3 things liberals can't lie about

Also by far the worst recession since, and any economist knows huge burst housing bubbles are the worst. Great job, Pubbies...

Actually democrats get most of that credit but you are too stupid to know.

He knows. Franco is trying to justify his existence to his masters.

Yeah sure. Barney Frank gets the blame, though he was out of power from 1995-2007. How can you be so ignorant and brainwashed. And you morons say Obama blames everything on Bush. Well, so does the rest of the world beside dittohead moron loudmouths...
There were a lot of idiot libtards blaming Bush for high gas prices. Obamaturd stated he would like to see five dollar a gallon gas. Keep the libtard stupid spin going, you guys are used to being dizzy.

Yeah 1993 deficit reduction: A Lesson on Tax Policy

without a single GOP vote and the conservative noise machine predicting disaster

Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down.

This is another of conservatives’ hidden agendas: they keep promising workers that if we cut taxes on the wealthy and the economy grows, their wages will go up. But when wages even start to go up—for whatever reason—conservatives do everything they can to slow down the economy. They never openly tell the public about the second part of their strategy when they discuss taxes, economic growth and wages.

Exactly. Shithead gutted the Military until the day he left office.

A nice way to say the Cold War had ended
"Three things liberals can't lie about"

Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

Hilarious OP. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant and pretend Obama took office in a vacuum i.e. the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade's bread and butter.

Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2 - and growing to the tune of -700,000/month
Unemployment now. 8.3 - and gaining 200,000 - 300,000/mo

That's about 1 million jobs/mo swing in the positive direction for Obama.

Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78 and bottoming out along with the rest of the market in the wake of the economy crashing.....under Bush
Gasoline prices now. 3.76, returning to pre-crash levels right along side the market

Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion ---- thanks to the $1trillion deficit and tattered economy left behind by Bush

But you guys should definitely run on this kind of narrative because your bullshit just doesn't work anymore. It's going to be a hoot watching the President throw all of those things in the right's faces and listen to you guys whine as he coasts to reelection after you've put out the welcome mat for him to remind the country of the disaster he inherited and contrast that with an economy that has turned the corner.

Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

Unemployment when Bush took office 4.2
Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2

Does the President control the price of gasoline?

The dollar was stronger while Bush was president than it is now, that's why gas is so high now THANK YOU DICK HEAD obama.

True. Gas prices were never this high under Bush. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant with a touch of imagination to make it so.
When Bush left office the nation was on the verge of a recession/depression. Bush was dumping some big bucks into the economy in the form of a bailout to keep it from a wholesale sink.
Think of how America would be today if we had gone from Clinton to Obama with no Bush.
Historians have already rated Bush as the 2nd worst financial president in our history, and 15th worst president overall. Americans should be so grateful this country is not in another Great Depression at this time and each day seems closer to recovering.

Which "historians" rated President's financial performance...and where oh where did Barry fall on their list? I'm sorry, Regent but as bad as W. was fiscally he is head and shoulders better than Obama. Obama can't even submit a legitimate budget! He passed the buck on making tough cuts to a "Super Committee" yet included those future cuts in his fiscal estimates like they'd already been made. He was at the helm when we suffered the indignity of our first credit downgrade in the country's history.

As for who was responsible for us not being in another Great Depression? It was TARP that probably kept that from happening and that was W's program. Barry gave us the Obama Stimulus...a billion dollars tacked onto the national debt that did very little to stimulate anything. So somehow Barry gets better fiscal grades than W? It must be the same group of "geniuses" the awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize.
When Bush left office the nation was on the verge of a recession/depression. Bush was dumping some big bucks into the economy in the form of a bailout to keep it from a wholesale sink.
Think of how America would be today if we had gone from Clinton to Obama with no Bush.
Historians have already rated Bush as the 2nd worst financial president in our history, and 15th worst president overall. Americans should be so grateful this country is not in another Great Depression at this time and each day seems closer to recovering.

