30% of Republicans would bomb Agrabah, and they

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

You agree with the poll results, despite its obvious flaws, because you like the idea of using it to hammer Trump when there has been repeated similar instances of libtards like yourself agreeing to repeal the First Amendment and to end Women's Suffrage.

So once again you demonstrate yourself to be a liar, a hypocrit and a wack job partisan hack.
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.

Highly biased? 19% of Democrats said they're bomb. Would you release this if you wanted to show the Democrat Party was fully of intelligent people? Er...

It might be leftist. But it asked a question, and people responded to this question.

It's funny how 70% of Republicans managed to not say they'd go bomb a fictitious place. I know what they did, I'm not hiding what they did. They asked a question and people responded. What this shows is a number of things.

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

I'm reading into this what I see. I'm not making stuff up.
You think you got it all figured out. That polling company is left-biased, and their work is aimed at the politically naive youth like you.

Both political sides are guilty of it, and I'm not necessarily taking sides here.

I just get annoyed at pretentious people are too judgemental towards themselves, but will either claim or regurgitate trash.

Anyways, if your going to regurgitate political trash than at least do it right. The poling company was Public Policy Polling.

So they're biased. So what?

"politically naive youth" like me. Er.. how so?

Again, I've looked at what they have done, and I can see what they've done, they've asked a question and people have answered it. Some people will think about it, others won't. Some people have things on their minds and will go with whatever.

Sometimes asking one question to find out something different to the actual question, can be very telling because people don't know why something is being asked, they'll more likely give an HONEST answer.
First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

You agree with the poll results, despite its obvious flaws, because you like the idea of using it to hammer Trump when there has been repeated similar instances of libtards like yourself agreeing to repeal the First Amendment and to end Women's Suffrage.

So once again you demonstrate yourself to be a liar, a hypocrit and a wack job partisan hack.

Agree with the poll results? Well, the poll results are what they are. Unless they made up the figures, I'd say that the results show us stuff, yes.

Hammer Trump, yes, hammer the Democrats? Yes, that two. 19% of Democrats said yes they'd bomb this place too. NINETEEN FUCKING PERCENT. One in five Democrats are idiots. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Confirms, more or less, what I knew beforehand. Stupidity isn't just about one party or the other.

However, it does show that Trumpers will say yes to just about anything. Someone with real convictions would have asked themselves questions BEFORE answering this question. People who love populists, people who love simple solutions will just answer straight away.

So, we know Trump supporters just like jumping on bandwagons more than supporters of other people.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
You must be a very special individual.

If you live and/or were educated in the USA or almost any other western country, then what kind of numbers do you use? I bet it isn't Roman numerals or Mayan numerals.

Haven't heard anyone complaining about it.
Weirdo and Camp never got past using their fingers.

Prove it......

Oh wait, you're into making stuff up and then attacking people with it..... sorry. don't bother proving it, you won't be able to anyway.
Who are you talking to? Prove what?

You're the OP putting forward judgement and regurgitating partisan trash. Seems to me, if there is anything to prove then that burden lies with you.

If you need me to prove that western math, language, and science has Arabic influences and it is all thought at school, then you should rethink your education.

I suspect that when you ask us for proof, you're really demanding that we correct your nonsense, and spoon feed you I formation - education and research costs time.

Next time, take the time to research the garbage that you regurgitate.

Did you bother asking how many people participated in the poll? What demographics were included, what the questions were, and hot the data was collected and processed? Remember when I told you that PPP is politically biased?
Agree with the poll results? Well, the poll results are what they are. Unless they made up the figures, I'd say that the results show us stuff, yes.

It shows us badly done polling designed to make people and candidates on the right look like fools. Asking a question without giving the context is bad polling and I seriously doubt that they told anyone that Agrabah was the land in the Alladin movies.

Hammer Trump, yes, hammer the Democrats? Yes, that two. 19% of Democrats said yes they'd bomb this place too. NINETEEN FUCKING PERCENT. One in five Democrats are idiots. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Confirms, more or less, what I knew beforehand. Stupidity isn't just about one party or the other.

