3 Wolverine Watchmen Found Guilty

Another win for the good guys:

What a dispicable and dirty ploy.No mention of what role the FBI
played.They came in surreptitiously in order to help Inspire the
entire faux Whitmar Kidnapping plot.
This is the same pile of crap used to make hourly bugaboo
over the January 6th Insurrection.Which was No Insurrection.
Where a Guy { Ray Epps } we have on numerous Videos the day before
January 6th and On January 6th practically begging those who came to
hear President Trump to make sure and Go over to the Capitol.
You gotta got over to the capitol.get over there.
We have Epps on video.Not inspiring as President Trump did
with his words - " To peacefully and patriotically make your VOICES
heard " which was NEVER EVER used in the Pelosi January 6th Stasi
hearing.Nor was Video of Ray Epps and his begging.
Wise Up.
Yer being Stooged!
Again, for the record.....plots about kidnapping people is wrong....

No one tricked these morons into plotting a kidnapping...and if they are that stupid, that isn't a real defense....according to those jurors...

Funny how the same folks defending these morons are also the same folks who love it when innocent people are ACTUALLY FRAMED BY COPS -- especially if those innocent people are black and/or poor..
So explain what role FBI undercover agents provided.
Because we know for FACT that FBI agents were used as
" agent provocateurs " to help both motivate and move along a
Kidnapping plot.
What a dispicable and dirty ploy.No mention of what role the FBI
played.They came in surreptitiously in order to help Inspire the
entire faux Whitmar Kidnapping plot.
This is the same pile of crap used to make hourly bugaboo
over the January 6th Insurrection.Which was No Insurrection.
Where a Guy { Ray Epps } we have on numerous Videos the day before
January 6th and On January 6th practically begging those who came to
hear President Trump to make sure and Go over to the Capitol.
You gotta got over to the capitol.get over there.
We have Epps on video.Not inspiring as President Trump did
with his words - " To peacefully and patriotically make your VOICES
heard " which was NEVER EVER used in the Pelosi January 6th Stasi
hearing.Nor was Video of Ray Epps and his begging.
Wise Up.
Yer being Stooged!
Another invented boogeyman from the right wing.
Another invented boogeyman from the right wing.
You'll know when I invent a boogeyman.
It's make yourself seem like the lead Cenobite
surpassing even the Chattering cenobite in the
Original - Hellraiser - { 1987 }
Clive Barker { my age } would be proud.
You'll know when I invent a boogeyman.
It's make yourself seem like the lead Cenobite
surpassing even the Chattering cenobite in the
Original - Hellraiser - { 1987 }
Clive Barker { my age } would be proud.
Whose more powerful? Hunter Biden or this guy Earp?
Whose more powerful? Hunter Biden or this guy Earp?
We'll find outs sometime late on November 8th.
When all this Democrat Shenanigans comes to a
screeching { shrieking } halt.No more screwin' around.
I mean even Santa Klaus will feel emboldened to
take them on his lap and turn them around for a good
well-deserved spanking.

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