know that. There’s so little you know. First two came up with bupkas. Same will happen here.
They distributed AIDS meds to millions in Africa. They’ve done more with their foundation for the world than Trump has done for the country.
That’s why the Clinton Foundation received charity’s highest rating.
Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation
Bet you didn’t know that either.
The Trump Foundation was the real corrupt one but the GOP were too spineless to investigate him. Trump actually stole money from his own foundation.
The Clinton’s used the Clinton Foundation as their personal slush fund.

Donors paid millions to the Foundation in e change for political favors, both in influence and straight up favors.

The probate servers and deleted emails are most certainly regarding these corrupt deals at the expense of the taxpayer and American Citizen.

Once she lost, the donations dried up.

It’s a shame how many corrupt fucks there are in DC, and the idiot sheep vote for them and tell you that YOU are a bad person ifk yo don’t als o vote for them.

Corrine Brown was just given a prison sentence for her corrupt “charity”...and that wasn’t a drop in the bucket for Clinton Foundation corruption.

That’s why HIllary screamed, “We’re fucked!” On election night and threw a million dollar bottle of Champagne at a 120 inch television,
Where in hell do you get your information? Does it just come to you after you take meds? A million dollar bottle of Champagne? How many 6' portraits did Hillary buy with Foundation funds? How many donations to AGs, say in Florida for example, out of charity money just before a decision that would affect her? Idiot sheep vote? Didn't we just see that a week or so ago, even by those who railed against the tax bill then voted for it, all smiles and puckered up for a public ass-kissing? If you are really a Colonel, I sure hope you are retired from active service.

Oh, I am still active. I serve down south, below the Mason Dixon line, deep in the bush where it’s moist and humid and sticky, but hopefully not smelly. I like it with the grass cut low, just above the valley.

Here is a good read for you.

Hillary's Election Night Meltdown Revealed | iPatriot
The only way you can push your lies is with bullshit propaganda sites.
Ipatriot? Lmao
Let them release the GPS Fusion transcripts and which all the people involved with the Russians from the Trump admin don't count, they file criminal charges against the only one who notified the FBI. Obviously the new Director of the FBI is licking Trumps feet.

they are a amoral group who is wasting our money and they need to be replaced.
Exactly. Remember when republicans cared about waste in government? No longer. Same with the bogus voter fraud commission that concluded trump made up his bogus claim and cost the tax payers millions on the whim of a mad man.
Steele is the 1st to be recommended by Congress to the DOJ for indictment. Hillary, Abedin, Mills, and Hillary's IT Tech should be next...
Steele has been recommended to the DOJ for inveztigation / indictment ... he will not be the only one as the Clinton / Obama seditious criminal alliance / scandal unravels...

Right I noticed. They sacraficed this guy to quiet the masses. They are willing to Prosecute "Private Citizens" but not clinton lynch holder huma mills obama.....on and on.

GOVT workers can do anything. Nothing ever happens to them.

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