Zone1 30 Controversial Examples of White Privilege in America – Examining Racial Disparities and Inequities

/----/ IM2 needs to read how the Chinese were forced into labor to build the Transcontinental Railroad and how they were treated like second-class citizens. Now the Chinese and other Asians come to America and create great success stories, pursuing the American Dream. No bitterness, no anger, no crime waves, and no blame game.
One of the best historically accurate accounts.

Except the two things aren't really connected. Between the Chinese who came here to work on the railroad and the ones coming over today, you had a huge period where immigration from China was banned. Very few Chinese-Americans today can trace their family back to a railway worker. (Mostly because they brought over a lot of men and very few women.)

A lot of Chinese who come to this country are STILL regulated to menial jobs. Chinatown in Chicago has a very high crime rate. There are also Chinese Tongs that operate in these neighborhoods that run prositution and drug businesses.

What Chinese Americans didn't encounter was slavery. They came here voluntarily.

They didn't encounter Jim Crow, miscegnation laws, voter suppression laws. There was no anti-Chinese analog to the KKK.
Yes, another great example of how a minority subjected to terrible racism still rises to the top.

There are some parallels between Jews and Asians that explain this:

1) Big emphasis on the family unit.
2) Getting pregnant while unmarried is shameful.
3) The key to success is to stay in school and prepare for a career.

Except 34% of white people now are born out of wedlock.. it's just not the stigma it used to be.

If you weren't going to marry someone without a baby, you shouldn't marry someone because there's one.

Staying in school is nice, if you happen to have a school that is worth staying in. Not really the case in most inner city schools where they have outdated textbooks, unheated classrooms, and teachers who stopped giving a f**k years ago.
Except the two things aren't really connected. Between the Chinese who came here to work on the railroad and the ones coming over today, you had a huge period where immigration from China was banned. Very few Chinese-Americans today can trace their family back to a railway worker. (Mostly because they brought over a lot of men and very few women.)

A lot of Chinese who come to this country are STILL regulated to menial jobs. Chinatown in Chicago has a very high crime rate. There are also Chinese Tongs that operate in these neighborhoods that run prositution and drug businesses.

What Chinese Americans didn't encounter was slavery. They came here voluntarily.

They didn't encounter Jim Crow, miscegnation laws, voter suppression laws. There was no anti-Chinese analog to the KKK.
/-----/ Read a history book instead of just making stuff up.

The California Klan's Anti-Asian Crusade - The Atlantic

Whereas southern Klansmen assaulted Black Americans and their white allies, California vigilantes targeted Chinese immigrants. By Kevin Waite Underwood Archives / Getty April 6, 2021 The Ku Klux...

Truth: The Chinese were Slaves in the US for Centuries

The Chinese from Southern China had been actual slaves in the US and the West for centuries, they were sold and resold at the slave markets but their prices were much lower than...

And until 1952, federal policy barred immigrants of Asian descent from becoming U.S. citizens and having access to the vote. Today, as the nation’s fastest growing racial group, Asian Americans are quickly becoming an electoral force at the polls, making it imperative for us to remain vigilant and active in ensuring our community’s right to vote.

Attacks on the Asian American community are tied to a history of racism ...

Nguyễn Thị Điểu: Just to mention a few from recent decades: the Ku Klux Klan attacks against Vietnamese fisherfolk in Texas from 1979 to 1981; the 1982 murder of Vincent Chin, a Chinese American, who was beaten to death by two white
I read actual history books, bud, and I have a degree in history. One of my papers was on Chinese Railway workers in the 1800s.

Also- my wife is Chinese.
/——/ I’m calling bullshyt. Why did you post nonsense that I shot down immediately? You didn’t refute anything.
If what you say is true about your education, how can you be so misinformed?
Look at universities barring Asians from attending. What does your wife say about that?
Except the two things aren't really connected. Between the Chinese who came here to work on the railroad and the ones coming over today, you had a huge period where immigration from China was banned. Very few Chinese-Americans today can trace their family back to a railway worker. (Mostly because they brought over a lot of men and very few women.)

A lot of Chinese who come to this country are STILL regulated to menial jobs. Chinatown in Chicago has a very high crime rate. There are also Chinese Tongs that operate in these neighborhoods that run prositution and drug businesses.

What Chinese Americans didn't encounter was slavery. They came here voluntarily.

They didn't encounter Jim Crow, miscegnation laws, voter suppression laws. There was no anti-Chinese analog to the KKK.
Jim Crow was never nationwide

Many states in the north merely prohibited whites from marrying Negros

And Jim Crow has been abolished since 1965 in all states
/——/ I’m calling bullshyt. Why did you post nonsense that I shot down immediately? You didn’t refute anything.
Actually, you posted a few incidents, not really proof of anything.

