3 teens steal 50 guns from gun store, at least one used in murder....democrat party judge lets them off.

We do not have gun crime because normal American own and carry guns for self defense........

Americans who are law abiding and own guns do not become criminals simply because they own guns.

95% of the gun crime in this country is committed by repeat fun offenders....gun offenders who have been captured by the police, over and over again, and then they are released by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians...

Here we have 3 teens...they stole 50 guns from a gun store and supplied them to other criminals..so far, at least one of the guns was used to murder an 87 year old woman, and you can bet the rest are being used for murder and other crimes as well...

Instead of punishing these criminals.....the democrats keep letting them out.

The 3 teens? Also released by this judge...

In Michigan, simply carrying a firearm without a concealed carry license can result in a mandatory minimum two-year prison sentence, but three teens who broke into a gun store in Saginaw could avoid prison time altogether despite pleading guilty to fifteen felony charges.

Remy M. Delgado, Preston W. O’Leary, and Travontis D. Miller are all adults now, but they were 17-years old when they broke into the Showtime Guns & Ammo store on August 2nd, 2019 and stole approximately 50 firearms. Most of those haven’t been recovered, though police have traced one of those guns to the murder of an 87-year old woman last December. Despite the laundry list of felony offenses and the violent crime associated with their theft, however, Judge Andre R. Borrello told the teens back in June that he would sentence all three of them under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act, which allows a judge to divert defendants to probation. If they successfully complete their probationary term, their record is wiped clean.

On Thursday, the three men appeared before Borello for sentencing, but the public isn’t allowed to know what sentences were actually handed down.

So...a normal American carrying a legal gun for self defense will face 2 years in prison....simply for not jumping through the hoops, and going through the red tape to get a piece of paper...

Meanwhile, these 3 criminals who supplied 50 guns to actual criminals? Will go free........

And yes...the judge is a democrat...

Judge Borello, who once chaired the Saginaw County Democratic Committee before he was appointed to the bench by then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm,
This is outrageous. 17 year olds are tried as adults all the time, and these three most definitely should be.

Here is a case of a 15 year old tried as an adult for selling guns and drugs to an undercover cop:

Not only that, most states have a "felony murder" law which charges people with murder who have commited a crime which led to someone's death.

Here's a case of four teenagers and a 21 year old who commited a burglary. During the burglary, the homeowner shot and killed one of the thieves. The remaining four thieves were charged with felony murder, even though the guy killed was one of their fellow thieves!

The Indiana Supreme Court overturned that conviction for three of them, however. The fourth guy pled guilty but is now appealing based on that ruling.

These assholes who stole the guns in the OP story commited MORE THAN ONE crime. They stole the guns. Then they sold the guns to someone which resulted in the death of an elderly woman. They should recieve the maximum punishment possible.

And the judge should be impeached.

It's one thing not to throw a guy with a joint in his pocket in jail and quite another not to throw a person using a gun in a crime in jail.

Your idiocy know no bounds

I don't think the guy with a joint in his pocket belongs in prison at all. The guy who uses a gun in a crime but doesn't hurt anyone shouldn't be in there for life, either.

It's our own damned fault for making it easier for him to get a gun than an education.

Why are you the only one bringing up racism.....when you have no other argument.

Career felons caught with illegal guns...you want them put back on the street over and over again...you are an idiot.

Actually, I want to see them get another career.

To me, craziness is we put a kid in jail for life for a $100.00 liquor store heist, but someone steal billions from a bank, and he gets no time.

When the poor steal it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits.
Again, we don't have the room in prison to lock up the murderers and rapists, much less someone who commits petty property crimes.

But if you want to charge these guys for selling a gun that was used in a murder. I'm all fine with that. Then we can charge all the gun stores and manufacturers for the guns they sell that are used in murders.

Works for me.
Do the same for alcohol manufacturers too. Killed by a drunk driver, sue the driver, the bar, find out all the drinks he had that night and sue each manufacturer, distributor, middle man, farmer, cultivator, the farming equipment, the fertilizer company, the engineers who designed the farming equipment, the people that build the farming equipment, then sue the former farm owner for selling to the current farm owner as they should have had the foresight in seeing what would be grown, sue the real estate agent, real estate agency.... Hell SUE THEM ALL!
I don't think the guy with a joint in his pocket belongs in prison at all. The guy who uses a gun in a crime but doesn't hurt anyone shouldn't be in there for life, either.

It's our own damned fault for making it easier for him to get a gun than an education.

Actually, I want to see them get another career.

To me, craziness is we put a kid in jail for life for a $100.00 liquor store heist, but someone steal billions from a bank, and he gets no time.

When the poor steal it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits.
Where did i say he should be in for life?

Stop making shit up
I don't think the guy with a joint in his pocket belongs in prison at all. The guy who uses a gun in a crime but doesn't hurt anyone shouldn't be in there for life, either.

