30% of Los Angeles Covid Cases are Fully Vaccinated

You admitted it was already a war. If CNN, FOX and MSNBC would report the news instead of editorializing it we would not have this issue. Trump is the effect not the cause. Why don’t people see that?

Trump is both. I agree that editorializing killed the news industry and now they operate more as entertainment than objective journalist. But Trump didn’t help that problem. He made it far far worse
Once a study comes out it is already old outdated news. Delta is spreading like wildfire in the highest vaccinated countries such as Israel and Iceland. You have to open your eyes to see the latest truth instead of reading studies which are already outdated the second they come out. Vaccinated people are spreading Delta and it is spreading fast, even in the highest vaccinated areas.
I am seeing the truth and I posting it. You are straight up lying about it as I’ve shown
Trump is both. I agree that editorializing killed the news industry and now they operate more as entertainment than objective journalist. But Trump didn’t help that problem. He made it far far worse
To me he brought light to it. That made it worse so that we the people could make it better. He made it worse because many who did not pay attention like my wife for example, started to.
To me he brought light to it. That made it worse so that we the people could make it better. He made it worse because many who did not pay attention like my wife for example, started to.
Libs long for the day when one man (Walter Cronkite) was your sole source of news. That way the ignorant masses would never know when they're being lied to
Most vaccinated states

States with the largest increase in covid cases

To me he brought light to it. That made it worse so that we the people could make it better. He made it worse because many who did not pay attention like my wife for example, started to.
Right but didn’t you notice massive amounts of people outright denying anything and everything negative about Trump as fake news. Even if it was real? That was the intent of POTUS and it worked !
Right but didn’t you notice massive amounts of people outright denying anything and everything negative about Trump as fake news. Even if it was real? That was the intent of POTUS and it worked !
Massive amounts? Idk but many decided to hold our news media accountable and then we got cancel culture. Even now in MA many stay silent when asked how they lean politically. Many on the right not the left. Shameful. Massive amounts of leftists like you are easily offended and start firing off bullshit like Trump is the root of the discord and mistrust in America. Meanwhile if I criticize Ilhan Omar I am called a racist. Lowest of low hanging fruit.
Massive amounts? Idk but many decided to hold our news media accountable and then we got cancel culture. Even now in MA many stay silent when asked how they lean politically. Many on the right not the left. Shameful. Massive amounts of leftists like you are easily offended and start firing off bullshit like Trump is the root of the discord and mistrust in America. Meanwhile if I criticize Ilhan Omar I am called a racist. Lowest of low hanging fruit.
Trump is a root cause of much of the Discord and partisan hate and also the blind and ignorant mistrust of anything reported that reflects negatively on their politics. Omar sucks
Trump is a root cause of much of the Discord and partisan hate and also the blind and ignorant mistrust of anything reported that reflects negatively on their politics. Omar sucks
Trump is the effect not the cause IMO. If so many weren’t so dissatisfied with our current political and media rhetoric then Trump would not be as popular. Until those on the left realize that, he will continue to have a very big voice.
The vaccinated are about 50% in most areas. So why do you think it's not the unvaccinated who are spreading it
Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are spreading it. But, to think that the vaccinated are not spreading it is just plain wrong and that thinking is leading to exploding cases.
Yup, speeding it at 48% the rate it would be spreading of everybody was unvaxxed
That's just not true. The figures show that even in places with an 80% vaccination rate, Delta is spreading like wildfire. So, if the entire world had that same high vaccination rates, Delta would still be spreading like wildfire and it would still be spreading if the vaccination rate was 100%, which no place on the planet has.

Doesn't sound like the vaccines are stopping the virus...

As we see the Los Angeles strains move eastward----more and more of the fully vaccinated will be placed in the hospital. HAND WASH PEOPLE HAND WASH-----it has always been the best way to fight a virus.
How many of those are actually ill?

Testing positive and being seriously ill are 2 entirely different things
Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are spreading it. But, to think that the vaccinated are not spreading it is just plain wrong and that thinking is leading to exploding cases.
From my sources:

The vaccines and the Delta variant Also, a new study from Imperial College London suggests that unvaccinated people are three times more likely than those who are fully vaccinated to test positive for COVID-19. Researchers also said fully vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus to others.Aug 5, 2021


Only a small portion of vaccinated individuals end up contracting the disease, though you still can. If contracted, there is still a chance of spreading it to others
From my sources:

The vaccines and the Delta variant Also, a new study from Imperial College London suggests that unvaccinated people are three times more likely than those who are fully vaccinated to test positive for COVID-19. Researchers also said fully vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus to others.Aug 5, 2021


Only a small portion of vaccinated individuals end up contracting the disease, though you still can. If contracted, there is still a chance of spreading it to others
That's just lefty bullshit. Vaccinated people are being infected by Delta by the droves. All you have to do is open your eyes. One recent study shows that out of hospitalizations, 20% were fully vaccinated. That's no small number. And, that doesn't even count the number who got sick and were not hospitalized. The left are playing loose with the numbers to further their agenda.

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