3 Months Is All You Need As A Prepper – Here’s Why


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

People look at different standards of preparedness.

Some people think that they can be self-sufficient forever, which is unrealistic.

Some think that having a year of stuff is needed.

The government tells you to have enough stuff for 3 days, the initial time frame for a disaster.

I agree with the premise that having at least some preparations puts you way ahead of the curve…

Just remember, after three months no one is coming to save you.
Because I live in Florida I have a hurricane prep kit. Enough power for two weeks and at least enough food for a month. Probably could stretch the food out two months for my wife and I.

The real problem is that if the SHTF would be the ghetto rats from the cities area taking advantage of no law enforcement to murder, rape and steal.

That is where you will need reliable firearms and a large ammo fort. I have those things.

Of course for long range then only those people that have the means for sustainability and the ability to protect it will survive.
You know the best way to survive a SHTF situation? At least for the first year or so?

Get with some of your friends. Locate the grocery warehouses in your area.

Develop a strategy to take over a warehouse as soon as law enforcement fails. Be prepared to protect it.

You can live well and maybe even be a regional war lord. You can trade food for women and other servitude.
You know the best way to survive a SHTF situation? At least for the first year or so?

Get with some of your friends. Locate the grocery warehouses in your area.

Develop a strategy to take over a warehouse as soon as law enforcement fails. Be prepared to protect it.

You can live well and maybe even be a regional war lord. You can trade food for women and other servitude.
LOL....Great idea!

We have a Dollar General warehousing operation in my AO.....Once we take it over we can live like Kangs on off-brand pruple drank and cheese curls. :laughing0301:

People look at different standards of preparedness.

Some people think that they can be self-sufficient forever, which is unrealistic.

Some think that having a year of stuff is needed.

The government tells you to have enough stuff for 3 days, the initial time frame for a disaster.

I agree with the premise that having at least some preparations puts you way ahead of the curve…

Just remember, after three months no one is coming to save you.

No one coming to save you after 3 months??
Try more like 7-10 days.
If there is a situation that leaves an area without any assistance for over 1 week, which would likely mean no electricity, no cell service etc.
At that point society breaks down. And marauders start attacking homes etc.
The vast-vast-vast majority of food/etc. that someone stores is going to be taken from them by armed gangs. If you don't look sickly and starving - they will thoroughly go through your home, and they will find it.
Just the facts.
You know the best way to survive a SHTF situation? At least for the first year or so?

Get with some of your friends. Locate the grocery warehouses in your area.

Develop a strategy to take over a warehouse as soon as law enforcement fails. Be prepared to protect it.

You can live well and maybe even be a regional war lord. You can trade food for women and other servitude.
Don't forget about the zombies. There are always zombies at a time like that. suggest keeping several MAGAs handy. That way, you can throw them out to the zombies to appease them. Sense MAGAs have so few brains, the zombies will soon think there are no brains available in your compound, and never bother you again.
Don't forget about the zombies. There are always zombies at a time like that. suggest keeping several MAGAs handy. That way, you can throw them out to the zombies to appease them. Sense MAGAs have so few brains, the zombies will soon think there are no brains available in your compound, and never bother you again.
Just shut the fuck up you stupid little turd. Nobody asked you anything.
No one coming to save you after 3 months??
Try more like 7-10 days.
If there is a situation that leaves an area without any assistance for over 1 week, which would likely mean no electricity, no cell service etc.
At that point society breaks down. And marauders start attacking homes etc.
The vast-vast-vast majority of food/etc. that someone stores is going to be taken from them by armed gangs. If you don't look sickly and starving - they will thoroughly go through your home, and they will find it.
Just the facts.
I have been in hurricane situations where power was out for weeks. what the hell are you talking about?
Don't forget about the zombies. There are always zombies at a time like that. suggest keeping several MAGAs handy. That way, you can throw them out to the zombies to appease them. Sense MAGAs have so few brains, the zombies will soon think there are no brains available in your compound, and never bother you again.
As a Texan I admit I am giddy for the Zombiepocalypse.
I have been in hurricane situations where power was out for weeks. what the hell are you talking about?
Sure, but the national guard and rescue organizations were there within a day or two. Lots of damage takes lots of time to return to normal, but you can count on someone at least trying to help pretty quick.
I have been in hurricane situations where power was out for weeks. what the hell are you talking about?
Back in 1960 when Hurricane Donna came through my family lived in rural Florida. We were at the end of the power grid. We were without power for six weeks. The worse thing is that we got our water from a well that had a pump. No electricity, no water. Back then very few people had standby generators. Bottle water was unheard of.

