3 men charged with federal hate crimes in killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia

The point is I have two children and from the second I knew my wife was pregnant we knew they were our children, they were human being growing in my wife's womb. There was not some point along the way where we said "oh, now they are humans and we can love them".
but thats your choice. other folks should be able to make there own choice as well pro choice means just that. pro life means you get to decide for other folks , no such movement as pro abortion
The term "fetus" as used to describe a HUMAN BEING is only a descriptive term of a HUMAN BEING at a particular stage of their development.

As much as you'd like to wish away science, the baby is HUMAN from conception to natural death, and taking an innocent human life at any stage is the definition of MURDER.
ihave 3 children my wife and i are both *pro choice*. does not mean we favor abortion just means we are glad we had the chioce and not somebody else making the choice for us

Here's my problem with what you're saying: you don't like someone else making the choice for you, BUT when you make the choice to abort an unborn child then you are making the choice for them to end their existence, and there's something wrong about that. The pro abortion people (yes, there is a pro abortion movement) do not have any consideration for the unborn child, like it was nothing more than a pimple. Those pro-abortionists are making money you know, they ain't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. And it's not like a woman and her partner don't have earlier choices to prevent conception in the 1st place, or the option to take a morning after pill in the event of unprotected sex.
Here's my problem with what you're saying: you don't like someone else making the choice for you, BUT when you make the choice to abort an unborn child then you are making the choice for them to end their existence, and there's something wrong about that. The pro abortion people (yes, there is a pro abortion movement) do not have any consideration for the unborn child, like it was nothing more than a pimple. Those pro-abortionists are making money you know, they ain't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. And it's not like a woman and her partner don't have earlier choices to prevent conception in the 1st place, or the option to take a morning after pill in the event of unprotected sex.
Wrong. Born citizens begin developing brains and worldly experience to better weigh such decisions, plus they get to enjoy all constitutional rights. Parents are expected and legally obliged to decide everything for children from birth through infancy else be deemed guilty of neglect. Post birth. But YOU feel obliged to decide what they do even before birth for them from your convenient, safe, anonymous distance, having no stake in the outcome whatsoever. Mind your own business. Is that not the crux of "liberty!", "freedom!", "The American Way" or ideal? You must be a communist or something if you want the government deciding these very personal matters for everyone.

All speculative nonsense at best. There are pro abortion-rights activists aka pro-choice activists. You (and I) have no way of knowing the last statement. Not everyone can just zip all around at the drop of a hat and there are still lots of religious folk who consider contraception a sin. That's why such decisions are best left to those closest to the task. In other words, potential mothers.
thats a problem right there religious nuts telling other humans what to do ,the days when religion ruled the earth is over im glad about that. the belief in*the daddy in the sky * has caused most of the wars in history .
thats a problem right there religious nuts telling other humans what to do ,the days when religion ruled the earth is over im glad about that. the belief in*the daddy in the sky * has caused most of the wars in history .

"thats a problem right there religious nuts telling other humans what to do"

As opposed to non-religious nuts (democrats) telling other humans what to do. FYI, there are many atheists, agnostics, and other non-religious people who are against abortion.

"the belief in*the daddy in the sky * has caused most of the wars in history."

Actually, religion has mostly been used as a cover for conquest, power, and greed. Looking back in recent years, Iraq and Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, WWI and WWII, the Spanish American War, Civil War, War of 1818, and our Revolutionary War had nothing to do with religion. Most of the wars in Europe since the Crusades were about power and territory (greed) than about religion. Some say even the Crusades were about control of the trade routes from Europe to the Far East, and the religious aspect of those wars were actually a pretext.
"thats a problem right there religious nuts telling other humans what to do"

As opposed to non-religious nuts (democrats) telling other humans what to do. FYI, there are many atheists, agnostics, and other non-religious people who are against abortion.

"the belief in*the daddy in the sky * has caused most of the wars in history."

Actually, religion has mostly been used as a cover for conquest, power, and greed. Looking back in recent years, Iraq and Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, WWI and WWII, the Spanish American War, Civil War, War of 1818, and our Revolutionary War had nothing to do with religion. Most of the wars in Europe since the Crusades were about power and territory (greed) than about religion. Some say even the Crusades were about control of the trade routes from Europe to the Far East, and the religious aspect of those wars were actually a pretext.

