3 of the top 5 richest men in Congress are democrats.

The Dem rich want to raise their own taxes and raise the incomes of the nonrich, Pub rich are always trying to cut their own taxes, screw workers and the environment. Duh. Distracting the hater dupes with divisive snake oil about freedom and hard work. Breaking news: EVERYONE is for all that, silly marks of con men Pubs.

yeah sure they do

you really don't believe that crap do you?

If they're that saintly, why don't they just donate all their wealth to a charity to give out to all the little people they lord over and care so much about?

holy smokes
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.

The Democratic Party is a coalition party. Of course they have rich people. And poor people and everyone in between. Including gays, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, college professors, scientists, drop outs, men, women. The party is incredibly diverse. Just look up "Democratic Party Demographics".

Then you have the Republicans, 90% white. Ignorant poor people led by rich white people.
Lol, your party thinks Obama has done a good job. You don't have the right to call others ignorant.

Considering how fucked up the GOP is. The damage they caused to the country. And their rating of 7%, I think Obama has done a pretty spectacular job. The problem with your kind is your echo chamber. You whine about him so much, you can't understand why everyone else isn't whining along with you.

Ah yes. The "blame everyone else" cry fest, known as DNC partisans.


Little 7 year olds on the playground, screaming and pointing fingers. There is an entire party of people, who have never grown up, and refuse to. They are called.. "Democrats".

You know what the difference is between me and you? When Bush was president, and pushed bad policy.... I blamed him for it, and said it was a terrible move.

When Obama is president and pushes bad policy.... you blame Bush for it, and say it's all his fault.

In short... you are still a child. Adults take responsibility. Children try and cast blame.
3 of 5 are Democrats. I take it that 2 of 5 are Republicans?

They're all Fat Cats who care not a whit about us.

First, it's always amazing to me, that based on no information except net worth, you magically know accurately who does, or does not care "about us".

As if, magically, if one of them was poor.... they would automatically 'care about us'..... because they were poor...

Because I know in my life, the people who cared the most about me.... were poor people.... right? Hasn't that been your experience too?

Second, I truly wish those people would STOP caring about me so much. Maybe if they didn't care about me, they'd stop stealing 1/3rd of my pay check, and claiming they were screwing me over for "my benefit" because "we care".

I can't tell you how many times, self-righteous, patronizing, down talking leftards, have asked me why "you are voting against your own best interest?", and I'm looking at my pay stub, thinking... that's my best interest? To be screwed over for your failed policies, is in my best interest....... right.

So yeah, if we can just vote in people who are only interested in advancing themselves, instead of screwing me over while claiming it's because they care about me.... I'd gladly take that over the current situation. That extra $6 Trillion in debt Obama has saddled me with, supposedly for 'my best interest', that I'm going to be screwed over in the future to pay back.... It would have been much better if Obama didn't care a whit about me, and didn't screw me over like that.

Dude, on another thread you said you made 12k two years ago. I am sure you are up to 14k now. Which means you get the EIC. Quit with the bullshit about how YOUR paycheck is being so severely impacted by 6 billion in debt. You get back every dollar withheld. Plus some. For being poor.

Once again... you don't know jack about the topic. I have my 2013 IRS return right here in front of me.

My total gross income from 2013, was $18.7K.

For that income, I had to pay $2,800 in taxes. About 15% of my income went to taxes... thanks to people like you.
3 of 5 are Democrats. I take it that 2 of 5 are Republicans?

They're all Fat Cats who care not a whit about us.

First, it's always amazing to me, that based on no information except net worth, you magically know accurately who does, or does not care "about us".

As if, magically, if one of them was poor.... they would automatically 'care about us'..... because they were poor...

Because I know in my life, the people who cared the most about me.... were poor people.... right? Hasn't that been your experience too?

Second, I truly wish those people would STOP caring about me so much. Maybe if they didn't care about me, they'd stop stealing 1/3rd of my pay check, and claiming they were screwing me over for "my benefit" because "we care".

I can't tell you how many times, self-righteous, patronizing, down talking leftards, have asked me why "you are voting against your own best interest?", and I'm looking at my pay stub, thinking... that's my best interest? To be screwed over for your failed policies, is in my best interest....... right.

So yeah, if we can just vote in people who are only interested in advancing themselves, instead of screwing me over while claiming it's because they care about me.... I'd gladly take that over the current situation. That extra $6 Trillion in debt Obama has saddled me with, supposedly for 'my best interest', that I'm going to be screwed over in the future to pay back.... It would have been much better if Obama didn't care a whit about me, and didn't screw me over like that.

Dude, on another thread you said you made 12k two years ago. I am sure you are up to 14k now. Which means you get the EIC. Quit with the bullshit about how YOUR paycheck is being so severely impacted by 6 billion in debt. You get back every dollar withheld. Plus some. For being poor.