Which "historians" rated President's financial performance...and where oh where did Barry fall on their list? I'm sorry, Regent but as bad as W. was fiscally he is head and shoulders better than Obama. Obama can't even submit a legitimate budget! He passed the buck on making tough cuts to a "Super Committee" yet included those future cuts in his fiscal estimates like they'd already been made. He was at the helm when we suffered the indignity of our first credit downgrade in the country's history.

As for who was responsible for us not being in another Great Depression? It was TARP that probably kept that from happening and that was W's program. Barry gave us the Obama Stimulus...a billion dollars tacked onto the national debt that did very little to stimulate anything. So somehow Barry gets better fiscal grades than W? It must be the same group of "geniuses" the awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yeah, fiscal genius like cutting taxes while running two wars off the books.
When Bush left office the nation was on the verge of a recession/depression. Bush was dumping some big bucks into the economy in the form of a bailout to keep it from a wholesale sink.
Think of how America would be today if we had gone from Clinton to Obama with no Bush.
Historians have already rated Bush as the 2nd worst financial president in our history, and 15th worst president overall. Americans should be so grateful this country is not in another Great Depression at this time and each day seems closer to recovering.

Which "historians" rated President's financial performance...and where oh where did Barry fall on their list? I'm sorry, Regent but as bad as W. was fiscally he is head and shoulders better than Obama. Obama can't even submit a legitimate budget! He passed the buck on making tough cuts to a "Super Committee" yet included those future cuts in his fiscal estimates like they'd already been made. He was at the helm when we suffered the indignity of our first credit downgrade in the country's history.

As for who was responsible for us not being in another Great Depression? It was TARP that probably kept that from happening and that was W's program. Barry gave us the Obama Stimulus...a billion dollars tacked onto the national debt that did very little to stimulate anything. So somehow Barry gets better fiscal grades than W? It must be the same group of "geniuses" the awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yeah, fiscal genius like cutting taxes while running two wars off the books.
Still showed in the debt.

Point? As democrats dont even write budgets.
"Three things liberals can't lie about"

Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

Hilarious OP. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant and pretend Obama took office in a vacuum i.e. the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade's bread and butter.

Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2 - and growing to the tune of -700,000/month
Unemployment now. 8.3 - and gaining 200,000 - 300,000/mo

That's about 1 million jobs/mo swing in the positive direction for Obama.

Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78 and bottoming out along with the rest of the market in the wake of the economy crashing.....under Bush
Gasoline prices now. 3.76, returning to pre-crash levels right along side the market

Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion ---- thanks to the $1trillion deficit and tattered economy left behind by Bush

But you guys should definitely run on this kind of narrative because your bullshit just doesn't work anymore. It's going to be a hoot watching the President throw all of those things in the right's faces and listen to you guys whine as he coasts to reelection after you've put out the welcome mat for him to remind the country of the disaster he inherited and contrast that with an economy that has turned the corner.


What will be amusing, Article is to watch the excuses you guys come up with for another four years if Barry "does" win reelection. You do realize that he hasn't had a clue what to do about anything related to the economy for several years now? After the Larry Summers "stimulus" was a colossal no show, Barack Obama hasn't HAD a plan. It's been nothing but finger pointing and excuse making. You think this President has the "answers" to fix things going forward? Really? If he does...then why hasn't he trotted those bad boys out before now? It's been three plus YEARS and he's still trying to figure it all out. Of course that isn't hard to understand when you think about the economic failures he surrounded himself with. Summers? Romer? Geithner? The later can't even figure out Turbo Tax and he's our freakin' Treasury Secretary?

If it wasn't for the damage another Obama term would bring...I'd almost pay good money to see the FUBAR that another four years of Barry would result in.
Last edited:
When Bush left office the nation was on the verge of a recession/depression. Bush was dumping some big bucks into the economy in the form of a bailout to keep it from a wholesale sink.
Think of how America would be today if we had gone from Clinton to Obama with no Bush.
Historians have already rated Bush as the 2nd worst financial president in our history, and 15th worst president overall. Americans should be so grateful this country is not in another Great Depression at this time and each day seems closer to recovering.