No it isnt, and bad poling isnt either. How can anyone have any faith in the democratic process if you think 30% of the people are idiots?

However, it does show that Trumpers will say yes to just about anything. Someone with real convictions would have asked themselves questions BEFORE answering this question. People who love populists, people who love simple solutions will just answer straight away.

But without any context given we dont know how many of them answered off the top of their head as you describe or how many confused Arabah for Arabia or were just being pugnacious? I know for a fact that not any statistically significant numbers of Rand supporters agree with the internment of the Japanese Americans in WW2, and yet this PoS poll says that around 54% of them do support it.

That means that I know for a fact it is a worthless poll.

So, we know Trump supporters just like jumping on bandwagons more than supporters of other people.

No, at worst you have a poll suggesting that maybe 40% of them are band wagoneers, but that is ignoring the plausible various motivations or misunderstandings of the people who answered.

The fact suggest it was a bad poll, not that 40% of Trumps followers want to bomb Alladins homeland, lol.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
You must be a very special individual.

If you live and/or were educated in the USA or almost any other western country, then what kind of numbers do you use? I bet it isn't Roman numerals or Mayan numerals.

Haven't heard anyone complaining about it.
Weirdo and Camp never got past using their fingers.

Prove it......

Oh wait, you're into making stuff up and then attacking people with it..... sorry. don't bother proving it, you won't be able to anyway.
Who are you talking to? Prove what?

You're the OP putting forward judgement and regurgitating partisan trash. Seems to me, if there is anything to prove then that burden lies with you.

If you need me to prove that western math, language, and science has Arabic influences and it is all thought at school, then you should rethink your education.

I suspect that when you ask us for proof, you're really demanding that we correct your nonsense, and spoon feed you I formation - education and research costs time.

Next time, take the time to research the garbage that you regurgitate.

Did you bother asking how many people participated in the poll? What demographics were included, what the questions were, and hot the data was collected and processed? Remember when I told you that PPP is politically biased?

Try reading what I was replying to. It's not hard you know.
Agree with the poll results? Well, the poll results are what they are. Unless they made up the figures, I'd say that the results show us stuff, yes.

It shows us badly done polling designed to make people and candidates on the right look like fools. Asking a question without giving the context is bad polling and I seriously doubt that they told anyone that Agrabah was the land in the Alladin movies.

Hammer Trump, yes, hammer the Democrats? Yes, that two. 19% of Democrats said yes they'd bomb this place too. NINETEEN FUCKING PERCENT. One in five Democrats are idiots. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Confirms, more or less, what I knew beforehand. Stupidity isn't just about one party or the other.

No it isnt, and bad poling isnt either. How can anyone have any faith in the democratic process if you think 30% of the people are idiots?

However, it does show that Trumpers will say yes to just about anything. Someone with real convictions would have asked themselves questions BEFORE answering this question. People who love populists, people who love simple solutions will just answer straight away.

But without any context given we dont know how many of them answered off the top of their head as you describe or how many confused Arabah for Arabia or were just being pugnacious? I know for a fact that not any statistically significant numbers of Rand supporters agree with the internment of the Japanese Americans in WW2, and yet this PoS poll says that around 54% of them do support it.

That means that I know for a fact it is a worthless poll.

So, we know Trump supporters just like jumping on bandwagons more than supporters of other people.

No, at worst you have a poll suggesting that maybe 40% of them are band wagoneers, but that is ignoring the plausible various motivations or misunderstandings of the people who answered.

The fact suggest it was a bad poll, not that 40% of Trumps followers want to bomb Alladins homeland, lol.

Maybe it is designed to do something. That doesn't mean it doesn't tell us anything. It tells us a lot about people.

Asking a question without the context, shows which people are willing to make statements without knowledge of what the statement is about. It shows that people will vote for people when they don't know what they're voting for. It's tells us a lot.

How can you have faith in the democratic process when 30% of people are idiots?

"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." Winston Churchill.

Why should people have faith in democracy in the US? We know the politicians are on the take, and they even tell us and most people just accept it. "Campaign funds", oh rubbish, it's called bribery.