The elevator does not go all the way to the top floor, does it?

Have you noticed the price of food going up and up? I suppose it has nothing to do with the Fed printing press, does it?

No, it's the minimum wage. They are directly driving up the price of labor, and are then SHOCKED, that products and services that labor produces is increasing in price. Absolute economically literate people only the left. Just plain stupid.
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.

Nothing wrong with that. Do I detect "class envy"?

Nope you don't ,and you don't detect the hypocrisy about who the 1 % really are ether.

You thought I was talking about money, eh? Class has nothing to do with money. Those that have it, know it. Those that don't make clueless posts.
Dems only want to tax the bloated rich and giant corporations more, Pubs block cutting their loopholes, and lowering corporate rates that will help small business. After 30 years of voodoo , the rich and giant corps pay less in ALL TAXES AND FEES than anyone,. Hater dupes believe a pile of crappe. see sig
You are an idiot if you believe that. Dimwits love to raise taxes on the middle class. But then you are a dimwit retard.
What was the FIRST thing that Dear Wonderful Obama do as soon as he took office

Signed to raise the highest cigarette tax of any President. and guess who that hurts the worst.?

People MIGHT stop falling for their BS line how they care more the middle class and poor

Net Tax Increase in Obama’s Budget Over $1 Trillion
By Curtis S. Dubay

President Obama released his fiscal year 2014 budget almost two months after it was due by law. With all that extra time, the President had plenty of opportunity to clearly account for his tax increases. But like his budgets from previous years, this year’s effort hides the total tax increase he proposes.[1]
For example, rather than put it with the other major tax increases in his budget, the President put the tax increase from changing the measure used to adjust tax brackets for inflation in a footnote.[2] Similarly, the President’s budget hides raising the federal tobacco tax from $1.00 per pack to $1.95 per pack in a section titled “Early Childhood Investments” because the revenue is supposed to pay for expanded preschool programs.
Fortunately, the Treasury Department, through its “Green Book,” groups the President’s tax increases in a consistent manner, which makes it easier to discern exactly how much he wants to raise taxes.[3]

ALL of it here:
Net Tax Increase in Obama s Budget Over 1 Trillion
Dems only want to tax the bloated rich and giant corporations more, Pubs block cutting their loopholes, and lowering corporate rates that will help small business. After 30 years of voodoo , the rich and giant corps pay less in ALL TAXES AND FEES than anyone,. Hater dupes believe a pile of crappe. see sig
You are an idiot if you believe that. Dimwits love to raise taxes on the middle class. But then you are a dimwit retard.
Example, brainwashed shyttehead? Certainly not income or payroll taxes. Possibly cigarette taxes lol...
And we are talking about the PRESENT, when the richest and giant corps pay the LEAST of anyone. Thanks, Pubs! percentage wise in all taxes and fees.
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.
So the fuck what? I don't understand why you cons bring this up. You are the ones that push this bullshit narrative that the left hates the rich and wants socialism. Nothing about that is true. No liberal democrat in office wants to end capitalism and the wealthy class in general.

@g5000 also makes a good point. How do these rich democrats vote on taxes for people in their bracket? Obviously that would say a lot.
It really doesn't matter the proportion of democrats verse republican in terms of being rich. It is the hypocrisy of the democrats that is on display. First we know they are a party of the rich, except of course they mass of blind followers. They will crow about what they have done for the poor yet in the next breath brag about an economy where Banks and Corporations have set record profits yet consumer spending has flat lined. It really isn't hard to see where the democrat's heart really is after 8 years of their rule.

Then the democrats will say that the Republican party is nothing but slack jawed toothless bible clinging gun totting southern red necks and in the next breath accuse the Republicans of being the party of the rich.

How I view the Democrat party is how I view the democrat party in 1860. Rich white aristocrats running the party and having the masses fight their wars. Except they have a little bit of a diversionary twist, they put a black man in the WH. Now they can claim "look a me I have a black friend, I am not racist." Hypocrites.

As usual you miss the point. None of these liberal dems in office want to end capitalism or the wealthy class. What they promote is helping both the wealthy and poor. Why would those things have to be mutually exclusive?
Who are the richest members of Congress - Yahoo Finance

That's right the supposed party of the people is full of rich people.

What does it matter really about a politician's net worth? They've all agreed not to investigate wall street, the banks, and the rating agencies, the culprits many believe to be behind the financial meltdown, (although a few here believe the meltdown was caused by people getting food stamps.) In the meantime, we worry who's wealthier or plays too much golf or how heavy his wife is.
This has nothing to do with Wall Street.
The issue is those who practice class envy and class warfare during their campaigns saying how they will increase taxes on the rich. Or spout off about "fair share". Or gum flap about how they are "for the little guy"...
Meanwhile, these people ARE part of those they target. AND they use ever single tax loophole and tax law to reduce their tax burden......And that is fine to do what one needs to so that they can reduce their tax load....
The part is the hypocrisy. Say one thing, but do the opposite.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
If they want to pay more in taxes they are free to cut a check to the U.S. Treasury for any amount they want.

