3 men charged with federal hate crimes in killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia

I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Dont forget the attempted assault too that got him killed by the son.

Yeah, um, I'm also not buying that it's "attempted assault" when he was unarmed and the other men had guns and were illegally detaining him on a street. Not saying I'm not open to more evidence, but so far I haven't heard any that doesn't make me see that as "self-defense".
They werent detaining him for no reason. Also, when you are facing a potential criminal and you are holding a gun, if he charges at you and attacks you, its a pretty fucking good sign that he is not just some friendly "jogger". People have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Dont forget the attempted assault too that got him killed by the son.

Yeah, um, I'm also not buying that it's "attempted assault" when he was unarmed and the other men had guns and were illegally detaining him on a street. Not saying I'm not open to more evidence, but so far I haven't heard any that doesn't make me see that as "self-defense".
They werent detaining him for no reason. Also, when you are facing a potential criminal and you are holding a gun, if he charges at you and attacks you, its a pretty fucking good sign that he is not just some friendly "jogger". People have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers.

Okay, give me a good and legal reason for non-police civilians to detain anyone on the street with guns. Give me sufficient and legal reasons they were justified as treating him as a "potential criminal". Tell me what legal grounds they had for doing what they did that made his behavior "assault" and not self-defense. I can assure you that if a group of men with guns detained ME on the street, and I thought hitting one of them and taking his gun would allow me to escape, I'd do exactly that, and I would think you would, as well. And that doesn't automatically make either of us a criminal. People DO have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers . . . so tell me how that's not what Arberry was doing.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.

Of course you do. He was black.
Nobody else does except blacks and gullible guilt ridden whites

Well under Georgia Law he wasn’t trespassing. And under Georgia Law the McMichaels were committing felonies even trying to catch him.

At no time did they try to arrest or even detain him.....the most they did before he attacked them was to try and question him....you are a liar.

Whether or not Ahmaud was tresspassing is irrelevant.....you simply are coinfused or you are lying or some combination thereof with little understanding of the law.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Dont forget the attempted assault too that got him killed by the son.

Yeah, um, I'm also not buying that it's "attempted assault" when he was unarmed and the other men had guns and were illegally detaining him on a street. Not saying I'm not open to more evidence, but so far I haven't heard any that doesn't make me see that as "self-defense".
They werent detaining him for no reason. Also, when you are facing a potential criminal and you are holding a gun, if he charges at you and attacks you, its a pretty fucking good sign that he is not just some friendly "jogger". People have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers.

They never detained him or attempted to detain him.
I'm not trying to adjudicate whether or not those who shot him were justified. It looks like that is going to play out in a court of law.
I am however trying to understand why the headlines all say he was jogging like it is a proven fact.
I suspect this is to paint the picture that he was just an ordinary guy who was totally minding his own business, innocent of any transgression and all that kind of thing.
Why would the media purposefully portray him like that? Why wouldn't they say "claimed to be jogging" or "allegedly jogging"
Did the media want you to feel a certain way about Ahmaud Arbery?

Because he was jogging. Idiot. We know that right-wing scumbags try to portray every black person who is injured or killed as somehow a criminal who had it coming. This tactic is getting really old.
But you don't know that he was jogging. You are just saying that he was. How can you know that he was jogging? That's what I'm asking.

Idiot. It's on video. You are still trying to do the monkey shit. Does it make you happy? What is the basis for your assertion that he perhaps was not jogging? BTW: what were the McMichaels doing? Why were they parked in the middle of the street? Why was this other guy trailing Arbery and filming him? It seems that there was a conspiracy between the McMichaels and the guy doing the filming
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Dont forget the attempted assault too that got him killed by the son.

Yeah, um, I'm also not buying that it's "attempted assault" when he was unarmed and the other men had guns and were illegally detaining him on a street. Not saying I'm not open to more evidence, but so far I haven't heard any that doesn't make me see that as "self-defense".
They werent detaining him for no reason. Also, when you are facing a potential criminal and you are holding a gun, if he charges at you and attacks you, its a pretty fucking good sign that he is not just some friendly "jogger". People have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers.

