30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico’s Former Ambassador (Time For 'Operation Wetback'

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David Duke Quotes at BrainyQuote

and yes, the man is a racist.

and almost a given anyone that backs him is also a racist.

Let's look at that;

And affirmative action is a very nice term for racial discrimination against better-qualified white people in jobs, employment, promotions and scholarships, and college admittance.
David Duke

Tell me why you disagree with that comment? Do you deny that affirmative action is discriminatory?

Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races

Well, it's pretty clear that the gvt. denying people the right to live, work and go to school wherever they please hasn't worked out very well....many negroes agree...they advocate separation too.

But Barack Obama is not a person who would defend the rights and heritage of the European-American people.
David Duke

Nothing to argue about there...or do you disagree?

I don't call myself a white supremacist. I'm a civil rights activist concerned about European-American rights.
David Duke

Ahhhh..THERE'S the problem..WHITE people who are concerned about OUR rights are "racists".

Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races


Growing up, the people that picked up the garbage were called garbage collectors. Changing their title to Sanitation Engineers didn't make the truck smell any better.

Ahhhh..THERE'S the problem..WHITE people who are concerned about OUR rights are "racists".

no..explain what's "racist" about them... your "proclamation" just isn't enough proof.

rot, if you can't see it, you're the one with the problem.

All 3 of them are self explanatory.

Do educate me, then..So far you haven't done anything except disparage and dodge.

What exactly is "racist" about white people wanting to support and advance their culture and heritage?

Compare and contrast that with negroes, latinos or asians who want to protect and advance THEIR cultures and heritages?

Ok, little boy, if you REALLY need it explained to you.

David Duke wants to put the White man above all others, (Sharpton and others want to do the same with their groups), merely because of the color of their skin.

That, to the uninformed, like you, is racism.

As I stated before, I don't accept that mentality from Duke, the KKK, skinheads, Sharpton followers, etc.
Ok, little boy, if you REALLY need it explained to you.

Brilliant rebuttal. You're a real deep thinker.

David Duke wants to put the White man above all others,
No he doesn't. He has never said anything like that. He wants to protect and preserve european culture in the country we built.

(Sharpton and others want to do the same with their groups), merely because of the color of their skin.
Sharpton and the others are practicing political racial revenge tactics.

That, to the uninformed, like you, is racism.
Yes..I agree sharpton and the others are overtly anti white. I don't think that's any secret.

As I stated before, I don't accept that mentality from Duke, the KKK, skinheads, Sharpton followers, etc.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now.
Ok, little boy, if you REALLY need it explained to you.

Brilliant rebuttal. You're a real deep thinker.

David Duke wants to put the White man above all others,
No he doesn't. He has never said anything like that. He wants to protect and preserve european culture in the country we built.

(Sharpton and others want to do the same with their groups), merely because of the color of their skin.
Sharpton and the others are practicing political racial revenge tactics.

That, to the uninformed, like you, is racism.
Yes..I agree sharpton and the others are overtly anti white. I don't think that's any secret.

As I stated before, I don't accept that mentality from Duke, the KKK, skinheads, Sharpton followers, etc.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now

You have a comprehension problem.

I don't accept it from ANY group, Black, White, Brown, Red, or Yellow.

You're bound and determined to spin the fact that Duke is racist, aren't you.

Don't bother to answer.

I rarely put up with fools as long as I've already put up with you.
Ok, little boy, if you REALLY need it explained to you.

Brilliant rebuttal. You're a real deep thinker.

David Duke wants to put the White man above all others,
No he doesn't. He has never said anything like that. He wants to protect and preserve european culture in the country we built.

(Sharpton and others want to do the same with their groups), merely because of the color of their skin.
Sharpton and the others are practicing political racial revenge tactics.

That, to the uninformed, like you, is racism.
Yes..I agree sharpton and the others are overtly anti white. I don't think that's any secret.

As I stated before, I don't accept that mentality from Duke, the KKK, skinheads, Sharpton followers, etc.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now

You have a comprehension problem.

I don't accept it from ANY group, Black, White, Brown, Red, or Yellow.

You're bound and determined to spin the fact that Duke is racist, aren't you.

