31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

No, Einstein. Read what he wrote. White supremacy.

Not surprising to see you jump in.

1st it was the Russians...now...


'Whiiiite Supremaciiiiiiiiiiiiiists!!'

When is the last time a white supremacist group moved from American city to city like terrorist locust, being bussed in, looting, burning, vandalizing, destroying local communities, assaulting, murdering, firebombing, attempting to hold entire city blocks hostage, attempting to burn Federal Marshall's alive in federal buildings, and committing acts of terror while doing MILLIONS of dollars in damage...like antifa and BLM did?

While White Supremacists may be vile, despicable, dangerous at times people, Antifa and BLM have proven themselves to be infinitely more so 10 times over.

From a commenter on another forum:

Fact checking Big Media's reports concerning the recent arrest of 31 Patriot Front members.

The latest report, that I could find on the event, is from the AP, and it's rife with errors. Beginning with the first sentence (turns out, the topic sentence of almost every paragraph is factually incorrect).

Quote 1: "Authorities arrested 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front"

Fact: The Patriot Front is not a "white supremacist group". "White supremacist" is a euphemism for anyone who believes that White people have the same right as all other people (in countries that their forefathers built) to work together to protect and advance their collective interests.

Quote 2: "authorities found that the group was planning to riot in several areas of downtown"

Fact: They were not there to riot, but rather to counter protest a group of deviants who,in turn, were advocating pedophilia.

Quote 3: "Police found riot gear, one smoke grenade, shin guards and shields inside the van"

Fact: None of the items listed could be classified as "riot gear". Most of them are defensive which, unfortunately, is necessary for Whites when counter protesting anti-White groups because of their propensity toward violence. In the past, these hostile antarian groups have inflicted many grievous injuries on White patriots, usually outnumbering the patriots by at least 10-1. Defensive equipment is necessary to help prevent those injuries.

Quote 4: "'It appears these people did not come here to engage in peaceful events,' Kootenai County Sheriff Bob Norris"

Fact: They absolutely did go there to engage in a peaceful counter protest, but as mentioned above, antarian groups are often violent, especially when they outnumber the good guys by 10-1 or more, so they needed to protect themselves with the gear they brought.

The men were arrested after police received a call from a "tipster" . . .

Quote 5: "who reported that 'it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle' in the parking lot of a hotel"

Fact 5: There is absolutely nothing illegal about "looking like a little army" nor is it illegal to load a vehicle. None of the equipment that they had on them was illegal. It can all be bought over-the-counter in thousands of stores across America.

The bottom line is that once again the (((regime))) over-reacted and illegally violated the rights of pro-White advocates to peaceably assemble in order to petition their government for redress of grievances.
They're just out in the open now.

This is what Trumpism has created.
As opposed to Schumer inciting terrorist attacks and an assassination attempt (the 2nd incited by Democrats) against a USSC Justice....
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What narrative? I mean, you folks do remember who was in charge of the DoJ during the BLM riots, right? Was Billy the Bagman part of the fictitious Deep State too?

The point of the DEEP STATE is that the people who stay there, ie the faceless drones, have their own agenda.

DId you really not understand that, or are you just talking shit?
You'll have to ask a Democrat that but all the same, all you are doing is avoiding my point.

You say, "hold cops accountable", the words sound good.

IN practice we see cops assumed guilty no matter what.

And that's a separate issue from the FBI being politicized by the Left and used for political operations.
View attachment 656921
'Because we never 'rioted' - we had 'mostly peaceful protests'.'


Again, for the umpteenth time. Stop trying to equate these protests over social justice with an insurrection trying to overturn the results of a free and fair election.
They aren't the same.
Police get due process just like anyone else.

It's all the same.

1. I dont' believe that. I don't trust dem politicians or court officials and I don't trust lib jury members.

2. Nope. No, it's not. The FBI is politicized and operating as an ally of the Dem Party. The city police are not doing that or anything like that.
The fact that Mac1958 was silenced by the truth of my last 2 posts, unable to respond except with a 'laughing' emoji,, speaks VOLUMES...
Nothing about the riots in 2020, then? Predictable, as usual.
But while I'm here, I will talk about the riots of 2020, because there were well over 500 of them, and many got away with it

From poster 'flacalten':
"That's a LOT less convincing than what you WOULD HAVE FOUND at any AntiFa meet-up all through the SUMMER of 2020. THERE you'd find molotov cocktails, commercial grade fireworks, industrial strength lasers for blinding cops, skateboards for fast manuevering and clobbering people with and tools to LOOT and burn buildings.

Seems odd how some posters wanna play 'whataboutism' whenever violent rightwing nutjobs emerge in the news.

It seems to my poor avatar rather predictable.....that if a racist or homophobic white group does something predictably stupid or violent....then their defenders will shrill out 'well, what about CHOP? What about the broken windows at the Nike stores in 2020?'

My advice as an occasional visitor here....if the police brutality/social justice unrest and violence of 2020 still burns your bottom and focuses your attention....well, amigos go start a thread about it under your own avatar headline.

Otherwise you come across as one of those insecure and defensive "Look, Squirrel!" deflectors.

Y'all should be better than that.

Most of the protests WERE peaceful.

The ones that weren't, well, you can't be surprised. We had 10 years of peaceful protests starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin. Ten years of prosecutors and juries excusing the murders of black people by the police and vigilantes.

Combine that anger with anxiety over Covid and Trump's recession, you had a bomb ready to go off, and it did.

IF BLM wanted to bring down the country, they could... easily. They don't want that. They just want the police to reform, which frankly isn't a big ask.
There was no recession under Trump.

That deflection sounds 100% QAnon rather than QFT.


The possibility of fed agents ginning this up, is completely reasonable. They have done it before, quite recently.

Your denial is odd.

Only black people riot. 😂😂😂

These white dudes were going to bring violence and got busted.

Charged with conspiracy to riot. Did not actually commit any acts of violence. Supposedly had some kind of operations plan.

They were dressed alike (gasp) and had defensive shields and shin guards.

They had no knives, bats, brass knuckles, or guns, but they had ONE smoke grenade which most people can buy at WalMart.

They did not resist arrest and peacefully complied with law enforcement.

The group has a history of peaceful marches.

Quite a contrast compared to real domestic terrorist organizations like Antifa who are allowed to operate with impunity.
5 were G8-G13 another 8 were assets ( they were not even held over for processing and spent little time in the holding cells

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