But they won't
What a childlike retort

They are elected congressmen and their role is to set the tax rate. Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own tax rate, wealthy republicans look to slash programs for the poor
Yeah, obama care done so well for the poor. The supplements they get for their insurance, will be added as income and will affect their tax credits at the end of the year. So yeah democrats really are for the poor.
Compared to the party of "let em die"?
Let WHO die?
So in your world, if we don't give the farm away to anyone who cries loud and sticks out their hand, is letting them die?
Tell ya what....When you and you minions can go out into the country and find every cent of waste fraud and abuse as well as get every single person gaming the system off public assistance, you can come back and ask for more.
Until the house is put back into order, you will work with what you have plus the mandatory yearly increases in social budgets. Deal?
One reason you have a lot of rich people in Congress is because they can afford to be there. They can afford to run campaigns, they can afford to live the lifestyle, etc. It's easier to be elected to congress when you have your own personal wealth. Look, for example, at Mitt Romney and his campaign for the presidency: he funded a great deal of it with his own money, and he had a lot of wealthy friends contriubuing to his campaign. The same is true of those who run for congress. It's our system. If it didn't cost so much to run for office, we'd have far more economically ordinary people in Congress.

I don't know. I don't think I would want to vote for some guy who works as a Walmart Manager, who only earns $40,000 a year. Not because of his income... but because of his limited expertise and experience in the world.

There are some people who have been able to work their way into government without money.

But the truth is, we don't generally want to elect losers. I want people who have 'skin in the game'. Not some guy who makes $30K as an auto mechanic. What does that guy know about international relations?

The people who know enough about how national policy works, are often wealthy people.

Additionally, people tend to work their way up from lower levels of government. Often many people start in lower levels, and move from position to position, many times earning very little. But as we all know, there are many ways to make money in politics, and eventually you end up very wealthy before you end up in the Senate.

And lastly... Politics attracts a certain type of people. The most obvious and most prevalent... lawyers. Well clearly, if you are a lawyer, you are not going to be impoverished.

Most people at the lower income levels, have no interest whatsoever in being in politics. I would absolutely HATE being in politics. Not to mention, being honest and frank with people, is not an election winning plan.

Would *YOU* want to be in politics? Think about that. You really want every single word you ever speak, analyzed by every hack and partisan in the country? You really want every accidental word you speak, taken out of context, and splashed across international news channels?

Do you want responsibility for every action by every single Federal employee in the entire country?

Now I have blamed the IRS, and laughed at their "those emails magically were lost" explanation. But if you go through all my posts, I have never blamed Obama directly for the IRS scandal. Why? Because I truly believe it is entirely possible that the IRS was doing stuff Obama didn't know about. There are just under 3 MILLION Federal Employees.

Take a look at this page real quick.
List of United States federal agencies - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is a list of Federal Government Agencies.

When I hit print preview.... it says that this cite, is 34 pages long.

When some government agency does something crazy, and the politicians stand up and say "We didn't know about this"... many times... I believe them. You think you as a Congressman, or a Senator, are going to know what every single one of those thousand government agencies is doing? You are crazy. It would take you a couple of weeks, to go through the actions of every single agency, just once. But those Agencies are being changed and reorganized, and doing different things, every single month. And by the way.... there is no official government list of agencies. Even the government doesn't know exactly how many there are. This is just a list compiled by people on Wiki.

Back to the point.... Not many people are interested in this kind of thing. Just saying.... not many want this type of responsibility, or authority. The idea that if money wasn't required, then average people would do it, just isn't all that true. Look at the Founding Fathers of this country, back in 1776.

Of the 74 Delegates at the Constitutional convention... 35 were lawyers. Surprise. 13 were Merchants, 11 were Securities merchants (aka bankers), 7 were Land Speculators (land brokers and land lords), and 14 were massive plantation owners, or operators (Walmart people). (some overlap in here, that's why the numbers don't add up).

Out of all of them, only 2 were small farmers, 4 were doctors, 2 scientists, and 8 were career politicians which at that time was a very low wage.

So maybe 10 people were 'average joes'. The rest were wealthy. Nothing has changed. In fact, percentage wise, it's not all that different from today.
So, we should only elect people based on the size of their bank accounts? And those without large cash stashes are LOSERS...
The founders set up our legislature precisely for the mid level manager or some such. It's called a "citizen legislature". They set it up to dissuade incumbency and elitism. They wanted to avoid the permanence of the wealthy elite controlling the country for life.
How can you with a straight face sit at your computer and maintain the system is operating well?
How is that possible?
We should return to the citizen legislature. We should have term limits for Congress.
And BTW, members of Congress are paid over $170k per year. Committee assignments are paid more. Committee Chairs as well as members in leadership positions even more. The Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House make nearly $200k.
Plus they get all kinds of other federal perks. Pensions and benefits are quite cushy.
Once one is elected to Congress, they can rapidly amass quite a little nest egg.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
If they want to pay more in taxes they are free to cut a check to the U.S. Treasury for any amount they want.