Okay, give me a good and legal reason for non-police civilians to detain anyone on the street with guns. Give me sufficient and legal reasons they were justified as treating him as a "potential criminal". Tell me what legal grounds they had for doing what they did that made his behavior "assault" and not self-defense. I can assure you that if a group of men with guns detained ME on the street, and I thought hitting one of them and taking his gun would allow me to escape, I'd do exactly that, and I would think you would, as well. And that doesn't automatically make either of us a criminal. People DO have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers . . . so tell me how that's not what Arberry was doing.
If my facts are correct, they thought he was a burglar. You can make citizen arrests.

I know that if someone was yelling at you to stop, you would. If they were wearing masks and yelling "get on your knees motherfucker", it might be a different story, but in this case he evaded them, they told him to stop, he keeps going, they tell him to stop, he keeps going and after quite some time of not shooting him, they cut him off. He had no reason to believe they were truly dangerous at that point. These clearly werent highway robbers. In fact, he was so certain that the guy wasnt going to shoot him that he veered from his path and assaulted a man with a shotgun.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Dont forget the attempted assault too that got him killed by the son.

Ahmaud assaulting the white guy is the essence of the case......all the other crap was he trespassing, was he jogging, was he running away etc. is irrelevant.

This is a case of self defense....the black guy attacks the white guy and gets killed....simple as that but because of racial propaganda many try to complicate it.
I'm not trying to adjudicate whether or not those who shot him were justified. It looks like that is going to play out in a court of law.
I am however trying to understand why the headlines all say he was jogging like it is a proven fact.
I suspect this is to paint the picture that he was just an ordinary guy who was totally minding his own business, innocent of any transgression and all that kind of thing.
Why would the media purposefully portray him like that? Why wouldn't they say "claimed to be jogging" or "allegedly jogging"
Did the media want you to feel a certain way about Ahmaud Arbery?

Because he was jogging. Idiot. We know that right-wing scumbags try to portray every black person who is injured or killed as somehow a criminal who had it coming. This tactic is getting really old.
But you don't know that he was jogging. You are just saying that he was. How can you know that he was jogging? That's what I'm asking.

Idiot. It's on video. You are still trying to do the monkey shit. Does it make you happy? What is the basis for your assertion that he perhaps was not jogging? BTW: what were the McMichaels doing? Why were they parked in the middle of the street? Why was this other guy trailing Arbery and filming him? It seems that there was a conspiracy between the McMichaels and the guy doing the filming

First of all whether Ahmaud was jogging or running away because he overheard someone calling the police on him is irrelevant to this case. The McMicharls did nothing illegal....they legally followed Ahmaud tried to question him....all the whilst the father was on the phone with 911 telling the police where they were and what was going on....you have given too much attenrion to the media spin and it has confused you....stick to the facts of the case or in your case learn the facts of the case.

The guy filming the activity was a neighbor who saw something was up and like many people today got out his cell phone to document it.
Serious question. The MSM has consistently reported that Arbery was jogging. Is there any evidence at all to support that claim?

Serious question. Does it matter? Whether he was jogging, walking, or dancing in a tutu by the light of the full moon, would it justify non-police civilians detaining him on the street with guns and then shooting him?
Yes it does matter. As I have stated, I am not talking about the circumstances around why he was killed. I just want to know, was there any surveillance footage of this man jogging? Anywhere at anytime? If not, why are people saying he was jogging? Only because him mom said that?

Sorry, still not seeing why it matters. Seems like an extraneous tangent to me.
Of course it is relevant. One one hand people are saying he was minding his own business jogging like he normally does. On the other, people are saying he was casing the neighborhood. I think the media wants people to feel a certain way about this case so they have made it a point to let all of you know that he was simply jogging. I just wonder if there is anything at all to corroborate that statement.
You do t "jog" into a construction site and "look around." Why are so many so eager to give someone clearly put to no good the benefit of the doubt because of his skin color

Well....that might be a point of conjecture and interesting to some....but as pointed out irrelevant....and the fact is no one knows what Ahmauf was doing on the construction site.

Something else that has not been talked about but in fact has been covered up is that Ahmaud had mental problems.....which very likely influenced or provoked his irrational behavior.
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I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.