It's our own damned fault for making it easier for him to get a gun than an education.

Actually, I want to see them get another career.

To me, craziness is we put a kid in jail for life for a $100.00 liquor store heist, but someone steal billions from a bank, and he gets no time.

When the poor steal it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits.

The felon caught with a gun during the commision of a crime should get 30 years....that would discourage the low lifes from carrying guns.....the really dumb ones would still carry them, but when caught....would not be shooting anyone for 30 years.

It isn't easier to get a gun, you dumb ass...the political party you support, the democrat party, the party founded by slave rapists, has destroyed the education system in the cities they control....and you vote for them.

You are the problem...not normal people who own guns for self defense from the violent criminals you want to keep releasing from jail and prison.
Do the same for alcohol manufacturers too. Killed by a drunk driver, sue the driver, the bar, find out all the drinks he had that night and sue each manufacturer, distributor, middle man, farmer, cultivator, the farming equipment, the fertilizer company, the engineers who designed the farming equipment, the people that build the farming equipment, then sue the former farm owner for selling to the current farm owner as they should have had the foresight in seeing what would be grown, sue the real estate agent, real estate agency.... Hell SUE THEM ALL!

The guys in the factory who put the booze in the can or bottle should go to prison for life.....cause joe says the actual violent felon shouldn't go to prison...so lock up the guys making booze.
The guys in the factory who put the booze in the can or bottle should go to prison for life.....cause joe says the actual violent felon shouldn't go to prison...so lock up the guys making booze.
Fact, and this is easily found online, alcohol, drugs and tobacco account for a lot more deaths than gun deaths in this US. But nobody wants their booze taken away. Why is that, because it's not a political issue, yet.

I would wager this: The % of responsible gun owners in the US is greater than the % of responsible drinkers in the US. I bet we all have been out with someone who drank too much and shouldn't have been behind the wheel. I bet a lot of us are friends with people and we don't even know they own a gun. But all we hear about are the random gun violence in the US, while hundreds of thousand of Americans go drive drunk, high, or intoxicated on something every day. But let's let the MSM and politicians drive the illogical narrative.
We do not have gun crime because normal American own and carry guns for self defense........

Americans who are law abiding and own guns do not become criminals simply because they own guns.

95% of the gun crime in this country is committed by repeat fun offenders....gun offenders who have been captured by the police, over and over again, and then they are released by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians...

Here we have 3 teens...they stole 50 guns from a gun store and supplied them to other criminals..so far, at least one of the guns was used to murder an 87 year old woman, and you can bet the rest are being used for murder and other crimes as well...

Instead of punishing these criminals.....the democrats keep letting them out.

The 3 teens? Also released by this judge...

In Michigan, simply carrying a firearm without a concealed carry license can result in a mandatory minimum two-year prison sentence, but three teens who broke into a gun store in Saginaw could avoid prison time altogether despite pleading guilty to fifteen felony charges.

Remy M. Delgado, Preston W. O’Leary, and Travontis D. Miller are all adults now, but they were 17-years old when they broke into the Showtime Guns & Ammo store on August 2nd, 2019 and stole approximately 50 firearms. Most of those haven’t been recovered, though police have traced one of those guns to the murder of an 87-year old woman last December. Despite the laundry list of felony offenses and the violent crime associated with their theft, however, Judge Andre R. Borrello told the teens back in June that he would sentence all three of them under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act, which allows a judge to divert defendants to probation. If they successfully complete their probationary term, their record is wiped clean.

On Thursday, the three men appeared before Borello for sentencing, but the public isn’t allowed to know what sentences were actually handed down.

So...a normal American carrying a legal gun for self defense will face 2 years in prison....simply for not jumping through the hoops, and going through the red tape to get a piece of paper...

Meanwhile, these 3 criminals who supplied 50 guns to actual criminals? Will go free........

And yes...the judge is a democrat...

Judge Borello, who once chaired the Saginaw County Democratic Committee before he was appointed to the bench by then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm,
Maybe Republican gun store owners should secure their merchandise. Actually, I`d bet it`s mostly Republican vehicle owners that leave their guns in their vehicles overnight for someone to steal.
I grew up in Michigan
State has amazing lakes and hills

However, it’s like living in the 5th world
. One of the worst places you can imagine
Michigan has been obliterated by the Democrats and massive waves of minorities
M14 Shooter
I was in metro Detroit and wow
Wow wow
A total 5th world hell hole
Would not be surprised if they did not have electricity or running water
M14 Shooter
I was in metro Detroit and wow
Wow wow
A total 5th world hell hole
Would not be surprised if they did not have electricity or running water
It's Funny...
I was downtown Detroit not too long ago. Took east Jefferson east and noth along the river. Looked like a war zone.
Crossed into Grosse Pointe Park and it was like Bugs Bunny crossing south over the Mason Dixon line.
Do the same for alcohol manufacturers too. Killed by a drunk driver, sue the driver, the bar, find out all the drinks he had that night and sue each manufacturer, distributor, middle man, farmer, cultivator, the farming equipment, the fertilizer company, the engineers who designed the farming equipment, the people that build the farming equipment, then sue the former farm owner for selling to the current farm owner as they should have had the foresight in seeing what would be grown, sue the real estate agent, real estate agency.... Hell SUE THEM ALL!