You're absolutely right; abortion is a moral question. It's no different from any other murder and agnostics, atheists, and others are against murder. Anyone who needs religion to teach them right and wrong is a loser.
You're absolutely right; abortion is a moral question. It's no different from any other murder and agnostics, atheists, and others are against murder. Anyone who needs religion to teach them right and wrong is a loser.

Anyone who thinks they're magically divining standards of morality in a vacuum, out of nothing more than their own towering goodness and wisdom, is a fool who knows nothing about human nature and history.
Anyone who thinks they're magically divining standards of morality in a vacuum, out of nothing more than their own towering goodness and wisdom, is a fool who knows nothing about human nature and history.

So, to all atheists, murder is acceptable? To all atheists, cheating on your spouse is OK? Because they don't have religion as a guide so from where would their morality be derived?
I sincerely hope that they are able to get a conviction and that people's eyes are finally open to what's been happening all around them, even if they were unable of it.
Black people commit crimes every day, often against whites and asians

Yet you only see what you want to see
Black people commit crimes every day, often against whites and asians

Yet you only see what you want to see

Crimes are committed every day by people of all colors. Against people of all colors. You don’t see that. That means either you are ignorant. Or stupid.
I see it clearly

Tell it to NewsVine_Mariyam who seems to have the blinders on

The premise of this thread is that three men are charged with hate crimes for killing Arbery.

Now I think that there is a strong circumstantial case against the men. The reasons are as follows.

1) The repeated use of racial epithets.

2) The effort to delete and destroy online evidence of their repeated use of racist terms.

3) The argument that they were justified in thinking it was a Black Guy stealing when the Police had a suspect who was White.

4) The argument that this Black Guy was in the wrong neighborhood.

As I said. A strong circumstantial case. And those are the highlights. Not all the evidence supporting it.

Since the conviction which will result in Travis spending the rest of his life in Prison. And Greg almost certainly looking at spending the rest of his life in Prison. That leaves Roddy.

I doubt the Feds will waste time on the prosecution now. There is literally no more time that these guys could spend in prison.

The only time that Travis will see the outside of the prison is being transported to an institution. Once sentenced he will be sent to Jackson. Jackson is where the DOC determines which facility and with what security the convicts will spend their time. For his protection they’ll put him in isolation. Because if he goes into General Population he will be killed. So for however long Travis survives he will be spending 23 hours a day in his cell. One hour will see him in a dog run exercise yard.

The same is true for Greg. Especially for Greg. As a former Cop he won’t be put in Gen pop.

Roddy is possible. But unlikely to see General Population.

Now. Here is the rub. If they do get Parole permitted. Then they will have to show they are working towards rehabilitation. That means classes and group therapy programs. But they can’t participate in those programs because of the isolation.

Think about that for a minute.
"thats a problem right there religious nuts telling other humans what to do"

As opposed to non-religious nuts (democrats) telling other humans what to do. FYI, there are many atheists, agnostics, and other non-religious people who are against abortion.

"the belief in*the daddy in the sky * has caused most of the wars in history."

Actually, religion has mostly been used as a cover for conquest, power, and greed. Looking back in recent years, Iraq and Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, WWI and WWII, the Spanish American War, Civil War, War of 1818, and our Revolutionary War had nothing to do with religion. Most of the wars in Europe since the Crusades were about power and territory (greed) than about religion. Some say even the Crusades were about control of the trade routes from Europe to the Far East, and the religious aspect of those wars were actually a pretext.

Pro Choice is NOT telling other people what to do.
Pro Choice is NOT telling other people what to do.
Yep, to most tyranny implies "cruel and oppressive government or rule" and being provided no choice. But then there's those that prefer having no options. They insist upon everyone just doing all the things they wanna do.
Yep, to most tyranny implies "cruel and oppressive government or rule" and being provided no choice. But then there's those that prefer having no options. They insist upon everyone just doing all the things they wanna do.

Maybe they have bred their brains out.
So, to all atheists, murder is acceptable? To all atheists, cheating on your spouse is OK? Because they don't have religion as a guide so from where would their morality be derived?

No, because like it or not, atheists learned their moral standards from a religious societal base. They DO have religion as a guide, however much they want to pretend they don't.

Try looking not at modern-day, "I know this is wrong because I'm so smart!" people, but at pre-Christian societies. I hate to break it to you, but the morals you consider to be universal and "everyone sees it that way" are neither, and relatively new in human thought. Even today, there are societies who don't even remotely hold the same moral standards you think are so "obvious", and would just look at you like a lunatic if you tried to tell them.

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