3 things liberals can't lie about

Bush's last budget? Not the one with republicans in charge of congress. The democrats held the troops hostage to this leftist sleaze. Bush's last real budget was ended in October of 2007.
Not to mention that the budget deficit that year was 1.2% of GDP @ $161 billion:
Deficit for Fiscal 2007 Slides - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Yeah, fiscal genius like cutting taxes while running two wars off the books.

You guys are so fixated on the whole "off the books" thing with W's war finance. Why? Since it STILL ended up being counted in the amount of his addition to the national debt then what the heck difference does it make? Barry won't even submit budgets because the amount he's going in the red is so large he doesn't want the American people to get a handle on it.
Why? Because your fellow CON$erviNutzi assholes claim that the deficit for 2007 was only 161 billion when the national debt increased 500 billion. Because that is a favorite lie CON$erviNutzis are "fixated" on, that's why!!

You mean the year when the value of the "Trust Funds" increased $340 billion?
What will be amusing, Article is to watch the excuses you guys come up with for another four years if Barry "does" win reelection. You do realize that he hasn't had a clue what to do about anything related to the economy for several years now? After the Larry Summers "stimulus" was a colossal no show, Barack Obama hasn't HAD a plan. It's been nothing but finger pointing and excuse making. You think this President has the "answers" to fix things going forward? Really? If he does...then why hasn't he trotted those bad boys out before now? It's been three plus YEARS and he's still trying to figure it all out. Of course that isn't hard to understand when you think about the economic failures he surrounded himself with. Summers? Romer? Geithner? The later can't even figure out Turbo Tax and he's our freakin' Treasury Secretary?

If it wasn't for the damage another Obama term would bring...I'd almost pay good money to see the FUBAR that another four years of Barry would result in.

It's going to be more interesting to watch the ensuing meltdown from the Right Wing Nut Brigade when he gets reelected and to hear the interesting rhetorical gymnastics they will be performing as the economy inevitably continues to get better.

Especially the faux "real" Americans who swear they alone have faith in the American people. On November 7 when Obama is re-elected, I'll take the over on any two digit number you give me concerning the phrases like "there are a lot of __________ voters/Americans out there". Fill in the blank with stupid, ignorant, dumb, idiots, etc...

It will be the right wing refrain on the 7th.

Then you expect the right to act like the left already has. MAYBE.....
When gas hits $5 a gallon, he's gonna say, "It was the guy who was President 3 1/2 years ago that's to blame"?
That'll work. :clap2:

Thanks for speaking for me, Toddster. Of course, you are wrong. If it hits $5 a gallon I will continue to look to global supply and demand and speculators just like I always have for the last ten years or so when it's come to the price of gas.

It's hilarious watching you guys flip on this though and act like this is the president's doing after all I've heard from the Wing Nut Brigade during that time.

You know speculators are on the long AND the short side?
You know they neither reduce supply nor increase consumption?
I guess you didn't know that.

And I wasn't speaking for you, I was speaking for Obama.

Speculators don't reduce supply nor increase consumption. Wow. You're like totally blowing my mind, dude.
Energy Secretary Chu would like to see us switch to a transportation fuel that we can create ourselves. As we are forced to pay the world price for petroleum products, that will happen. This is what free markets do.

What good is a "transportation fuel that we can create ourselves" if it costs much more than "the world price for petroleum products"?
Mitt doesn't have a clue how he himself will function from one day to next.

But yeah, let's give the GOP a controlled government because if we've learned anything the last ten years it's that when one party has the White House and a majority in both houses of Congress good things happen.


Mitt Romney understands more about economics than that entire present White House staff combined.

And don't be so hard on the Democrats, Article! Yes, they had control of the Oval Office and super majorities in the House and Senate and managed to pass the worst piece of legislation (Obamacare) in the history of our country and a trillion dollar stimulus that didn't stimulate anything...but HEY...Barry was new to the whole "executive" thing and he trusted Nancy and Harry to handle it. What do you expect when you elect a neophyte?

And Bush with the GOP controlled House and Senate is responsible for laying budgetary groundwork that made the fallout of the crash worse and digging out of this crash all the more difficult than it had to be.