Don't bother to answer.

I rarely put up with fools as long as I've already put up with you.

advocating for the preservation of one's culture, heritage and country isn't "racism"..you people have used that word up..no one cares anymore...When EVERYTHING is racist...then NOTHING is.
Ok, little boy, if you REALLY need it explained to you.

Brilliant rebuttal. You're a real deep thinker.

David Duke wants to put the White man above all others,
No he doesn't. He has never said anything like that. He wants to protect and preserve european culture in the country we built.

(Sharpton and others want to do the same with their groups), merely because of the color of their skin.
Sharpton and the others are practicing political racial revenge tactics.

That, to the uninformed, like you, is racism.
Yes..I agree sharpton and the others are overtly anti white. I don't think that's any secret.

As I stated before, I don't accept that mentality from Duke, the KKK, skinheads, Sharpton followers, etc.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now

You have a comprehension problem.

I don't accept it from ANY group, Black, White, Brown, Red, or Yellow.

You're bound and determined to spin the fact that Duke is racist, aren't you.

Don't bother to answer.

I rarely put up with fools as long as I've already put up with you.

advocating for the preservation of one's culture, heritage and country isn't "racism"..you people have used that word up..no one cares anymore...When EVERYTHING is racist...then NOTHING is.

You really are a fool, aren't you?

Ok, little boy, if you REALLY need it explained to you.

Brilliant rebuttal. You're a real deep thinker.

David Duke wants to put the White man above all others,
No he doesn't. He has never said anything like that. He wants to protect and preserve european culture in the country we built.

(Sharpton and others want to do the same with their groups), merely because of the color of their skin.
Sharpton and the others are practicing political racial revenge tactics.

That, to the uninformed, like you, is racism.
Yes..I agree sharpton and the others are overtly anti white. I don't think that's any secret.

As I stated before, I don't accept that mentality from Duke, the KKK, skinheads, Sharpton followers, etc.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now

You have a comprehension problem.

I don't accept it from ANY group, Black, White, Brown, Red, or Yellow.

You're bound and determined to spin the fact that Duke is racist, aren't you.

Don't bother to answer.

I rarely put up with fools as long as I've already put up with you.

advocating for the preservation of one's culture, heritage and country isn't "racism"..you people have used that word up..no one cares anymore...When EVERYTHING is racist...then NOTHING is.

You really are a fool, aren't you?

No. I presented some facts that you don't like.
Calling people names when you get frustrated reveals a lot about you, though.
Ok, little boy, if you REALLY need it explained to you.

Brilliant rebuttal. You're a real deep thinker.

David Duke wants to put the White man above all others,
No he doesn't. He has never said anything like that. He wants to protect and preserve european culture in the country we built.

(Sharpton and others want to do the same with their groups), merely because of the color of their skin.
Sharpton and the others are practicing political racial revenge tactics.

That, to the uninformed, like you, is racism.
Yes..I agree sharpton and the others are overtly anti white. I don't think that's any secret.

As I stated before, I don't accept that mentality from Duke, the KKK, skinheads, Sharpton followers, etc.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now

You have a comprehension problem.

I don't accept it from ANY group, Black, White, Brown, Red, or Yellow.

You're bound and determined to spin the fact that Duke is racist, aren't you.

Don't bother to answer.

I rarely put up with fools as long as I've already put up with you.

advocating for the preservation of one's culture, heritage and country isn't "racism"..you people have used that word up..no one cares anymore...When EVERYTHING is racist...then NOTHING is.

You really are a fool, aren't you?

No. I presented some facts that you don't like.
Calling people names when you get frustrated reveals a lot about you, though.


it says I don't put up with fools.

and the fact you are whitewashing Duke makes you a fool.

Say goodnight, Gracie
Brilliant rebuttal. You're a real deep thinker.

No he doesn't. He has never said anything like that. He wants to protect and preserve european culture in the country we built.

Sharpton and the others are practicing political racial revenge tactics.

Yes..I agree sharpton and the others are overtly anti white. I don't think that's any secret.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now.

Advocating for ones race, culture and heritage is only "racist" if white people do it..Ok..I understand you pretty well now

You have a comprehension problem.

