3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Who created those neighborhoods? People like you. They were run out of the south by Jim Crow violence and when they came north, white employers wouldn`t hire them. They hired people like my grandfather who couldn`t speak English.
What were their options? How do we know that you`re an ignoramus? Saying stupid shit like demafascist is a dead giveaway.
No I didn't create those neighborshoods, I am not a Dem on the town council, I am not a resident of Baltimore that voted for them. Try again
No I didn't create those neighborshoods, I am not a Dem on the town council, I am not a resident of Baltimore that voted for them. Try again
You forgot to tell us that you`re not a racist. I have a MAGA acquaintance that claims Beyonce is a racist. Racists love to call Black people racists. Trump (current leader of the KKK) called Fani Willis a racist. :laughing0301:
You forgot to tell us that you`re not a racist. I have a MAGA acquaintance that claims Beyonce is a racist. Racists love to call Black people racists. Trump (current leader of the KKK) called Fani Willis a racist. :laughing0301:
hahah Trump's the current leader of the KKK? hahah only one guy running for office ever gave the euglogy of a Grand Wizard of the Klan...Joey Xiden.

What black person did I call racist? I don't know Beyonce personally, so I have no idea if she is or isn't...she doesn't appear to be.

You however, clearly have prejudice, you assumed I white, because a person of color can't have an opinion that doesn't fall in line with the Demaklan in your mind.
Who created those neighborhoods? People like you. They were run out of the south by Jim Crow violence and when they came north, white employers wouldn`t hire them. They hired people like my grandfather who couldn`t speak English.
What were their options? How do we know that you`re an ignoramus? Saying stupid shit like demafascist is a dead giveaway.
Nah who created those neighborhoods? People like Joe Biden so give welfare to single moms the more kids they have while his tough on crime locked up the fathers. Be honest with yourself
You forgot to tell us that you`re not a racist. I have a MAGA acquaintance that claims Beyonce is a racist. Racists love to call Black people racists. Trump (current leader of the KKK) called Fani Willis a racist. :laughing0301:
You don't think that black people can be racist? You've never lived in the ghetto have ya?

Every race of people can be racist that's a fact
Haha i am not white and my mother has been dead for a few years

But hey, you can’t hide your prejudice can you? I don’t quote the demafasict talking points so “I ain’t black” isn’t that what your grand dragon Joey Xiden said??
Of course you're not. Meanwhile you argue the same dumb white racist argument.
Nah who created those neighborhoods? People like Joe Biden so give welfare to single moms the more kids they have while his tough on crime locked up the fathers. Be honest with yourself
Welfare began in the 1930's and blacks were excluded. Blacks have been overincarcerated and families split up from the beginning of this country.
You don't think that black people can be racist? You've never lived in the ghetto have ya?

Every race of people can be racist that's a fact

Why do you think blacks in the so-called ghetto might not like white people? Is is because we invented a classification system and taught each other that we are better than whitess with no proof? Or is it because of continuing white racist behavior by people such aas yourself?
And there were more than 2,500 whites killed by other whites.

But the reason why white on black crime gets the attention it does is due to the numbers of murders whites have committed against blacks since the beginning of this country, many of which went unpunished.

Now if you want to play the per capita game the impact of whites killing blacks is greater because there are 5 times fewer blacks than there are whites. But it's funny how per capita never enters this discussion and it also funny how inevitably some numbskull white racist tries dredging up the stuff you have whenever a white person decides to go hunting for blacks.
Okay, I'll bite. How many blacks have been murdered by Whites since this country was founded? How many Whites have been murdered by blacks since this country was founded? Oh, and these numbers are meaningless without a source.
In related news, governor #desaster demanded that news sources scrub any references to the shooters race to protect white feelings.
What's wrong with that? When the shooter is black we get no mention of race. When blacks attack Asians it barely makes news and skin color is left out. When the attackers are trans or gay no mention of those facts or skin color. When minorities and fags kill their manifestos are withheld.

It's only noteworthy when the perp is white & straight.

You people are ridiculous
Welfare began in the 1930's and blacks were excluded. Blacks have been overincarcerated and families split up from the beginning of this country.
Doesn't matter when it was started who benefits from it now..and if you wanna say over incarcerated maybe they shouldn't commit so many crimes but then you support the guy who locked up many of your people for a bit of crack anyway so who gives a shit
Notice how they never release these alleged White supremacist manifestos? Instead they tell us what the manifesto allegedly said. I was able to get a copy of Breton Tarrant's manifesto before it was scrubbed from the Internet and shockingly the media routinely lied about what it said.
Media lied you say!?!? Never LOL
Holy Cow! A mass shooting, that's like sending up the Bat Signal for 2TinyGuy. People might consider sensible gun laws for a minute and a half.

So maybe 12 cases a year of a mass shooter being stopped vs. 600 cases a year of mass shooters killing or wounding more than one person?

Where was the "Good Guy" with a gun yesterday?

I respond because assholes like you love you some tragedy like this......a mass public shooting is christmas morning for you....and the victims are your mass shooting holiday presents that you get to unwrap.....so you can do your best to lie and confuse uninformed people about these shootings....

You are lying again.......there were 12 mass public shootings in 2022......74 people killed.....

12 nuts out of over 350 million Americans....

Deer kill 200 people a year...perhaps we should ban deer.

Ladders kill 300 people a year....we need to ban ladders....

Meanwhile, cars killed over 40,000 people....we need to ban all motor vehicles....

On the other side of the ledger...Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings, and even mass public shootings.........and blm and antifa rioters........that last one really pisses you off.....

about 176,000 people are saved each year because of our legal guns....
That isn't really telling us anything about Bmore, what have Republicans done to help black folks in Mississippi? How about Alabama? How about Louisiana? Those states have the worse education systems in the country when it comes to black folks and they are ran by guess who, republicans.

They support school choice so black children can actually get a real education to escape the generational poverty and crime created by the democrat party......so the democrats fight school choice so they can keep blacks trapped in schools that will not teach them how to read, write or do math.....trapping them in those democrat party controlled cities, with generational crime and poverty.
Who created those neighborhoods? People like you. They were run out of the south by Jim Crow violence and when they came north, white employers wouldn`t hire them. They hired people like my grandfather who couldn`t speak English.
What were their options? How do we know that you`re an ignoramus? Saying stupid shit like demafascist is a dead giveaway.

Let me fix that for you....

The democrat party created jim crow after the Republicans freed blacks from democrat party slavery. The newly freed blacks went north, and then voted in democrats....who then destroyed black families with their policies, destroyed education for black children, and now democrats rule over these northern cities where generational crime and poverty destroys black lives again....

The common denominator in that destruction and death.....the democrat party.....the racist democrat party.
Statically A Black would be more safe in a store in Florida with a pissed off White with an AR-15 than he or she would be on the streets of the Black ghettos of Chicago on the weekends where typically 20-30 of them are shot.

The democrat party, left wing, transgender killer of school children....her manifesto is still not released.....

And in July, two different black men murdered white people in mass public shootings.....but those were not national stories because the shooters were black...

Heard about those two shootings on the Derek Hunter podcast today.......that is my link to the stories.

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