Of course you do. He was black.
and fucked up comments like this say --you are a racist....
you dont like what the last poster typed, so, to a brain dead retard (you) , you throw skin color into it, and turn it in that direction

Racism had nothing to do with this case...Ahmaud had a criminal history and was recognized by the officer who gave chase.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.

Of course you do. He was black.
Nobody else does except blacks and gullible guilt ridden whites

Well under Georgia Law he wasn’t trespassing. And under Georgia Law the McMichaels were committing felonies even trying to catch him.

At no time did they try to arrest or even detain him.....the most they did before he attacked them was to try and question him....you are a liar.

Whether or not Ahmaud was tresspassing is irrelevant.....you simply are coinfused or you are lying or some combination thereof with little understanding of the law.

They tried to contain and detain him. They shouted at him to stop. In Georgia. That is a felony. Actually three. Trying to stop him without a legal reason. That is attempted false imprisonment. Felony. Having weapons at the time. Possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Getting out of the truck while armed to face him. Aggravated assault.

What is sinking the McMichaels is not Liberal Lies. But their own mouths. What makes it a hate crime is again their own stupid asses. They said the “n” was a thief. They talked in text messages. They had Roddy saying it when he was interviewed thinking he was a witness for the prosecution.

Daddy thought the Good Old Boys would protect him. He was wrong. The good old boys network hung him out to dry.
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.

Of course you do. He was black.
and fucked up comments like this say --you are a racist....
you dont like what the last poster typed, so, to a brain dead retard (you) , you throw skin color into it, and turn it in that direction

Racism had nothing to do with this case...Ahmaud had a criminal history and was recognized by the officer who gave chase.

Only the officer. Wasn’t an officer. He was a civilian. Civilians in Georgia have to have first hand knowledge of a crime. In progress. Since Arbury didn’t steal anything that day. They had no legal justification to chase or try and detain him. That meant Daddy, Junior, and Roddy were the criminals.

Citizens Arrest is a bet your life move in Georgia. If you are wrong. The bad guy goes free and you go to prison.
For the closet racists who may be upset by this news....

Always look on the bright side....at least the darkie is still dead....that's good right??

Keep your head up cucks
When are all these BLM shitheads that participated in six months of rioting, looting, murdering and intimidating White people going to be charged with hate crimes?
I don't believe he was "jogging." I believe he was trespassing, and fled.
Dont forget the attempted assault too that got him killed by the son.

Yeah, um, I'm also not buying that it's "attempted assault" when he was unarmed and the other men had guns and were illegally detaining him on a street. Not saying I'm not open to more evidence, but so far I haven't heard any that doesn't make me see that as "self-defense".
They werent detaining him for no reason. Also, when you are facing a potential criminal and you are holding a gun, if he charges at you and attacks you, its a pretty fucking good sign that he is not just some friendly "jogger". People have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers.

Okay, give me a good and legal reason for non-police civilians to detain anyone on the street with guns. Give me sufficient and legal reasons they were justified as treating him as a "potential criminal". Tell me what legal grounds they had for doing what they did that made his behavior "assault" and not self-defense. I can assure you that if a group of men with guns detained ME on the street, and I thought hitting one of them and taking his gun would allow me to escape, I'd do exactly that, and I would think you would, as well. And that doesn't automatically make either of us a criminal. People DO have a right to defend themselves against violent attackers . . . so tell me how that's not what Arberry was doing.
If my facts are correct, they thought he was a burglar. You can make citizen arrests.

I know that if someone was yelling at you to stop, you would. If they were wearing masks and yelling "get on your knees motherfucker", it might be a different story, but in this case he evaded them, they told him to stop, he keeps going, they tell him to stop, he keeps going and after quite some time of not shooting him, they cut him off. He had no reason to believe they were truly dangerous at that point. These clearly werent highway robbers. In fact, he was so certain that the guy wasnt going to shoot him that he veered from his path and assaulted a man with a shotgun.

There was no attempt to make a citizens arrest...even if that was their intent as some claim.

Ahmaud saw the men and the truck ahead of him and continued jogging towards them and in fact as you say he then veered sharply left ran across the front side of the truck and tried to wrest the shotgun from the white guy.....this is all on video.

Again the media as usual distorted this case and the politicians trying to stir up racial tensions got involved.

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