I don't accept it from ANY group, Black, White, Brown, Red, or Yellow.

You're bound and determined to spin the fact that Duke is racist, aren't you.

Don't bother to answer.

I rarely put up with fools as long as I've already put up with you.

advocating for the preservation of one's culture, heritage and country isn't "racism"..you people have used that word up..no one cares anymore...When EVERYTHING is racist...then NOTHING is.

You really are a fool, aren't you?

No. I presented some facts that you don't like.
Calling people names when you get frustrated reveals a lot about you, though.


it says I don't put up with fools.

and the fact you are whitewashing Duke makes you a fool.

Say goodnight, Gracie

LMAO...sure...whatever you say, son...
Yes I said President Eisenhowers government program appropiately named 'Operation Wetback'. The numbers are staggering and our White nation our founders created our nation for must be sustained. Our sovereignty hangs in the balance. We must be racially aware to begin our journey to return our nation to a White nation. I suggest this best seller to help you.


30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US Says Mexico s Former Ambassador

David Duke?

I wouldn't buy one of his books at a 2nd hand store to burn it.

I would buy it if it was cheaper then generic toilet tissue.
You want quotes?

Here are some quotes.

David Duke Quotes at BrainyQuote

and yes, the man is a racist.

and almost a given anyone that backs him is also a racist.

Let's look at that;

And affirmative action is a very nice term for racial discrimination against better-qualified white people in jobs, employment, promotions and scholarships, and college admittance.
David Duke

Tell me why you disagree with that comment? Do you deny that affirmative action is discriminatory?

Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races

Well, it's pretty clear that the gvt. denying people the right to live, work and go to school wherever they please hasn't worked out very well....many negroes agree...they advocate separation too.

But Barack Obama is not a person who would defend the rights and heritage of the European-American people.
David Duke

Nothing to argue about there...or do you disagree?

I don't call myself a white supremacist. I'm a civil rights activist concerned about European-American rights.
David Duke

Ahhhh..THERE'S the problem..WHITE people who are concerned about OUR rights are "racists".
When have your human rights been denied or of any Whiles? Just because a black man is given a crumb does not take away from you loaf. SMF
I do not have a problem with the people who are here illegally. I have a problem withe the white government leaders who let them in and let the stay for their own selfish use. Like white own businesses exploiting them for cheap labor. And white government need white own businesses to support them with donations that put and keep them in office. What is wrong with this country? Ruling whites..
When have your human rights been denied or of any Whiles? Just because a black man is given a crumb does not take away from you loaf. SMF
affirmative action, racial set asides, racial quotas and other government programs enforced at the end of a gun.... being denied the right of freedom of association to live, work go to school where they choose or hire whoever they choose.

We whites, you see, are the only group that is not allowed to think of ourselves as a distinct group with distinct interests. We are the only group that is not allowed to select leaders based on their membership in our group and their commitment to our interests.

We whites are the race that dare not speak its name.

Instead, we whites are supposed to pretend that we do not exist as a people, but only as adherents of the abstract "color-blind" ideology of human equality. In the name of that ideology, we have to give away our wealth and power, debase our standards, corrupt our culture and institutions, and reduce ourselves to a minority. We have to do this any time members of selfish, race-conscious groups like Jews, blacks, Mestizos, etc. demand something from us, as long as they cloak their demands in the language of equality.

What kind of people has to surrender everything to others, upon demand? A conquered people. We whites have to behave as a conquered people in our own country. If we persist in this long enough, of course, we will physically cease to exist as a people. We will succumb to miscegenation, demographic collapse, or outright mass murder, as conquered and enslaved peoples often do.

Dr. Greg Johnson

I do not have a problem with the people who are here illegally. I have a problem withe the white government leaders who let them in and let the stay for their own selfish use. Like white own businesses exploiting them for cheap labor. And white government need white own businesses to support them with donations that put and keep them in office. What is wrong with this country? Ruling whites..

Smart, aware white people don't want illegals here either.
We already have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps..We surely don't need unskilled 3rd world peasants flooding in that we end up having to support. Awake white people see the same problems you do...
The purpose of these anti white politicians is to displace and dilute the white race in this country and create a dependent class who will vote for them.

