30% of Republicans would bomb Agrabah, and they


53% of Rand Pauls supporters also support internment of Japanese prisoners in WW2, something I can swear to any is bullshit. Rands supporters are libertarians and they almost every damned one regard that as a horrid error in WW2. And the bombing Agrabah , or wahatever, wasnt only popular among Trump supporters, but also it got 31% among Bush supporters, 33% among Christi supporters, 30% among Cruz supporters and Rubio supporters, and got 34% among Santorum supporters.

The more reasonable explanation would seem to be that the pollsters fucked up the question, the first indicator being a lack of any explanation of where Agrabah is, and perhaps the pollster taking the poll gave misleading information outside the poll itself.
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
You must be a very special individual.

If you live and/or were educated in the USA or almost any other western country, then what kind of numbers do you use? I bet it isn't Roman numerals or Mayan numerals.

Haven't heard anyone complaining about it.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
You must be a very special individual.

If you live and/or were educated in the USA or almost any other western country, then what kind of numbers do you use? I bet it isn't Roman numerals or Mayan numerals.

Haven't heard anyone complaining about it.
Weirdo and Camp never got past using their fingers.
About 36% of congressional democrats authorized "boots on the ground" in Iraq and then they undermined the mission. Clinton bombed Yugoslavia when he was caught with his pants down. Democrats are far more dangerous than the Taliban when they are embarrassed or politically motivated.
...Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.
Biggest crock of shit I've seen in some time...

Ask a gaggle of dumb-ass Democrats whether we should take in 5,000 or 10,000 refugees from Agrabah and they'd bend over, grab their ankles, and say 'hell yes'.

Typical bullshit Liberal bait-and-hate mongering.

Dog bites man.
I always knew that Aladdin was a terrist!

Trump! Trump! Trump!

Save us from Agrabah!

You can just see the news reports

"After bombing Agrabah, President Trump next set his sights on ISIS. Unfortunately, President Trump was confused which ISIS he was supposed to bomb and would up killing Lana Kane and Cyrill Figis. His supporters cheered.


Last edited:
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.

Highly biased? 19% of Democrats said they're bomb. Would you release this if you wanted to show the Democrat Party was fully of intelligent people? Er...

It might be leftist. But it asked a question, and people responded to this question.

It's funny how 70% of Republicans managed to not say they'd go bomb a fictitious place. I know what they did, I'm not hiding what they did. They asked a question and people responded. What this shows is a number of things.

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

I'm reading into this what I see. I'm not making stuff up.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
You must be a very special individual.

If you live and/or were educated in the USA or almost any other western country, then what kind of numbers do you use? I bet it isn't Roman numerals or Mayan numerals.

Haven't heard anyone complaining about it.


Spot the difference?

You seem to be trying to make a point, but..... I'm not sure what that point is.
Whats the big deal? If they are only cartoon characters the bombing would be a cartoon too.

The point being that people will want the US to bomb anything that sounds Arabic. They want no Arabic speakers on planes, they want no Arabic calligraphy in schools, they simply are making decisions based on the fact that it "sounds Arabic" and therefore is bad and evil.
You must be a very special individual.

If you live and/or were educated in the USA or almost any other western country, then what kind of numbers do you use? I bet it isn't Roman numerals or Mayan numerals.

Haven't heard anyone complaining about it.
Weirdo and Camp never got past using their fingers.

Prove it......

Oh wait, you're into making stuff up and then attacking people with it..... sorry. don't bother proving it, you won't be able to anyway.
...and they're Trumpers.

Sorry for the rubbish title, it posted it while I was trying to add the last bit to the title, for some unknown reason.

American Voters Support Bombing of Aladdin’s (Fictitious) Homeland

"A new poll of US voters conducted by Public Policy Policing found that a surprising amount of those polled were in favour of bombing Agrabah."

"PPP found that 30% of Republican voters polled (532 in total) said they would support the action - and that the largest proportion of these were also those who said they would vote for Donald Trump (41% of his supporters)."

"PPP also asked the question to Democrat voters, of whom 19% were in favour."

"PPP communications specialist Justin Mayhew says the question was included in response to the heavy anti-Muslim sentiments being expressed by Republican candidates, most controversially Trump who has proposed barring all Muslims from the USA. "

"“But anything that sounds Arab might make these [respondents] think of people who might associate with terrorism. "

However, Agrabah looks like this:


Yep, it's not even real.

So, 19% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, 41% of Trump supporters are absolute and utter morons. Nothing else to say about it really. People who support bombing a place because IT SOUNDS ARABIC to them.

Education anyone? No, we don't need education, we know it all already, and we don't care. Bomb it is our answer.

First, shame on you for echoing someone else's garbage without vetting it first.

Secondly, are you sure that it was "Public Policy Policing"? Could it have been the highly Democratic-biased "Public Policy Polling".

Thirdly, if it was done by "Public Policy Polling", then you are citing partisan garbage. This poling organization is known for being Leftist.

Seems to me that you're not any smarter or more educated than some of the individuals you mentioned.

Highly biased? 19% of Democrats said they're bomb. Would you release this if you wanted to show the Democrat Party was fully of intelligent people? Er...

It might be leftist. But it asked a question, and people responded to this question.

It's funny how 70% of Republicans managed to not say they'd go bomb a fictitious place. I know what they did, I'm not hiding what they did. They asked a question and people responded. What this shows is a number of things.

First, some people will support the bombing of anything Muslim sounding. Second people think bombing is a solution to problems, third people often will agree with things they don't understand.

Politicians, especially people like Trump, know and understand this. Trump has got into the knickers of such people and his support is based around complete and utter idiots. Hence why 41% of Trump supporters who answered said they would bomb this place.

I'm reading into this what I see. I'm not making stuff up.
You think you got it all figured out. That polling company is left-biased, and their work is aimed at the politically naive youth like you.

Both political sides are guilty of it, and I'm not necessarily taking sides here.

I just get annoyed at pretentious people are too judgemental towards themselves, but will either claim or regurgitate trash.

Anyways, if your going to regurgitate political trash than at least do it right. The poling company was Public Policy Polling.

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