The US isn't very democratic now, it's being controlled by the rich for the rich. That's one reason why Trump is doing well, he's manage to convince people he's not on the take.

How many confused a fictional place for places that do exist that ALSO SHOULD NOT BE BOMBED. Unless they confused Syria with Agrabah, in which case they're idiots, right? If you don't know a place, why would you agree to bomb it? Would you agree to bomb somewhere you've never heard of?

A bad poll? No, I don't think so. I think it doesn't necessarily do what they expected it to do, but it shows that democracy is fragile, that the lust for killing is there in a large portion of the population and that Trump supporters are more likely to become "victims" of "bad polls", in other words they're idiots.
Maybe it is designed to do something. That doesn't mean it doesn't tell us anything. It tells us a lot about people.

Asking a question without the context, shows which people are willing to make statements without knowledge of what the statement is about. It shows that people will vote for people when they don't know what they're voting for. It's tells us a lot.

How can you have faith in the democratic process when 30% of people are idiots?

"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." Winston Churchill.

Why should people have faith in democracy in the US? We know the politicians are on the take, and they even tell us and most people just accept it. "Campaign funds", oh rubbish, it's called bribery.

The US isn't very democratic now, it's being controlled by the rich for the rich. That's one reason why Trump is doing well, he's manage to convince people he's not on the take.

How many confused a fictional place for places that do exist that ALSO SHOULD NOT BE BOMBED. Unless they confused Syria with Agrabah, in which case they're idiots, right? If you don't know a place, why would you agree to bomb it? Would you agree to bomb somewhere you've never heard of?

A bad poll? No, I don't think so. I think it doesn't necessarily do what they expected it to do, but it shows that democracy is fragile, that the lust for killing is there in a large portion of the population and that Trump supporters are more likely to become "victims" of "bad polls", in other words they're idiots.

Ok, maybe as some kind of social experiment the question was effective at something along with ridiculing an entire category of citizens, but that does not add to its value as a POLL.

And the problem with corporate cronysim stems from the insulation and reduced democratic process in our nation in all respects except one; we need to return to state congresses electing Senators and stop the popular elections of them. But the rest of it is just appalling and makes me think we need to bring back the guillotine.
Maybe it is designed to do something. That doesn't mean it doesn't tell us anything. It tells us a lot about people.

Asking a question without the context, shows which people are willing to make statements without knowledge of what the statement is about. It shows that people will vote for people when they don't know what they're voting for. It's tells us a lot.

How can you have faith in the democratic process when 30% of people are idiots?

"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." Winston Churchill.

Why should people have faith in democracy in the US? We know the politicians are on the take, and they even tell us and most people just accept it. "Campaign funds", oh rubbish, it's called bribery.

The US isn't very democratic now, it's being controlled by the rich for the rich. That's one reason why Trump is doing well, he's manage to convince people he's not on the take.

How many confused a fictional place for places that do exist that ALSO SHOULD NOT BE BOMBED. Unless they confused Syria with Agrabah, in which case they're idiots, right? If you don't know a place, why would you agree to bomb it? Would you agree to bomb somewhere you've never heard of?

A bad poll? No, I don't think so. I think it doesn't necessarily do what they expected it to do, but it shows that democracy is fragile, that the lust for killing is there in a large portion of the population and that Trump supporters are more likely to become "victims" of "bad polls", in other words they're idiots.

Ok, maybe as some kind of social experiment the question was effective at something along with ridiculing an entire category of citizens, but that does not add to its value as a POLL.

And the problem with corporate cronysim stems from the insulation and reduced democratic process in our nation in all respects except one; we need to return to state congresses electing Senators and stop the popular elections of them. But the rest of it is just appalling and makes me think we need to bring back the guillotine.

Was it done purely as a poll?

Does it even matter. The whole of politics isn't about what happens, what laws get past etc. It's all about IMAGE, and if the left are projecting an image (and doing it badly as they've just outed 20% of their voters as idiots) then it's just part of the game.