Closing and enforcing the border and deporting all illegals will solve some of that.
Yes I said President Eisenhowers government program appropiately named 'Operation Wetback'. The numbers are staggering and our White nation our founders created our nation for must be sustained. Our sovereignty hangs in the balance. We must be racially aware to begin our journey to return our nation to a White nation. I suggest this best seller to help you.


30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US Says Mexico s Former Ambassador

Aren't we a nice little racist... You probably think the Native Indians should go home too.

"racist"..LMAO..you guys have about used that word up...

What's "racist" about wanting to protect and preserve your heritage and your country?
What's "racist" about wanting immigration laws to be upheld?

"racist"...LMAO...you guys are comical

Hey Toolbag, Look what he wrote
"Yes I said President Eisenhowers government program appropiately named 'Operation Wetback'. The numbers are staggering and our White nation our founders created our nation for must be sustained. Our sovereignty hangs in the balance. We must be racially aware to begin our journey to return our nation to a White nation. I suggest this best seller to help you."

But none of that is racist to you... Look at the idiots profile pick.


"Operation Wetback" happened and it worked. What's the problem? We don't need 3rd world peasants sneaking into our country.

This nation WAS created by white people. That's a fact.

"Racially aware" negroes are fine.
"Racially aware" mestizos are fine.
"Racially aware" asians are fine.

"Racially aware" whites are "racists"...you guys are funny!

Say Black pride and you get government funding, assistance and praise.

Say White pride and you get government surveillance.
Yes I said President Eisenhowers government program appropiately named 'Operation Wetback'. The numbers are staggering and our White nation our founders created our nation for must be sustained. Our sovereignty hangs in the balance. We must be racially aware to begin our journey to return our nation to a White nation. I suggest this best seller to help you.


30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US Says Mexico s Former Ambassador

David Duke?

I wouldn't buy one of his books at a 2nd hand store to burn it.

Why is that?

Post a couple of things he said that you disagree with?
Direct quotes, if you can...not something you "heard"...

I have no interest in the musing of someone who's main purpose in life is spreading racism.

That goes for Duke, Sharpton, or any of their ilk
You are a little sensitive coward I see. How noble of you to brave yourself here.
Yes I said President Eisenhowers government program appropiately named 'Operation Wetback'. The numbers are staggering and our White nation our founders created our nation for must be sustained. Our sovereignty hangs in the balance. We must be racially aware to begin our journey to return our nation to a White nation. I suggest this best seller to help you.


30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US Says Mexico s Former Ambassador

David Duke?

I wouldn't buy one of his books at a 2nd hand store to burn it.

Why is that?

Post a couple of things he said that you disagree with?
Direct quotes, if you can...not something you "heard"...

I have no interest in the musing of someone who's main purpose in life is spreading racism.

That goes for Duke, Sharpton, or any of their ilk
You are a little sensitive coward I see. How noble of you to brave yourself here.

Neither party, nor most of Americans, want anything to do with Duke, yet you stand up for him?

You're not going to change my opinion of him, and I'm not going to change yours,

you're as much a fool as the one I put in the dungeon.
Neither party, nor most of Americans, want anything to do with Duke, yet you stand up for him?

You're not going to change my opinion of him, and I'm not going to change yours,

you're as much a fool as the one I put in the dungeon.

All I said was that he isn't a "racist" or a "white supremacist"...you've never read a word of anything he wrote, have you?..you get your political positions from television, right?
and I dunno about any dungeons or what that nonsense means...You want to put me in a dungeon?...LMAO..

any time, scooter. Pack a lunch.
I do not have a problem with the people who are here illegally. I have a problem withe the white government leaders who let them in and let the stay for their own selfish use. Like white own businesses exploiting them for cheap labor. And white government need white own businesses to support them with donations that put and keep them in office. What is wrong with this country? Ruling whites..

You are out of your mind if you think that only white Americans hire illegal aliens. What difference does the race of any of our government leaders make? Wouldn't be pulling the race card, now would you? It is the Democrats whom mostly consist of minorities that want illegals to remain here not white Americans. You're putting the blame on the wrong people.

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