3 things liberals can't lie about

My point was the congress writes the budget, for some reason you can not fathom. Obama was part of those writing the budget.

Your deflection of Bush submitting a budget that was large changes nothing.

Did Bush submit a $3+ trillion dollar budget for 2009?

Nevermind, I'll answer that for you. FoxNews good enough for you?

The record $3.1 trillion budget proposed by President Bush on Monday is almost sure to produce eyepopping federal deficits, despite his attempts to impose politically wrenching curbs on Medicare and eliminate scores of popular domestic programs.

The Pentagon would receive a $36 billion, 8 percent boost for the 2009 budget year beginning Oct. 1, even as programs aimed at the poor would be cut back or eliminated. Half of domestic Cabinet departments would see their budgets cut outright.

Slumping revenues and the cost of an economic rescue package will combine to produce a huge jump in the deficit to $410 billion this year and $407 billion in 2009, the White House says, just shy of the record $413 billion set four years ago.

But even those figures are optimistic since they depend on rosy economic forecasts and leave out the full costs of the war in Iraq. The White House predicts the economy will grow at a 2.7 percent clip this year, far higher than congressional and private economists expect, and the administration's $70 billion figure for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is simply a placeholder until the next president takes office.

Bush Sends Congress $3.1 Trillion Budget With Big Increases for Defense | Fox News

^-----Please cite what part of that $3.1 trillion Bush submitted that Obama specifically wrote.

Now you are having reading comprehension issues. YAWN....................
But did Bush create it?


Bush pushed for increased home ownership for low-income people. Which is a noble cause, sure, but he did it in a terrible way. Sub prime mortgages sky rocketed under his watch as did the housing bubble.

This goes beyond 10 levels of stupid. ALL the denial from the democrats that the housing market crash was not caused by increase minority home ownership. You defend freddie mac and fannie mae which are democrat pet projects, but you somehow spin a 30 plus years mistake on bush who wasn't even president a year?


''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - New York Times

I never said the crash was due to sub-prime mortgages.

Maybe you should read what I write.

Bush pushed for increased home ownership for low-income people. Which is a noble cause, sure, but he did it in a terrible way. Sub prime mortgages sky rocketed under his watch as did the housing bubble.

This goes beyond 10 levels of stupid. ALL the denial from the democrats that the housing market crash was not caused by increase minority home ownership. You defend freddie mac and fannie mae which are democrat pet projects, but you somehow spin a 30 plus years mistake on bush who wasn't even president a year?


''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - New York Times

I never said the crash was due to sub-prime mortgages.

Maybe you should read what I write.

I never said you did, but what you did was blame bush when it was a democrat program that caused the mess.
This goes beyond 10 levels of stupid. ALL the denial from the democrats that the housing market crash was not caused by increase minority home ownership. You defend freddie mac and fannie mae which are democrat pet projects, but you somehow spin a 30 plus years mistake on bush who wasn't even president a year?


''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - New York Times

I never said the crash was due to sub-prime mortgages.

Maybe you should read what I write.

I never said you did, but what you did was blame bush when it was a democrat program that caused the mess.

And what program would that be?
I never said the crash was due to sub-prime mortgages.

Maybe you should read what I write.

I never said you did, but what you did was blame bush when it was a democrat program that caused the mess.

And what program would that be?
''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''
My point was the congress writes the budget, for some reason you can not fathom. Obama was part of those writing the budget.

Your deflection of Bush submitting a budget that was large changes nothing.

Did Bush submit a $3+ trillion dollar budget for 2009?

Nevermind, I'll answer that for you. FoxNews good enough for you?

The record $3.1 trillion budget proposed by President Bush on Monday is almost sure to produce eyepopping federal deficits, despite his attempts to impose politically wrenching curbs on Medicare and eliminate scores of popular domestic programs.

The Pentagon would receive a $36 billion, 8 percent boost for the 2009 budget year beginning Oct. 1, even as programs aimed at the poor would be cut back or eliminated. Half of domestic Cabinet departments would see their budgets cut outright.

Slumping revenues and the cost of an economic rescue package will combine to produce a huge jump in the deficit to $410 billion this year and $407 billion in 2009, the White House says, just shy of the record $413 billion set four years ago.

But even those figures are optimistic since they depend on rosy economic forecasts and leave out the full costs of the war in Iraq. The White House predicts the economy will grow at a 2.7 percent clip this year, far higher than congressional and private economists expect, and the administration's $70 billion figure for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is simply a placeholder until the next president takes office.

Bush Sends Congress $3.1 Trillion Budget With Big Increases for Defense | Fox News

^-----Please cite what part of that $3.1 trillion Bush submitted that Obama specifically wrote.

Now you are having reading comprehension issues. YAWN....................

As expected, you were not able to come up with anything. It's not that big of a deal to acknowledge the fact that Bush spent $3.1 trillion and left behind a $1 trillion deficit. It's not a secret. The Dems added another $450 billion on top of Bush's $3.1 trillion and pushed the deficit to almost $1.5 trillion. Ho hum.
Did Bush submit a $3+ trillion dollar budget for 2009?

Nevermind, I'll answer that for you. FoxNews good enough for you?


Bush Sends Congress $3.1 Trillion Budget With Big Increases for Defense | Fox News

^-----Please cite what part of that $3.1 trillion Bush submitted that Obama specifically wrote.

Now you are having reading comprehension issues. YAWN....................

As expected, you were not able to come up with anything. It's not that big of a deal to acknowledge the fact that Bush spent $3.1 trillion and left behind a $1 trillion deficit. It's not a secret. The Dems added another $450 billion on top of Bush's $3.1 trillion and pushed the deficit to almost $1.5 trillion. Ho hum.

