3 GOP presidential candidates speak at the "Kill the Gay's" forum.




Love the part where he says we shouldn't kill them just yet. They need "time to repent". Then you can kill them.

Most of this clip is Kevin Swanson speaking in context for very long periods just to make sure it's not taken out of context.

NOTE: Jindal has dropped out, but Huckabee and Cruz are still going strong.

Remember how USMB right wingers say this country "ALLOWS" gays to live, not like Iraq and Iran. And I said, yea, but they still want to kill the gays and USMB Republicans said "prove it", which I have again and again.

kevin swanson kill the gays presidential rally - Google Search

Love the ad by John Kasich on Donald Trump. Fantastic:


Love the part where he says we shouldn't kill them just yet. They need "time to repent". Then you can kill them.

Most of this clip is Kevin Swanson speaking in context for very long periods just to make sure it's not taken out of context.

NOTE: Jindal has dropped out, but Huckabee and Cruz are still going strong.

Remember how USMB right wingers say this country "ALLOWS" gays to live, not like Iraq and Iran. And I said, yea, but they still want to kill the gays and USMB Republicans said "prove it", which I have again and again.

kevin swanson kill the gays presidential rally - Google Search

Love the ad by John Kasich on Donald Trump. Fantastic:

You are fucking pathetic.

Love the part where he says we shouldn't kill them just yet. They need "time to repent". Then you can kill them.

Most of this clip is Kevin Swanson speaking in context for very long periods just to make sure it's not taken out of context.

NOTE: Jindal has dropped out, but Huckabee and Cruz are still going strong.

Remember how USMB right wingers say this country "ALLOWS" gays to live, not like Iraq and Iran. And I said, yea, but they still want to kill the gays and USMB Republicans said "prove it", which I have again and again.

kevin swanson kill the gays presidential rally - Google Search

Love the ad by John Kasich on Donald Trump. Fantastic:

This is so gay...

Love the part where he says we shouldn't kill them just yet. They need "time to repent". Then you can kill them.

Most of this clip is Kevin Swanson speaking in context for very long periods just to make sure it's not taken out of context.

NOTE: Jindal has dropped out, but Huckabee and Cruz are still going strong.

Remember how USMB right wingers say this country "ALLOWS" gays to live, not like Iraq and Iran. And I said, yea, but they still want to kill the gays and USMB Republicans said "prove it", which I have again and again.

kevin swanson kill the gays presidential rally - Google Search

Love the ad by John Kasich on Donald Trump. Fantastic:

You are fucking pathetic.

He can't help it. Rderp is a debilitating disorder
When you point out GOP positions, they come back with:

You are fucking pathetic.

He can't help it. Rderp is a debilitating disorder

So I'm guessing they are really saying they agree with murder.
When they say we don't do that here, I say: Oh but they want to. Turns out I'm right.

Love the part where he says we shouldn't kill them just yet. They need "time to repent". Then you can kill them.

Most of this clip is Kevin Swanson speaking in context for very long periods just to make sure it's not taken out of context.

NOTE: Jindal has dropped out, but Huckabee and Cruz are still going strong.

Remember how USMB right wingers say this country "ALLOWS" gays to live, not like Iraq and Iran. And I said, yea, but they still want to kill the gays and USMB Republicans said "prove it", which I have again and again.

kevin swanson kill the gays presidential rally - Google Search

Love the ad by John Kasich on Donald Trump. Fantastic:

The add is very good. And it is right. There is a reason history is taught in school, and there is a reason for the saying 'those that do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.'
When you point out GOP positions, they come back with:

You are fucking pathetic.

He can't help it. Rderp is a debilitating disorder

So I'm guessing they are really saying they agree with murder.
When they say we don't do that here, I say: Oh but they want to. Turns out I'm right.

When you stop advocating the killing of the unborn children of the world and stop making crap up, maybe people will take your opinion seriously.
Kevin Swason is a loon of the highest order. I take great solace in knowing that him and his supporters are pretty much powerless.
Kevin Swason is a loon of the highest order. I take great solace in knowing that him and his supporters are pretty much powerless.

He managed to get three Presidential candidates to come to his little get together. That's not powerless...
Kasich's anti-Trump ad reminds me of the Joseph Goebbel's anti-Semitic movies in the late 1930s to demonize Jews as dangers to the state.

The speaker in the ad says Trump wants to "round up Hispanic immigrants," which is false. Trump wants to round up illegal Hispanic immigrants, people who have entered our country illegally, just as Eisenhower did in the 1950s.

The speaker in the ad implies that Trump's suggestion about registering Muslims would be a dark, threatening action. Really? Given that ALL the terrorists who have attacked us since 9/11 have been Muslims, have been recruited from among Muslims, or have converted to Islam and then engaged in terrorism, is a registry for that demographic group really so outrageous? Why? As long as it were understood that this would be only a temporary measure to provide added security against terrorism, why would keeping closer track of the one demographic group that has been responsible for ALL of the terrorist attacks against us be so outrageous?
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Kevin Swason is a loon of the highest order. I take great solace in knowing that him and his supporters are pretty much powerless.

He managed to get three Presidential candidates to come to his little get together. That's not powerless...

And what are the chances of any of them being President? Swanson is undeniably a nut but he doesn't wield any real power. He is a big mouth with a microphone.

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