31 August

I go home on the 31st. Been in the care of the Nursing home since 11 January, I shattered my ankle on the last day of last year. Couldn't put any weight on the ankle for months, finally started rehab about 2 weeks ago.
Are you stopping by Trump's inauguration on the way?

Hope you get better.
Are you stopping by Trump's inauguration on the way?

Hope you get better.
I can walk again, But mostly I use a wheel chair. To walk I need a walker and right now I wear a boot on my foot. Cast came off a while ago.
I go home on the 31st. Been in the care of the Nursing home since 11 January, I shattered my ankle on the last day of last year. Couldn't put any weight on the ankle for months, finally started rehab about 2 weeks ago.

Get well soon and make a good recovery. Sounds like it's going to take some time.
do your rehab....just do your rehab...hate to hear you are not feeling up to snuff and hope you get better fast...the thought of breaking a bone at our age is just enough
I did not just break it they said I shattered it. I was supposed to get metal but had covid so they couldn't operate.
Just curious, why was it shattered? Hope you're doing fine.
I had just gotten out of the hospital for Covid the day before , I went in the bathroom and passed out falling at an angle crushing the ankle, Turned out I had covid either again or still.
I go home on the 31st. Been in the care of the Nursing home since 11 January, I shattered my ankle on the last day of last year. Couldn't put any weight on the ankle for months, finally started rehab about 2 weeks ago.
Gunny, I'm glad you're going home soon. And on my birthday, too. Yea!!!!
Hi sorry to read what happened to you , i hope you heal well my friend and have less pain . Your doing well , keep at it .
Just finished rehab. I am walking further then I did before I fell. Although with a walker and putting a lot of weight on walker. Before fell I used a walker but just cause I had fallen several times. I am way over weight and my hip hurts if I walk very far. Wife can not get me till 31st cause she doesn't quit work till 3rd and 31st is her day off before she quits.
Gunny your a good man... Sounds like you are married to a good woman... Just another speed bump on life's highway...


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