3 word challenge for partisans.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Can you say the following 3 word phrases?

Farewell President Trump

Hello President Biden

Or are you one of "those" people who pretend like a President isn't "your president" if he comes from the opposition party?
Do I think there was cheating? Absolutely but it is what it is until a serious congress is elected to create a national standard for presidential elections. Unlikely to ever happen of course but one can hope.

Anyhow at this point I am just crossing my fingers and hoping Biden doesn't crush the economy with mandates and regulations.
Can you say the following 3 word phrases?

Farewell President Trump

Hello President Biden

Or are you one of "those" people who pretend like a President isn't "your president" if he comes from the opposition party?
Do I think there was cheating? Absolutely but it is what it is until a serious congress is elected to create a national standard for presidential elections. Unlikely to ever happen of course but one can hope.

Anyhow at this point I am just crossing my fingers and hoping Biden doesn't crush the economy with mandates and regulations.
How about
Farewell United States of America, land of the free

Hello United Socialist States of Amerca, land of the progressive slaves...
Can you say the following 3 word phrases?

Farewell President Trump

Hello President Biden

Or are you one of "those" people who pretend like a President isn't "your president" if he comes from the opposition party?
Do I think there was cheating? Absolutely but it is what it is until a serious congress is elected to create a national standard for presidential elections. Unlikely to ever happen of course but one can hope.

Anyhow at this point I am just crossing my fingers and hoping Biden doesn't crush the economy with mandates and regulations.

Was their cheating? Yes. It's called ELECTION FRAUD and the solution isn't to try and stop future cheating at some point somewhere down the road when all the power has been consolidated in one super corrupt
party and hope naively they will fix everything.

We already have a standard that rejects voter theft. What the eff are you blabbing about?

That is the most stupid thing I've ever heard of!!
I've posted the solution that's already right here, in my link! Take it in front of the Supreme Court in a few days and lay down the case for willful systemic corruption and fraud and have the Biden campaign not only nullified but prosecuted to the furthest extent possible of the law!

Thank God our American colonies weren't filled with milk toast weak kneed quislings like you.
We'd still be sending taxes to the Queen and living with an English boot on our necks.
We have a clear path to victory through the truthful facts! We need to use them. Sidney Powell
has compiled a powerful case for criminal election nullification!

You want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? I say what's wrong with you?
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Can you say the following 3 word phrases?

Farewell President Trump

Hello President Biden

Or are you one of "those" people who pretend like a President isn't "your president" if he comes from the opposition party?
Do I think there was cheating? Absolutely but it is what it is until a serious congress is elected to create a national standard for presidential elections. Unlikely to ever happen of course but one can hope.

Anyhow at this point I am just crossing my fingers and hoping Biden doesn't crush the economy with mandates and regulations.

can u repeat this phrase? "Biden is president and pussygrabber is not"....

Pedo Joe won't finish his term.

Then we're really really screwed
Corrupt, mentally impaired pervert Joe Biden will never have a term as president to finish.
His road to the White House hits a massive road block in the Supreme Court.
The evidence compiled will clearly show the voting in several key states has been hopelessly corrupted.

Joe Biden will die in infamy as the center of a massive plot to illegally subvert our free and fair elections.
Any jackass cretin shilling for Corrupt Joe here should simply leave and never come back out of respect to
our tradition of laws and mostly fair elections.
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Play the hand you were dealt, forget what their rules say (they do) live life your own way, you know you win, when, you live life your own way-

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