As long as politics remains a joke, then anything that is part of this show is just another talking point that takes away from the real issues that are buried at the bottom of the crap pile.
Some people think the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians is so wrong that those who would promote it need to be mocked. The idea that people would be in favor of the murder of people they know absolutely nothing about because the people to be murdered are just random humans picked by a leader or leaders that they blindly follow is disturbing to say the least. What started as a proposal to ignore the safety of terrorist family members or even the targeting of those innocents, has advanced to indiscriminate bombing of civilians on unknown involvement or relationship, if any to the terrorist.
This concept an acceptance and approval of inflicting civilian casualties promoted by Trump are a thinly veiled backdoor endorsement and support Putin's strategy of air strikes
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.

Highly biased? 19% of Democrats said they're bomb. Would you release this if you wanted to show the Democrat Party was fully of intelligent people? Er...

It might be leftist. But it asked a question, and people responded to this question.

It's funny how 70% of Republicans managed to not say they'd go bomb a fictitious place. I know what they did, I'm not hiding what they did. They asked a question and people responded. What this shows is a number of things.

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

I'm reading into this what I see. I'm not making stuff up.
You are reading way too much into this. The question came at the end of a series of questions all dealing with Islamic terrorism, immigration re Muslims etc and so some of the respondents made an association the pollsters wanted them to make. It doesn't really tell you much more than that.
Last edited:
...So, we know Trump supporters just like jumping on bandwagons more than supporters of other people.
Rather like the Sheep who voted Barack Obama in 2008 simply because elevating a Negro to the Oval Office was the 'trendy' thing to do, but who abandoned him afterwards?
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.

Highly biased? 19% of Democrats said they're bomb. Would you release this if you wanted to show the Democrat Party was fully of intelligent people? Er...

It might be leftist. But it asked a question, and people responded to this question.

It's funny how 70% of Republicans managed to not say they'd go bomb a fictitious place. I know what they did, I'm not hiding what they did. They asked a question and people responded. What this shows is a number of things.

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

I'm reading into this what I see. I'm not making stuff up.
You are reading way too much into this. The question came at the end of a series of questions all dealing with Islamic terrorism, immigration re Muslims etc and so some of the respondents made an association the pollsters wanted them to make. It doesn't really tell you much more than that.

Why am I reading too much into this? So, people get told questions about Islamic terrorism, then get asked if they'd bomb a cartoon place, and they say yes. Er....


"-54% support Trump's proposed Muslim ban, to only 25% who oppose it."

Okay, 52% of Trump's supporters would have the First Amendment done away with.

"-46% support a national database of Muslims, to only 37% opposed. Trump voters support this 66/15"

So, 66 Trump supporters would have a database ONLY for Muslims, compared to 15 who wouldn't.

"-36% think thousands of Arabs in New Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center collapsed to 35% who don't think that happened. Supporters of Trump (49/24)"

49 believe Trump's made up claims about Arabs in New Jersey.

"-Only 28% of GOP primary voters go so far as to think mosques in the United States should be shut down to 47% opposed to that. Trump voters are on an island on that issuethey support it 45/28"

45 of these Trump supporters want Mosques closed down, compared to 28 who don't.

"-Supporters of most of the major GOP candidates agree with the basic premise that Islam should be legal in the United States....Trump supporters are off on their own on that one too though- just 33% think Islam should be legal to 42% who think it should be illegal."

So, again, they want to do away with the first amendment, and they've repeated this claim when asked twice.

"To put some of these findings about real modern day issues and Trump voters in context, 41% of his voters think Japanese internment was a good thing, to 37% who don't."

Actually what I've been saying, before I looked up this page I've just quoted, actually seems EVEN worse now.

You're looking at a majority of Trump supporters who want to do away with the Constitution, and less so bombing fictional places, but still it's scary. You can see the sort of people Trump is getting to support him. Could I call them Nazis? At the very least these people are ignorant and dangerous. Do you not agree?
...So, we know Trump supporters just like jumping on bandwagons more than supporters of other people.
Rather like the Sheep who voted Barack Obama in 2008 simply because elevating a Negro to the Oval Office was the 'trendy' thing to do, but who abandoned him afterwards?

