300% gain for mcDonalds stock in the past 10 years!

Wrong again

None of the frozen veg I buy have added salt.
Hence the term, "generally". Look, we both have our own experiences. I'm not trying to sell you on anything, just pointing out that for many people, a quality diet is not easily obtained.
Hence the term, "generally". Look, we both have our own experiences. I'm not trying to sell you on anything, just pointing out that for many people, a quality diet is not easily obtained.
And for most people it's easier than you want to think it is.
And for most people it's easier than you want to think it is.
Easier than I want to think? It can be easier than many people think, but it requires training and education. You have to know what quality food is, where to find it and how to prepare it, then you have to take the time to go and get it and put in the work to prepare it. IMO most Americans today have no idea how to do any of those things. If it's more difficult than picking up a phone and paying someone to bring them food, they don't want to do it.

You know nothing of my current situation or my experience, yet here you are, ascribing motivations and thoughts to me. It takes forethought and preparation to eat a healthy diet, and while it can become relatively easy to do IF you are willing to not only LEARN what and how to cook, but take the TIME to decide what to eat, do the WORK necessary to prepare it to your satisfaction and only then consume it, it will never be as easy as picking up the phone and giving someone else control over your food. You also have to have access to the tools necessary, such as a refrigerator, a stove, an oven and cookware. The SAD, or Standard American Diet, is way down the road on the convenient side and not so much on the healthy side. It's far easier to order online from the restaurants in the local area, wait 20 minutes and eat, or in the case of McDonald's being the only viable food source in the local area, end up eating crap. Quality costs more, and in food preparation, takes work and time that many people either don't have or don't want to expend.

It would be great if they brought back Home Ec like we used to have in schools, where kids could learn they are able to eat a healthier diet, but that's not likely to happen. It would be great if even urban apartment dwellers could learn they could get fresh herbs from a window box so they can make vegetables they were taught to hate taste better, but that's not likely to happen either, because it takes work and patience, something in short supply today.

So, sure, from that side of things, it looks easy to do, just like someone who goes to the gym three days a week and thinks an hour's workout is fun tells someone who works 12-hour days doing construction work that it's easy to get into a healthy exercise program. Change is not easy.

300% gain for mcDonalds stock in the past 10 years!​

Million% increase in Obesity .
Million % increase in dumbness .

Million% decrease in fine taste

Who cares that the US is heading down the pan ? Not McDonalds
Why should McDonald's care? They produce food that is ready now at a low price, full stop. It is up to the consumer to understand the health impacts of eating there on a regular basis.
Out sourcing due to high taxes and regulations, thanks to the Democrat/Marxist push to put shitfucks like you permanently on minimum wages, all in the name of equity. No wonder Obama was able to steal right out from under you, and you never bat an eye.

Rubbish. They got tax breaks and bennies for outsourcing, and still do; they do it becaues they're labor racketeers and organized crime syndicates. They send you idiots to shill for them and you think that someday some billionaire will make you his special butt boi and give you lots of insider trading tips n stuff. lol they just laugh at you morons and your 'high taxes' nonsense.
Rubbish. They got tax breaks and bennies for outsourcing, and still do; they do it becaues they're labor racketeers and organized crime syndicates. They send you idiots to shill for them and you think that someday some billionaire will make you his special butt boi and give you lots of insider trading tips n stuff. lol they just laugh at you morons and your 'high taxes' nonsense.
Only butt boi i know of is you, you bitching about how people who make money, just somehow seems to be stealing it from you, while the government actually is stealing money from you. Go fuck off DS, my time with you is over.
There is a shocking number of multi-millionaires on this forum.

Weird how that happens so often on internet forums.

Lets see...



You don't believe he has over $11M? You need to learn to trust people.... LOL

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