Which "historians" rated President's financial performance...and where oh where did Barry fall on their list? I'm sorry, Regent but as bad as W. was fiscally he is head and shoulders better than Obama. Obama can't even submit a legitimate budget! He passed the buck on making tough cuts to a "Super Committee" yet included those future cuts in his fiscal estimates like they'd already been made. He was at the helm when we suffered the indignity of our first credit downgrade in the country's history.

As for who was responsible for us not being in another Great Depression? It was TARP that probably kept that from happening and that was W's program. Barry gave us the Obama Stimulus...a billion dollars tacked onto the national debt that did very little to stimulate anything. So somehow Barry gets better fiscal grades than W? It must be the same group of "geniuses" the awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yeah, fiscal genius like cutting taxes while running two wars off the books.

You guys are so fixated on the whole "off the books" thing with W's war finance. Why? Since it STILL ended up being counted in the amount of his addition to the national debt then what the heck difference does it make? Barry won't even submit budgets because the amount he's going in the red is so large he doesn't want the American people to get a handle on it.
Unemployment when Bush took office 4.2
Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2

Does the President control the price of gasoline?

The dollar was stronger while Bush was president than it is now, that's why gas is so high now THANK YOU DICK HEAD obama.

True. Gas prices were never this high under Bush. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant with a touch of imagination to make it so.

When gas hits $5 a gallon, he's gonna say, "It was the guy who was President 3 1/2 years ago that's to blame"?
That'll work. :clap2:
The dollar was stronger while Bush was president than it is now, that's why gas is so high now THANK YOU DICK HEAD obama.

True. Gas prices were never this high under Bush. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant with a touch of imagination to make it so.

When gas hits $5 a gallon, he's gonna say, "It was the guy who was President 3 1/2 years ago that's to blame"?
That'll work. :clap2:

What's scary about this situation is that present policy affect future prices. Does anyone out there see ANYTHING that Barry is doing that will bring down the price of oil? We're looking at rising prices if he and his crew have their way. It's not like he hasn't been clear about that being the goal from back before he became President. He wants $6 a gallon gasoline. Give him another term and he'll see that we get just that.
The dollar was stronger while Bush was president than it is now, that's why gas is so high now THANK YOU DICK HEAD obama.

True. Gas prices were never this high under Bush. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant with a touch of imagination to make it so.

When gas hits $5 a gallon, he's gonna say, "It was the guy who was President 3 1/2 years ago that's to blame"?
That'll work. :clap2:

Obama said before he was president that Bush controlled gas prices.

Now he says he doesn't and he cannot do a thing about it, so forget about going back to the prices he inherited from Bush.
The dollar was stronger while Bush was president than it is now, that's why gas is so high now THANK YOU DICK HEAD obama.

True. Gas prices were never this high under Bush. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant with a touch of imagination to make it so.

When gas hits $5 a gallon, he's gonna say, "It was the guy who was President 3 1/2 years ago that's to blame"?
That'll work. :clap2:

When Obama was on record against Bush for far worse...Obama expects us to forget.
Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

I believe unemployment was at 7.8 but why quibble. The economy was shedding 750,000 jobs a month when Bush finally left office. It is now gaining 250,000 jobs a month. The Obama economy is making a million jobs a month more than Bush left him with

Gas dropped momentarily to $1.78 and then quickly shot up again. Lest we forget, Bush gave us our first $4.00 a gallon gas

Bush debt was $11.3 trillion and he was given a budget surplus when he started. Bush doubled his debt. Obamas budget has to compensate for two Bush wars, an unfunded Medicare Part D and a $2 trillion Bush tax cut

I don't remember saying Obama has done everything right do you?
Which "historians" rated President's financial performance...and where oh where did Barry fall on their list? I'm sorry, Regent but as bad as W. was fiscally he is head and shoulders better than Obama. Obama can't even submit a legitimate budget! He passed the buck on making tough cuts to a "Super Committee" yet included those future cuts in his fiscal estimates like they'd already been made. He was at the helm when we suffered the indignity of our first credit downgrade in the country's history.