Yeah, a lot of people voted Obama for not much reason other than they liked him, or liked what he stood for in being black. The main two parties have people who will do that, no matter what. They don't understand politics and don't care. Trump is giving them what they want, ENTERTAINMENT.

This is what politics is about right now. The Dem's debate, "who cares? It's not entertaining".
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.

Highly biased? 19% of Democrats said they're bomb. Would you release this if you wanted to show the Democrat Party was fully of intelligent people? Er...

It might be leftist. But it asked a question, and people responded to this question.

It's funny how 70% of Republicans managed to not say they'd go bomb a fictitious place. I know what they did, I'm not hiding what they did. They asked a question and people responded. What this shows is a number of things.

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

I'm reading into this what I see. I'm not making stuff up.
You are reading way too much into this. The question came at the end of a series of questions all dealing with Islamic terrorism, immigration re Muslims etc and so some of the respondents made an association the pollsters wanted them to make. It doesn't really tell you much more than that.

Why am I reading too much into this? So, people get told questions about Islamic terrorism, then get asked if they'd bomb a cartoon place, and they say yes. Er....


"-54% support Trump's proposed Muslim ban, to only 25% who oppose it."

Okay, 52% of Trump's supporters would have the First Amendment done away with.

"-46% support a national database of Muslims, to only 37% opposed. Trump voters support this 66/15"

So, 66 Trump supporters would have a database ONLY for Muslims, compared to 15 who wouldn't.

"-36% think thousands of Arabs in New Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center collapsed to 35% who don't think that happened. Supporters of Trump (49/24)"

49 believe Trump's made up claims about Arabs in New Jersey.

"-Only 28% of GOP primary voters go so far as to think mosques in the United States should be shut down to 47% opposed to that. Trump voters are on an island on that issuethey support it 45/28"

45 of these Trump supporters want Mosques closed down, compared to 28 who don't.

"-Supporters of most of the major GOP candidates agree with the basic premise that Islam should be legal in the United States....Trump supporters are off on their own on that one too though- just 33% think Islam should be legal to 42% who think it should be illegal."

So, again, they want to do away with the first amendment, and they've repeated this claim when asked twice.

"To put some of these findings about real modern day issues and Trump voters in context, 41% of his voters think Japanese internment was a good thing, to 37% who don't."

Actually what I've been saying, before I looked up this page I've just quoted, actually seems EVEN worse now.

You're looking at a majority of Trump supporters who want to do away with the Constitution, and less so bombing fictional places, but still it's scary. You can see the sort of people Trump is getting to support him. Could I call them Nazis? At the very least these people are ignorant and dangerous. Do you not agree?

You may call them whatever you like, but don't forget to apply that to the 45% of democrats who want to ban Muslim immigration.
ran across this:

Nuke Agrabah from Orbit
It's the only way to be sure

BY: Sonny Bunch

December 18, 2015 2:05 pm

Bomb it and take its oil and give it to the wounded warriors

There’s a remarkably stupid TrollPoll out from the hardworking folks at PPP. They asked Republican voters if they supported attacking Agrabah, and 30 percent said that they did. But those flyover country rubes are so stupid! “Agrabah” is the country in Disney’s Aladdin! Fortunately, the results gave the not-even-bothering-to-hide-their-snobbery media hacks something to laugh about on Twitter for a few minutes and something for John Oliver to DESTROY later on.

It’s worth noting, though, that Democrats are also pretty cool with bombing a fictional country. Check it:

A couple things of note here:

First off, 19 percent of Democrats polled are fine with bombing Agrabah. That’s only 11 points below the GOP level!

Secondly, though, look at the totals. Fifty-five percent of Democrats have an opinion on bombing a fictional country (I assume the last 45 percent goes to “not sure,” as it did with the GOP). Only 43 percent of Republican voters express an opinion either way.

In other words, you could very easily spin this poll as telling us that GOP voters are more open to admitting they have no idea what a question is about than Democrats. That GOP voters are not willing to state policy preferences on issues that they don’t understand. That GOP voters are more open minded. Et cetera, ad nauseum.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly

Nuke Agrabah from Orbit
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.

