31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

I can’t help but laugh every time I see JoeB pander and virtue-signal to the Gaystapo and BLM.

He views both groups as “useful idiots” for his Marxist wet-dream and as such, believes he can manipulate them by lapping up their balls as much as possible.

Reality check: BLM couldn’t “bring down” a school board. They just couldn’t. Much less the fucking United States.

Well, they took down Trump, Poodle. That says a lot right there.

If it came to that they'd get their ass shot off .....an they know it..

The most dangerous person is the one who has nothing to lose.
Sure we can. Indeed, if you escalate, sooner or later the other side will at least meet you, if not counter escalate.

A strategy that rests on the other side just taking it like bitches, is A. a sign of cowardice, B. a sign of stupidity, and C. doomed to fail.
A. B. and C. sounds just like the Republican Party at this time.
The leadership of the Colonies at that time was BRITISH. :heehee: Of course they didn't support it. :heehee:

The Boston Tea Party was a Sons of Liberty action.

And the Revolutionary Army didn't even exist until months after the shooting started.

You get a red state education?

The leadership of hte colonies was not british. It was colonial. You are a fool.
There was no recession under Trump.

A recession is defined as 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP Growth.

Sure we can. Indeed, if you escalate, sooner or later the other side will at least meet you, if not counter escalate.

A strategy that rests on the other side just taking it like bitches, is A. a sign of cowardice, B. a sign of stupidity, and C. doomed to fail.

Those with a lot to lose can not win over those with little to nothing.

There is a reason we are now starting to prosecute police officers. Those who have something to lose have decided that prosecuting the police that do wrong is better than losing what they have.
Those with a lot to lose can not win over those with little to nothing.

There is a reason we are now starting to prosecute police officers. Those who have something to lose have decided that prosecuting the police that do wrong is better than losing what they have.

And the result is rapidly rising crime. That will work out well for your communities. Your response will be to blame whitey.

If Biden wins again in 2024, I guess your thugs will continue to have government backup.

You're building up a lot of resentment and hate in teh population. YOu sure that's a good idea?
The ruling elite want to confiscate all of YOUR guns while they are protected by THEIR GUNS.

One was protesting police brutality while the other is protesting people who like each other getting together and clelebrating that.
So only Leftists are allowed to protest?

My point was mainly about violence, but you seem to think that only certain causes get to exercise their First Amendment rights. Strange point to make.
The leadership of hte colonies was not british. It was colonial. You are a fool.
No...the Brits con-trolled the colonies. That's why they were called..........................(wait for it)........................colonies. :heehee:

That's why the colonials were complaining about................................(wait for it)....................."no taxation without representation". :heehee:
Senator Schumer promised that Supreme Court Justices would face violence over Roe v Wade and a couple of weeks later a left wing nut case was arrested for attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice. Shouldn't Schumer be indicted as an accomplice? Meanwhile up in God forsaken Idaho they grab a bunch of white guys out of a van and lock them up for apparently planning to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.
So only Leftists are allowed to protest?

My point was mainly about violence, but you seem to think that only certain causes get to exercise their First Amendment rights. Strange point to make.
Protesting is fine.....rioting, vandalism, pooping and peeing on public property, assaulting police officers, stealing, and insurrection are illegal.

Yes, and that includes anyone doing those things during the George Floyd protests TOO.
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