We had to get water from a spring and rainfall until the electricity came back on.
Back in 1960 when Hurricane Donna came through my family lived in rural Florida. We were at the end of the power grid. We were without power for six weeks. The worse thing is that we got our water from a well that had a pump. No electricity, no water. Back then very few people had standby generators. Bottle water was unheard of.

We had to get water from a spring and rainfall until the electricity came back on.
Aren't you glad response time has gotten so much better over the last 60 years?
I have been in hurricane situations where power was out for weeks. what the hell are you talking about?
A survival situation, which is what I assume the OP is talking about?
Hurricane areas get support from a variety of givernment and non government agencies.
I wasn't talking about natural disasters like that, which is what I said "a situation where the area gets NO ASSISTANCE for over a week..."
Like an EMP etc.
Can someone give me a heads up before the SHTF so I can get down to Walmart and get all my stuff?

Muchas gracias!
On a side note are all the pre packaged prepper food rip offs.
I have no idea how to this day these people are allowed to claim what they do.
"30 days food in one bucket"... complete horse shit.
One such example right now at Walmart - "100 servings for $99"
WOW - 100 meals for $99?????? On my way!!!
Yeah... no.
The "servings" are as low as 240 calories, most less than 300.
In order to maintain body weight you would need to eat at minimum 5-6 of those a day.
More like 16 meals for $99.
Good thing for us, is I have all the equipment and know how to make beer.
Which also means I have the filtration to make 10,000s of gallons of water.
Which also means I have grains, like 75-100lbs at any given time.
I have a grain mill, I have and know how to clean/harvest yeast. Tons of sanitization chemicals.
Good thing for us, is I have all the equipment and know how to make beer.
Which also means I have the filtration to make 10,000s of gallons of water.
Which also means I have grains, like 75-100lbs at any given time.
I have a grain mill, I have and know how to clean/harvest yeast. Tons of sanitization chemicals.
Good thing for me, is I have the equipment and know how to make whiskey and rum. I get drunk enough, and I don't care about all that other shit.
On a side note are all the pre packaged prepper food rip offs.
I have no idea how to this day these people are allowed to claim what they do.
"30 days food in one bucket"... complete horse shit.
One such example right now at Walmart - "100 servings for $99"
WOW - 100 meals for $99?????? On my way!!!
Yeah... no.
The "servings" are as low as 240 calories, most less than 300.
In order to maintain body weight you would need to eat at minimum 5-6 of those a day.
More like 16 meals for $99.
You are correct. Those dehydrated and/or freeze dried emergency meals would be OK as a supplement but not as the only food source.

My nephew is a die hard Prepper. He has what he thinks is several years supply of food for his family. He has a three prong approach. Lots of long storage beans, rice and some other grains as the basic. Then a good supply of the dehydrated/freeze dried. Third he keeps a tremendous supply of canned and packaged food on hand. He rotates the canned and packaged stuff with fresh during his typical household grocery stock.

He lives in a rural area and keeps chickens, a milking cow and beef on the hoof. He has a pretty large vegetable garden. He keeps a large stock of canning supllies on hand.

He and people like him will be the survivors in a real SHTF situation. Providing he can protect his operation from somebody taking it away.

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