Highly biased? 19% of Democrats said they're bomb. Would you release this if you wanted to show the Democrat Party was fully of intelligent people? Er...

It might be leftist. But it asked a question, and people responded to this question.

It's funny how 70% of Republicans managed to not say they'd go bomb a fictitious place. I know what they did, I'm not hiding what they did. They asked a question and people responded. What this shows is a number of things.

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

I'm reading into this what I see. I'm not making stuff up.
You are reading way too much into this. The question came at the end of a series of questions all dealing with Islamic terrorism, immigration re Muslims etc and so some of the respondents made an association the pollsters wanted them to make. It doesn't really tell you much more than that.

Why am I reading too much into this? So, people get told questions about Islamic terrorism, then get asked if they'd bomb a cartoon place, and they say yes. Er....


"-54% support Trump's proposed Muslim ban, to only 25% who oppose it."

Okay, 52% of Trump's supporters would have the First Amendment done away with.

"-46% support a national database of Muslims, to only 37% opposed. Trump voters support this 66/15"

So, 66 Trump supporters would have a database ONLY for Muslims, compared to 15 who wouldn't.

"-36% think thousands of Arabs in New Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center collapsed to 35% who don't think that happened. Supporters of Trump (49/24)"

49 believe Trump's made up claims about Arabs in New Jersey.

"-Only 28% of GOP primary voters go so far as to think mosques in the United States should be shut down to 47% opposed to that. Trump voters are on an island on that issuethey support it 45/28"

45 of these Trump supporters want Mosques closed down, compared to 28 who don't.

"-Supporters of most of the major GOP candidates agree with the basic premise that Islam should be legal in the United States....Trump supporters are off on their own on that one too though- just 33% think Islam should be legal to 42% who think it should be illegal."

So, again, they want to do away with the first amendment, and they've repeated this claim when asked twice.

"To put some of these findings about real modern day issues and Trump voters in context, 41% of his voters think Japanese internment was a good thing, to 37% who don't."

Actually what I've been saying, before I looked up this page I've just quoted, actually seems EVEN worse now.

You're looking at a majority of Trump supporters who want to do away with the Constitution, and less so bombing fictional places, but still it's scary. You can see the sort of people Trump is getting to support him. Could I call them Nazis? At the very least these people are ignorant and dangerous. Do you not agree?

You may call them whatever you like, but don't forget to apply that to the 45% of democrats who want to ban Muslim immigration.

Like I said, there are plenty of brain dead democrats too.
Some people think the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians is so wrong that those who would promote it need to be mocked. The idea that people would be in favor of the murder of people they know absolutely nothing about because the people to be murdered are just random humans picked by a leader or leaders that they blindly follow is disturbing to say the least. What started as a proposal to ignore the safety of terrorist family members or even the targeting of those innocents, has advanced to indiscriminate bombing of civilians on unknown involvement or relationship, if any to the terrorist.
This concept an acceptance and approval of inflicting civilian casualties promoted by Trump are a thinly veiled backdoor endorsement and support Putin's strategy of air strikes

It is war and when bombings take place to cripple military leadership and resources the resulting deaths are not murder and you know that, you lying sack of shit.
Some people think the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians is so wrong that those who would promote it need to be mocked. The idea that people would be in favor of the murder of people they know absolutely nothing about because the people to be murdered are just random humans picked by a leader or leaders that they blindly follow is disturbing to say the least. What started as a proposal to ignore the safety of terrorist family members or even the targeting of those innocents, has advanced to indiscriminate bombing of civilians on unknown involvement or relationship, if any to the terrorist.
This concept an acceptance and approval of inflicting civilian casualties promoted by Trump are a thinly veiled backdoor endorsement and support Putin's strategy of air strikes

It is war and when bombings take place to cripple military leadership and resources the resulting deaths are not murder and you know that, you lying sack of shit.
Indiscriminate bombing of civilians is not collateral damage. The targeting or indiscriminate targeting of non-combatants is a violation of the Geneva Convention and hence, a violation and also a chargeable offense of International law. Little more knowledge and less crude ignorance and foulness would be helpful to your sorry self.

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