My point is idiot there were more players involved, your petty one sidedness is why we are divided today. Which is fine with me.
Why do you lie?

Well lets see
In August of last year

The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush\
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.

Has Papa Obama not passed it yet

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Truth is hard for the left
in fact it is their worst enemy

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Why would you include Obama's failed stimulus in Bush's debt?
I never said you did, but what you did was blame bush when it was a democrat program that caused the mess.

And what program would that be?
''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

You think Fannie and Freddie caused the crash???


That's cute.
Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Obama was inaugurated Jan 22, not Sept 30, dipstick.

You can never trust any numbers libturds post because they always play games with the numbers. Another way to say that is "they lie."

He is using fiscal years.

Do you think Obama should be held responsible for Bush's budget?

Only if Obama thought Bush spent too much.
If Obama thinks Bush spent too litlle, then why not?
Obama was inaugurated Jan 22, not Sept 30, dipstick.

You can never trust any numbers libturds post because they always play games with the numbers. Another way to say that is "they lie."

He is using fiscal years.

Do you think Obama should be held responsible for Bush's budget?

Only if Obama thought Bush spent too much.
If Obama thinks Bush spent too litlle, then why not?

How does Obama's opinion of the budget allow him to not follow it?
Well lets see
In August of last year

The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush\
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.

Has Papa Obama not passed it yet

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Truth is hard for the left
in fact it is their worst enemy

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Why would you include Obama's failed stimulus in Bush's debt?

More myths.... the stimulus didn't fail.

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Why would you include Obama's failed stimulus in Bush's debt?

More myths.... the stimulus didn't fail.


The white house admitted failure. Try for once to get something right.
Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

I believe unemployment was at 7.8 but why quibble. The economy was shedding 750,000 jobs a month when Bush finally left office. It is now gaining 250,000 jobs a month. The Obama economy is making a million jobs a month more than Bush left him with

Gas dropped momentarily to $1.78 and then quickly shot up again. Lest we forget, Bush gave us our first $4.00 a gallon gas

Bush debt was $11.3 trillion and he was given a budget surplus when he started. Bush doubled his debt. Obamas budget has to compensate for two Bush wars, an unfunded Medicare Part D and a $2 trillion Bush tax cut

You lying fucks, you continue to state that there was some magical surplus when that pig Clinton left office with all of the White House china........there wasn't a surplus, it was stated as a PROJECTEDsurplus(if all of the bullshit .com money kept pouring in). 2 years before Bush left office as a severely lame duck, Reid and Pelosi came in and started buying votes from the "poor" immediately. Along with Barney "The Pimp" Frank, they gave us the Fannie/Freddie mess. Oh and a little thing happened a few months after President Bush took office, on September 11th we were attacked. Billions were lost immediately, airlines almost went under, Anthrax became a familiar word.
A category 5 Hurricane hit and caused the destruction of a major city(there's your 4 dollar gas when refineries on the Gulf were shut down twice with another hurricane...Rita, another hurricane named Ike caused the Houston area to be without power for as many as 2 weeks(over 60 billion in loses), assorted floods and tornadoes across the country and of course a tsunami that we arrived at the aftermath first.......a lot of shit was thrown on President Bush's plate and it's a lot more complex than you clowns give him credit for.
Bush debt was $11.3 trillion and he was given a budget surplus when he started. Bush doubled his debt. Obamas budget has to compensate for two Bush wars, an unfunded Medicare Part D and a $2 trillion Bush tax cut

You are wrong on just about every count. When Bush left office, the national debt was $10.6 Trillion, and $0.7 Trillion of that was repaid to the government, meaning that Bush left a debt of $10 Trillion, not $11.3 Trillion. Only three of the 13 spending bills were enacted before Bush left office, and Obama and a Democrat congress enacted the majority of the 2009 spending in March of 2009.

There was no surplus in January 2001 when Bush took office. The "projected surplus" that Clinton and you lefties wish to crow about, ceased to exist before Clinton left office. Just more smoke and mirrors. It was based on economic factors that no longer existed when the projection was made. The economy was already flat on January 20, 2001, and went into recession within three months. The tax cuts aborted that recession, and did the same in 2003.
Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

No spin to it. I just find it interesting that you believe the debt should have shrunk when we were entering a long recession that was not the fault of Obama, while at the same time having the lowest tax rates in over 60 years. And yes, gas prices were low, because the economy both engines to our economy, and the rest of the world, had stalled, and we were in freefall.

while at the same time having the lowest tax rates in over 60 years.

The top rate was 28% in 1988.
Not exactly ancient history.
He is using fiscal years.

Do you think Obama should be held responsible for Bush's budget?

Only if Obama thought Bush spent too much.
If Obama thinks Bush spent too litlle, then why not?

How does Obama's opinion of the budget allow him to not follow it?

Didn't Dems control both houses in Jan 2009?
He could have submitted cuts to take place immediately.
Did he?
How much Bush spending did he cut when he took office?
Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Why would you include Obama's failed stimulus in Bush's debt?

More myths.... the stimulus didn't fail.


I heard unemployment would rise over 8% if the stimulus wasn't passed.
How'd that work out?
Yup, all of a sudden 80+% of home loans had nothing to do with F+F 2003-2006, SEC was castrated, and it's all the out of power Dems fault. You believe a pile of Pubcrappe. MORON.
Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Why would you include Obama's failed stimulus in Bush's debt?

More myths.... the stimulus didn't fail.


I heard unemployment would rise over 8% if the stimulus wasn't passed.
How'd that work out?

As you can see, their projections were wrong. They were too overly optimistic in the face of an economy losing three quarters of a million jobs a month at the time.

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