If what you say is true about your education, how can you be so misinformed?
Because I don't focus on single data points, I focus on major historical trends.

Asians have never had it as bad as blacks have had, period.

Look at universities barring Asians from attending. What does your wife say about that?
Asians make up 6% of the population and 26% of college admissions. They aren't being barred.
Actually, you posted a few incidents, not really proof of anything.

Because I don't focus on single data points, I focus on major historical trends.

Asians have never had it as bad as blacks have had, period.

Asians make up 6% of the population and 26% of college admissions. They aren't being barred.
/----/ "Actually, you posted a few incidents, not really proof of anything."
Actually, you posted nothing but your opinion.
So you get mad if whites suggest how blacks can solve their problems, so a white posts something that a black suggests - and you don’t like that, either.
Whites can't suggest things to people they haven't done themselves
Yes, another great example of how a minority subjected to terrible racism still rises to the top.

There are some parallels between Jews and Asians that explain this:

1) Big emphasis on the family unit.
2) Getting pregnant while unmarried is shameful.
3) The key to success is to stay in school and prepare for a career.
Blacks do all those things. Asians have not risen to the top, one Asian ethnic group makes most of the money-Indians. And that's primmarily due to the H1B Visa program. You have consistently ignored the massive government assistance whiye Jews have recieved. You benefitted from Affirmative Action.
Blacks do all those things. Asians have not risen to the top, one Asian ethnic group makes most of the money-Indians. And that's primmarily due to the H1B Visa program. You have consistently ignored the massive government assistance whiye Jews have recieved. You benefitted from Affirmative Action.
I did not benefit from Affirmative Action. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate with three academic scholarships and the top GPA in her college is well sought after. Now, if I were black with those credentials, I could have been a SCOTUS justice or the president of Harvard.

And my white Jewish parents received no government assistance that the blacks in their colleges also received.
“White privilege” and other silly fictions, coming to a protected thread near you soon.

For no sensible reason. 👍
Jim Crow was never nationwide

Many states in the north merely prohibited whites from marrying Negros

And Jim Crow has been abolished since 1965 in all states
Jim Crow was indeed nationwide.

List of Jim Crow law examples by state​

This is a list of examples of Jim Crow laws, which were state, territorial and local laws in the United States enacted between 1877 and 1965. Jim Crow laws existed throughout the United States and originated from the White Codes that were passed from 1865 to 1866 and from before the American Civil War. They mandated de jure segregation in all public facilities, with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for Americans of African descent. In reality, this led to treatment that was usually inferior to that provided for Americans of European descent, systematizing a number of economic, educational and social disadvantages.

Oh no….how about working their way through school, focusing on studies to win a college scholarship, and not having babies before marriage?
We do that. How about addressing the fact that annually whites have more out of wedlock births than blacks have total births instead of repeating baseless racist trash.

You see thousands of black kids who have worked hard to earn college scholarships on TV playing, college football, basketball, running track and otherc= sports. There aren't that many who go pro, and the majority of them graduate. Don't run your mouth about the few blacks playing at high major Division 1 schools because there are far more blacks playing at mid majors and small schools who don't have a chance of going pro and earn degrees.

You're just an ignorant white bigot repeating trashh who needs help from other racists and cannot debate 1 on 1.
Jim Crow was indeed nationwide.

List of Jim Crow law examples by state​

This is a list of examples of Jim Crow laws, which were state, territorial and local laws in the United States enacted between 1877 and 1965. Jim Crow laws existed throughout the United States and originated from the White Codes that were passed from 1865 to 1866 and from before the American Civil War. They mandated de jure segregation in all public facilities, with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for Americans of African descent. In reality, this led to treatment that was usually inferior to that provided for Americans of European descent, systematizing a number of economic, educational and social disadvantages.

I saw that and in many states Jim Crow was nothing more than prohibiting mixed race marriages

Which is really stretching the claim that blacks were universally downtrodden
It's really time whites on the right stopped lying to themselves.
No, that's not how things are in reality. In reality you've been race pimped by white right wing talking heads telling you about a democratic party that doesn't exist. Then they tell you that racism doesn't exist except for white men who are the victims. You assume things when it's you who has the miserable life whereby you blame non white people for taking what you think you're entitled to. Documented facts show that white racism is the root cause of the problems blacks face. But since you're a racist, you can't see the problem.

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