Actually, you CAN sue the bar if someone gets drunk and kills someone. It's why most bars have extensive BASSET training.

The guys in the factory who put the booze in the can or bottle should go to prison for life.....cause joe says the actual violent felon shouldn't go to prison...so lock up the guys making booze.

Never said we should lock up the gun makers..

Just that the people who get injured by a Joker Holmes should be able to get compensation from the gun industry that thought this was a guy who should get a gun.

Fact, and this is easily found online, alcohol, drugs and tobacco account for a lot more deaths than gun deaths in this US. But nobody wants their booze taken away. Why is that, because it's not a political issue, yet.

I would wager this: The % of responsible gun owners in the US is greater than the % of responsible drinkers in the US. I bet we all have been out with someone who drank too much and shouldn't have been behind the wheel. I bet a lot of us are friends with people and we don't even know they own a gun. But all we hear about are the random gun violence in the US, while hundreds of thousand of Americans go drive drunk, high, or intoxicated on something every day. But let's let the MSM and politicians drive the illogical narrative.

Here's the thing. Guns are designed to kill people. They really have no other purpose.

Drunk Driving causes 10,000 deaths a year. That's bad. And we spend a lot of money policing that.

Gun violence causes 39,000 deaths a year. That's a lot worse.

Drugs are illegal, and frankly, the way that cigarettes are regulated is specifically meant to discourage people from picking up the habit. The thing is, that works just fine. We've gone from 45% of the population that smokes to 20%... and dropping. Largely because we DID sue the Tobacco industry into behaving itself better.

The felon caught with a gun during the commision of a crime should get 30 years....that would discourage the low lifes from carrying guns.....the really dumb ones would still carry them, but when caught....would not be shooting anyone for 30 years.

It isn't easier to get a gun, you dumb ass...the political party you support, the democrat party, the party founded by slave rapists, has destroyed the education system in the cities they control....and you vote for them.

You are the problem...not normal people who own guns for self defense from the violent criminals you want to keep releasing from jail and prison.

I'm sorry, who are these normal people you keep talking about. I have yet to meet "normal" people, everyone is kind of fucked up in their own way, especially you...

83% of gun homicides are people the victim knows, and suicides are 2/3rds of gun deaths. I'm less worried about the mythical criminal you keep whinging about and more concerned how guns turn a domestic argument or depression into a tragedy.

We don't have the prison space to lock up everyone caught with a gun who shouldn't have one. We bankrupt ourselves now locking up the 2 million people we do lock up.
Maybe Republican gun store owners should secure their merchandise. Actually, I`d bet it`s mostly Republican vehicle owners that leave their guns in their vehicles overnight for someone to steal.

And? They are still the victims of a crime. Also, if shitheads like you would stop making every public space gun free zones, those people could simply keep their guns with them as they go about their business, instead of being forced to keep their guns in their cars in the first place...

This is on you, and the criminal, not the legal gun owner.
And? They are still the victims of a crime. Also, if shitheads like you would stop making every public space gun free zones, those people could simply keep their guns with them as they go about their business, instead of being forced to keep their guns in their cars in the first place...

This is on you, and the criminal, not the legal gun owner.

Nope, it's on the idiots who let 500,000 guns get stolen every year... that's what feeds the illegal gun market, that legal guns are too easy to get and the "normal gun owners" are far too careless with them.
I'm sorry, who are these normal people you keep talking about. I have yet to meet "normal" people, everyone is kind of fucked up in their own way, especially you...

83% of gun homicides are people the victim knows, and suicides are 2/3rds of gun deaths. I'm less worried about the mythical criminal you keep whinging about and more concerned how guns turn a domestic argument or depression into a tragedy.

We don't have the prison space to lock up everyone caught with a gun who shouldn't have one. We bankrupt ourselves now locking up the 2 million people we do lock up.

83% of gun homicides are people the victim knows,

Yes....you are dishonest...we know this, as this quote from your post shows....

You know that "people the victim knows," means the drug dealer knows the guy who shoots him to steal his money and his drugs....the gang member killed in the drive by shooting knew the other gang members who shot him.....

That you use this to imply normal gun owners are shooting each other over burned dinners shows that you are a vile, disgusting scumbag..
Nope, it's on the idiots who let 500,000 guns get stolen every year... that's what feeds the illegal gun market, that legal guns are too easy to get and the "normal gun owners" are far too careless with them.

Normal gun owners have their guns stolen.....so?

When you catch the people stealing the guns, lock them up for 30 years.

That is the solution.

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