Zone1 30 Controversial Examples of White Privilege in America – Examining Racial Disparities and Inequities

Not easy to set goals at such a young age.
I set a life goal in junior high school, not to live in poverty. My road to that goal took odd twists and turns, but in the end, I ended up solidly middle class. Looking back, my goal was too low as I lacked self-confidence. I could have achieved much more, but on the whole, I am satisfied with my life.
Great minds think alike. Sadly, we are not in charge.
I've always believed that every teen should have to serve two years of national service after graduating high school. Not necessarily Military, but there are any number of organizations that would offer good experiences and get people out of the house to grow into adults.
Very true, especially with all the analytical tools we have today.

But, will they listen?

I graduated high school in 1963! :D Based on my grades and math scores, my counselor urged me to go into computers. What a dumb idea. They took up a room the size of a bedroom, and we'd only need a dozen of them anyway. I majored in marine biology and never used the degree.

Then the US Army got a hold of me, and based on all their tests, I'd make an ideal sniper. I still wonder if that was good or bad! :D
My high school counselor suggested I be a lawyer because was so good at research and arguing. Even then I knew I had too strong a moral compass to be a lawyer, so I ignored her.
OMG. I didn’t know you were that old! You’ve certainly got all your marbles.

Were you in Vietnam?

Also, are you a man or a woman? I always assumed a woman, because you have so much common sense. (Just joking, fellas! Don’t attack!)
Yeah, I'm older than dirt.

No Vietnam, it turned out I ended up in the hospital with severe asthma. I hadn't had it since I was a kid. I was allergic to wool, dust, and feathers. It was cold at Ft. Benning in February; we had wool blankets and feather pillows, and our PT field was dusty red Georgia clay. They sent me packing. That has made me question President Biden's five deferments for asthma. They told me I couldn't sign any waivers that I'd been reclassified from 1-A to IV-F. Not a deferment, I was no longer qualified, period.
Some want to deny the system of preferences based on race that whites are afforded. This slideshow points out the many ways whites have advantages. "White privilege refers to the societal advantages that white individuals often experience due to their skin color, leading to disparities in opportunities and treatment."
30 Controversial Examples of White Privilege in America – Examining Racial Disparities and Inequities

You're an uncle Tom for the democrat party.
A goal as to whether to pursue higher education or a trade program? Guidance counselors can provide appropriate direction.
/——/ You need to understand Guidance Counselors work to benefit the school, not the students.
IF they have the intelligence and ability.

A realistic goal for a high school grad with average intelligence and a C average would be to enroll in a vocational program to learn a trade.

A realistic goal for a high school grade with a B average and above-average intelligence would be to go to college (using Pell Grants if poor) and get a degree in a marketable field.

A realistic goal for an A-student in high school would be to go on to college, and then an advanced degree to become a lawyer, doctor, high-ranking corporate executive, etc.
/——/ You need to understand Guidance Counselors work to benefit the school, not the students.
I don’t think it’s all that complicated. The good students with high grades know who they are, and the average kids know who they are as well. Combine that with a couple of years post-high school to confirm it all, and the trade school and college kids should be headed in the direction that’s right for them.
I don’t think it’s all that complicated. The good students with high grades know who they are, and the average kids know who they are as well. Combine that with a couple of years post-high school to confirm it all, and the trade school and college kids should be headed in the direction that’s right for them.
/—-/ Pushing an average kid to get a worthless college degree in humanities is reprehensible. They end up with a low level job and a mountain of debt.
I set a life goal in junior high school, not to live in poverty. My road to that goal took odd twists and turns, but in the end, I ended up solidly middle class. Looking back, my goal was too low as I lacked self-confidence. I could have achieved much more, but on the whole, I am satisfied with my life.
Good for you. As I always say, in America hard work and good attitude overcomes any disadvantage.
No, I just don't like to see people taking cheap shots for simple mistakes. I rarely, if ever, defend IM2, I detest him and everything he stands for. But fair is fair.
You're a better man than I, then.

It's not just that he made a spelling error. It's the fact that IM2, whose every post shouts his ergophobia from the mountaintop, would misspell the word "work," was such a natural opening, I couldn't resist.

Ok, I didn't try very hard to resist.
You're a better man than I, then.

It's not just that he made a spelling error. It's the fact that IM2, whose every post shouts his ergophobia from the mountaintop, would misspell the word "work," was such a natural opening, I couldn't resist.

Ok, I didn't try very hard to resist.
I worked beginning at age 9. So ergophobia doesn't apply here. People who descend from those who were so lazy that they enslaved people don't need to be talking about anyone elses work ethic, or typos.
Yes you'll kiss the ass of your democrat masters
Nah. You racist republicans need to stop this because this tactic is certainly not going to get blacks to join the republican party.
Some want to deny the system of preferences based on race that whites are afforded. This slideshow points out the many ways whites have advantages. "White privilege refers to the societal advantages that white individuals often experience due to their skin color, leading to disparities in opportunities and treatment."
30 Controversial Examples of White Privilege in America – Examining Racial Disparities and Inequities

Did they include professional sports?
I worked beginning at age 9. So ergophobia doesn't apply here. People who descend from those who were so lazy that they enslaved people don't need to be talking about anyone elses work ethic, or typos.
First of all, I know that you're white, so that is bullcrap.

Second, it's not about whether my ancestors were lazy for forcing black people to work as slaves. It's about why you keep whining for "reparations" instead of taking advantage of the opportunities available to any American willing to work hard.
i find it funny and sad that blacks depend on others, usually whites to get ahead in life. even if what im2 believes is true- its not- why would you want/take/recieve anything from those evil whites?

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