It's hilarious when I hear you guys say stuff like the debt only increased by $6 trillion under Bush.
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Bush's last budget? Not the one with republicans in charge of congress. The democrats held the troops hostage to this leftist sleaze. Bush's last real budget was ended in October of 2007.
Not to mention that the budget deficit that year was 1.2% of GDP @ $161 billion:
Deficit for Fiscal 2007 Slides - Real Time Economics - WSJ

You guys are so fixated on the whole "off the books" thing with W's war finance. Why? Since it STILL ended up being counted in the amount of his addition to the national debt then what the heck difference does it make? Barry won't even submit budgets because the amount he's going in the red is so large he doesn't want the American people to get a handle on it.
Why? Because your fellow CON$erviNutzi assholes claim that the deficit for 2007 was only 161 billion when the national debt increased 500 billion. Because that is a favorite lie CON$erviNutzis are "fixated" on, that's why!!

You mean the year when the value of the "Trust Funds" increased $340 billion?
No, the year that $340 billion in cash was removed from the "Trust Fund."
Why? Because your fellow CON$erviNutzi assholes claim that the deficit for 2007 was only 161 billion when the national debt increased 500 billion. Because that is a favorite lie CON$erviNutzis are "fixated" on, that's why!!

You mean the year when the value of the "Trust Funds" increased $340 billion?
No, the year that $340 billion in cash was removed from the "Trust Fund."

Politicians spend the money in the "Trust Funds"?
That's awful.
Maybe we should privatize them instead?

Because Papa Obama has spent in less than four years
what Bush did in two terms

is probably the problem

Why do you lie?

Well lets see
In August of last year

The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush\
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.

Has Papa Obama not passed it yet

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Truth is hard for the left
in fact it is their worst enemy
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Because Papa Obama has spent in less than four years
what Bush did in two terms

is probably the problem

Why do you lie?

Well lets see
In August of last year

The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush.......4.639 trillion by Obama

Has Papa Obama not passed it yet

It is the truth

Truth is hard for the left
in fact it is their worst enemy

Spending =/= Debt
As of August 2011

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Because Papa Obama has spent in less than four years
what Bush did in two terms

is probably the problem

Why do you lie?

Well lets see
In August of last year

The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush\
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.

Has Papa Obama not passed it yet

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Truth is hard for the left
in fact it is their worst enemy

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.
As of August 2011

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Clinton's last budget month added $1 billion to the debt.

Bush's last budget month added $117 billion to the debt.

Wanna state that change in terms of a percent for the group?

Government - Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Obama was inaugurated Jan 22, not Sept 30, dipstick.

You can never trust any numbers libturds post because they always play games with the numbers. Another way to say that is "they lie."
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Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Obama was inaugurated Jan 22, not Sept 30, dipstick.

You can never trust any numbers libturds post because they always play games with the numbers. Another way to say that is "they lie."

He is using fiscal years.

Do you think Obama should be held responsible for Bush's budget?
Why do you lie?

Well lets see
In August of last year

The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush\
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.

Has Papa Obama not passed it yet

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Truth is hard for the left
in fact it is their worst enemy

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

The left's poor attempts to spin Papa Obama's spending binge
hardly makes a defense. Indeed Papa Obama with both houses
of congress was unable to stop anything Bush did
Everyone knows that,,,,

Too bad the $410 billion pork-laden omnibus spending bill Papa Obama signed you are including in the Bush years

Indeed, what colour is the sky in your world ?

The reality remains
Papa Obama spends 152% more per month than Bush

No need me to thank for bringing you the truth
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Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

Obama was inaugurated Jan 22, not Sept 30, dipstick.

You can never trust any numbers libturds post because they always play games with the numbers. Another way to say that is "they lie."

And the board's number one liar joins the party and wants to make up his own rules about the budget process.

Fiscal years don't exist in the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade member's world.
Well lets see
In August of last year

The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush\
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion.

Has Papa Obama not passed it yet

Bush's average is $51 billion a month to the national debt.
Using August 2011, Papa Obama was 31 months in office and added to the national debt at an
average monthly rate of $129 billion.

152% more per month than Bush

Truth is hard for the left
in fact it is their worst enemy

Debt doesn't equal spending and from Sept 30, 2001 - Sept 30, 2009 the debt increased $6.1 trillion. <---------------- That's Bush's addition to the debt

Bush also left Obama with a $1 trillion dollar deficit, and economy plummeting towards bottom.

Now that you've been informed you can stop lying about it.

The left's poor attempts to spin Papa Obama's spending binge
hardly makes a defense. Indeed Papa Obama with both houses
of congress was unable to stop anything Bush did
Everyone knows that,,,,

Indeed, what colour is the sky in your world ?

The reality remains
Papa Obama spends 152% more per month than Bush

No need me to thank for bringing you the truth

And all you have to do is pretend that Bush wasn't handed a $1 billion a month deficit and didn't leave a $117 billion a month deficit to make it seem like it wasn't under Bush when the shit actually hit the fan.

Nutters and their willful ignorance....

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