But they won't
What a childlike retort

They are elected congressmen and their role is to set the tax rate. Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own tax rate, wealthy republicans look to slash programs for the poor
It's called leading by example.

But then again out elected leaders don't lead anymore do they?
So....every politician who supports helping the poor should give all their money to the poor first
Every republican who supported invading Iraq should have enlisted first

What a simpleton you are
Simpleton straw man argument.
When will you ever learn
Let Them Eat Cake Members of Congress 14 Times More Wealthy Than Average American - US News

The average wealth of democrats is higher then Republicans and over 50 percent of Congress are millionaires.
How do they vote on taxes?
A fair guess would be they vote on taxes like most Dems do.
Whats your point?
What's the point of this topic?
The point is to expose the hypocrisy of the left.
They run around the country telling anyone who will listen how EVIL the rich are. How THEY will punish the rich and bestow them with the spoils of taxation used to punish those who "have too much"...
Hypocrisy...Tghe exclusive province of liberals.
Liberals..."Do as I say. Not as I do"..

What liberal has said that rich people are evil?

What liberal has said they want to punish people for being rich?

It's not "hypocrisy" when you just make shit up to fit your argument.
You are kidding right?
You're supposed to be a MOD?......I guess you read just a "sampling" of posts on here.
Dude, take a walk.
Let Them Eat Cake Members of Congress 14 Times More Wealthy Than Average American - US News

The average wealth of democrats is higher then Republicans and over 50 percent of Congress are millionaires.
How do they vote on taxes?
A fair guess would be they vote on taxes like most Dems do.
Whats your point?
What's the point of this topic?
The point is to expose the hypocrisy of the left.
They run around the country telling anyone who will listen how EVIL the rich are. How THEY will punish the rich and bestow them with the spoils of taxation used to punish those who "have too much"...
Hypocrisy...Tghe exclusive province of liberals.
Liberals..."Do as I say. Not as I do"..

What liberal has said that rich people are evil?

What liberal has said they want to punish people for being rich?

It's not "hypocrisy" when you just make shit up to fit your argument.
You are kidding right?
You're supposed to be a MOD?......I guess you read just a "sampling" of posts on here.
Dude, take a walk.

Unsurprisingly, you can't actually give a single example - and that's because it's a rightwing fiction, not reality. It's a strawman.
We're not going back to the 18th century. How 'bout real regulation of lobbyists, the revolving door, corporate giving, real debate on propaganda outlets so the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations are only given a fair share of influence? Because this is a mess, and a New BS GOP one at that...
3 of 5 are Democrats. I take it that 2 of 5 are Republicans?

They're all Fat Cats who care not a whit about us.

First, it's always amazing to me, that based on no information except net worth, you magically know accurately who does, or does not care "about us".

As if, magically, if one of them was poor.... they would automatically 'care about us'..... because they were poor...

Because I know in my life, the people who cared the most about me.... were poor people.... right? Hasn't that been your experience too?

Second, I truly wish those people would STOP caring about me so much. Maybe if they didn't care about me, they'd stop stealing 1/3rd of my pay check, and claiming they were screwing me over for "my benefit" because "we care".

I can't tell you how many times, self-righteous, patronizing, down talking leftards, have asked me why "you are voting against your own best interest?", and I'm looking at my pay stub, thinking... that's my best interest? To be screwed over for your failed policies, is in my best interest....... right.

So yeah, if we can just vote in people who are only interested in advancing themselves, instead of screwing me over while claiming it's because they care about me.... I'd gladly take that over the current situation. That extra $6 Trillion in debt Obama has saddled me with, supposedly for 'my best interest', that I'm going to be screwed over in the future to pay back.... It would have been much better if Obama didn't care a whit about me, and didn't screw me over like that.

Dude, on another thread you said you made 12k two years ago. I am sure you are up to 14k now. Which means you get the EIC. Quit with the bullshit about how YOUR paycheck is being so severely impacted by 6 billion in debt. You get back every dollar withheld. Plus some. For being poor.

Once again... you don't know jack about the topic. I have my 2013 IRS return right here in front of me.

My total gross income from 2013, was $18.7K.

For that income, I had to pay $2,800 in taxes. About 15% of my income went to taxes... thanks to people like you.

Yikes, I spent more on fuel last year than you earned. I almost paid as much in income tax as you earned.

No wonder you're angry.

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