30% of Los Angeles Covid Cases are Fully Vaccinated

My MD and the American Red Cross nurses I spoke with disagree. We don’t truly know yet but what I do know is what I and my family personally experienced. The news cannot skew that and I was indeed one of the first persons on record in MA.
How exactly do they disagree?
People who are deciding for themselves based of misinformation that is politically motivated are the largest driver of spread and hospitalizations which in turn effects entire communities.
Not necessarily. If you’re vaccinated then worry about you. Lesh also shamed people for voting for Trump for example. If someone chooses not to get the vaccine it is their right. Shaming them doesn’t make any sense to me.
How exactly do they disagree?
They disagree that the science behind the COVID19 vaccines is fully known, how long antibodies last and why / how some are impacted are still being researched. We still do not know a lot. Both the Red Cross and my MD remain surprised that my antibodies lasted as long as they did for example. My MD now believes I may have them for life.
Not necessarily. If you’re vaccinated then worry about you. Lesh also shamed people for voting for Trump for example. If someone chooses not to get the vaccine it is their right. Shaming them doesn’t make any sense to me.
Shaming isn't practical or effective it is what some people to to vent their frustrations. We are on a discussion forum so there is a lot of that going around.
They disagree that the science behind the COVID19 vaccines is fully known, how long antibodies last and why / how some are impacted are still being researched. We still do not know a lot. Both the Red Cross and my MD remain surprised that my antibodies lasted as long as they did for example. My MD now believes I may have them for life.
I never claimed that everything was known and there was nothing more to learn. I don't know where you're getting that argument from. Here is what I posted. From what I posted what would your doctors disagree with??

Slade3200 said:
Vaccines give a controlled dose of antibodies. Natural infection is very unpredictable. Some get server cases and develop strong antibodies, some get asymptomatic cases and develop few antibodies. Some have symptoms for days and others for months. This is why the shot is a much more predictable form of protection even for those who have already had Covid. I had a long talk with a nurse about this yesterday
Shaming isn't practical or effective it is what some people to to vent their frustrations. We are on a discussion forum so there is a lot of that going around.
Correct but that is all he does. Shame and scold.
I never claimed that everything was known and there was nothing more to learn. I don't know where you're getting that argument from. Here is what I posted. From what I posted what would your doctors disagree with??

Slade3200 said:
Vaccines give a controlled dose of antibodies. Natural infection is very unpredictable. Some get server cases and develop strong antibodies, some get asymptomatic cases and develop few antibodies. Some have symptoms for days and others for months. This is why the shot is a much more predictable form of protection even for those who have already had Covid. I had a long talk with a nurse about this yesterday
I disagree the shot is much more predictable especially for long term side effects. For the example the FDA is concerned about increased risk of myocarditis with kids.
So talking out your ass.

I have posted numerous threads with screen prints of my donations. If you don’t believe me that is your choice. I helped save people’s lives. You have done absolutely nothing but shame people who disagree with you.
Luckily there is an ignore button and the choice to decide who we engage with. Of course you could also choose to engage and scold him for always scolding.
Ignore button equates to cancel culture to me and I do scold him back but then he whines and runs to the kids, who ignore him. He especially enjoys being called Herr Lesh.
I disagree the shot is much more predictable especially for long term side effects. For the example the FDA is concerned about increased risk of myocarditis with kids.
There are risk factors and symptoms with the shot for sure. The nurse I was talking to had a shingles outbreak that lasted for 8 weeks after he second shot. Not fun. I agree that these side effects a long with future effects still need to be closely watched and studied.

But my comment was about antibodies. It is a medical fact that delivering antibodies through a controlled vaccination shot like the ones we have better controls the antibodies a person generates versus a natural infection. Are you presenting the idea that everybody who catches COVID has the same immune response as you did? Do you think somebody who has a mild or asymptomatic case has the same level of antibodies as you do?
Ignore button equates to cancel culture to me and I do scold him back but then he whines and runs to the kids, who ignore him. He especially enjoys being called Herr Lesh.
Well see, you enjoy the trolling banter as well. I suppose we all do at times. Some more than others
There are risk factors and symptoms with the shot for sure. The nurse I was talking to had a shingles outbreak that lasted for 8 weeks after he second shot. Not fun. I agree that these side effects a long with future effects still need to be closely watched and studied.

But my comment was about antibodies. It is a medical fact that delivering antibodies through a controlled vaccination shot like the ones we have better controls the antibodies a person generates versus a natural infection. Are you presenting the idea that everybody who catches COVID has the same immune response as you did? Do you think somebody who has a mild or asymptomatic case has the same level of antibodies as you do?
I do not know. We still do not know a lot.
I do not know. We still do not know a lot.
Ask your doc about it next time you talk with him/her. I'm telling you exactly what my nurse friend told me yesterday. I agree, my nurse friend agrees, I'm sure many doctors agree then there is still a lot we need to learn, there are side effects from the vaccines and there are some people who need to considered the risks based on their health situation. But despite those things the reality on the ground is still as I paint it. The vaccine will prevent many of those who are being hospitalized from being hospitalized, masks do work, distancing and washing hands does work, the virus is a serious public health threat and should be taken seriously. Those making it a mission to dismiss the threat and fight mitigation are just making things worse. It is such a reckless and irresponsible position to take in the fight that shouldn't even be a fight
Ask your doc about it next time you talk with him/her. I'm telling you exactly what my nurse friend told me yesterday. I agree, my nurse friend agrees, I'm sure many doctors agree then there is still a lot we need to learn, there are side effects from the vaccines and there are some people who need to considered the risks based on their health situation. But despite those things the reality on the ground is still as I paint it. The vaccine will prevent many of those who are being hospitalized from being hospitalized, masks do work, distancing and washing hands does work, the virus is a serious public health threat and should be taken seriously. Those making it a mission to dismiss the threat and fight mitigation are just making things worse. It is such a reckless and irresponsible position to take in the fight that shouldn't even be a fight
You’re conflating adults with kids. I think everyone under 25 and especially under 21 should think twice about getting the vaccine. COVID19 still only kills less than 1% and even less than that for those 25 and under and we discussed this to death but the media doesn’t differentiate between those who had it and who didn’t only those who were vaccinated and who were not. Weak.
You’re conflating adults with kids. I think everyone under 25 and especially under 21 should think twice about getting the vaccine. COVID19 still only kills less than 1% and even less than that for those 25 and under and we discussed this to death but the media doesn’t differentiate between those who had it and who didn’t only those who were vaccinated and who were not. Weak.
I'm protective as hell over my infant niece and the high school kids I coach in HS... But I don't think kids catching COVID is a nothing thing... Especially with the delta variant. The blood clot and myocarditis issues with t he vaccine very much concern me and I'd speak very closely with doctors about that. Kids catching Covid and the possible short term and LONG term effects which are also unknown very much concerns me.

Nearly 1,600 kids with Covid-19 were hospitalized last week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — a new seven-day record and a 27 percent increase from the week before. Tennessee’s health commissioner expects the state’s children’s hospitals to be full by the week’s end. Louisiana reached that point more than a week ago. And Arkansas’ only children’s hospital has just two ICU beds remaining.

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