As for who was responsible for us not being in another Great Depression? It was TARP that probably kept that from happening and that was W's program. Barry gave us the Obama Stimulus...a billion dollars tacked onto the national debt that did very little to stimulate anything. So somehow Barry gets better fiscal grades than W? It must be the same group of "geniuses" the awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yeah, fiscal genius like cutting taxes while running two wars off the books.

You guys are so fixated on the whole "off the books" thing with W's war finance. Why? Since it STILL ended up being counted in the amount of his addition to the national debt then what the heck difference does it make? Barry won't even submit budgets because the amount he's going in the red is so large he doesn't want the American people to get a handle on it.

Because by running the wars off the books even though it all becomes debt in the end you can still cite dubious deficit numbers that helps enable you to slash taxes while engaging in said off the books wars.
"Three things liberals can't lie about"

Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

Hilarious OP. All you have to do is be willfully ignorant and pretend Obama took office in a vacuum i.e. the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade's bread and butter.

Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2 - and growing to the tune of -700,000/month
Unemployment now. 8.3 - and gaining 200,000 - 300,000/mo

That's about 1 million jobs/mo swing in the positive direction for Obama.

Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78 and bottoming out along with the rest of the market in the wake of the economy crashing.....under Bush
Gasoline prices now. 3.76, returning to pre-crash levels right along side the market

Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion ---- thanks to the $1trillion deficit and tattered economy left behind by Bush

But you guys should definitely run on this kind of narrative because your bullshit just doesn't work anymore. It's going to be a hoot watching the President throw all of those things in the right's faces and listen to you guys whine as he coasts to reelection after you've put out the welcome mat for him to remind the country of the disaster he inherited and contrast that with an economy that has turned the corner.


What will be amusing, Article is to watch the excuses you guys come up with for another four years if Barry "does" win reelection. You do realize that he hasn't had a clue what to do about anything related to the economy for several years now? After the Larry Summers "stimulus" was a colossal no show, Barack Obama hasn't HAD a plan. It's been nothing but finger pointing and excuse making. You think this President has the "answers" to fix things going forward? Really? If he does...then why hasn't he trotted those bad boys out before now? It's been three plus YEARS and he's still trying to figure it all out. Of course that isn't hard to understand when you think about the economic failures he surrounded himself with. Summers? Romer? Geithner? The later can't even figure out Turbo Tax and he's our freakin' Treasury Secretary?

If it wasn't for the damage another Obama term would bring...I'd almost pay good money to see the FUBAR that another four years of Barry would result in.

It's going to be more interesting to watch the ensuing meltdown from the Right Wing Nut Brigade when he gets reelected and to hear the interesting rhetorical gymnastics they will be performing as the economy inevitably continues to get better.
Unemployment when Bush left office 7.2
Unemployment now. 8.3
Gasoline prices when Bush left office. 1.78
Gasoline prices now. 3.76
Debt when Bush left office. 10 trillion
Debt now. 15 trillion.

Spin away.

I believe unemployment was at 7.8 but why quibble. The economy was shedding 750,000 jobs a month when Bush finally left office. It is now gaining 250,000 jobs a month. The Obama economy is making a million jobs a month more than Bush left him with

Gas dropped momentarily to $1.78 and then quickly shot up again. Lest we forget, Bush gave us our first $4.00 a gallon gas

Bush debt was $11.3 trillion and he was given a budget surplus when he started. Bush doubled his debt. Obamas budget has to compensate for two Bush wars, an unfunded Medicare Part D and a $2 trillion Bush tax cut

Translation: We voted for four more years of the same crap.

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