31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

Yes... Exactly.
The thing is, rage works. It makes people think they're at war, and when you're at war, you're willing to exert a will that the other side isn't. It's asymmetrical, because you don't feel constrained by normal rules.

I spent a few years after 2016 trying to fully understand what has happened, and what it meant about this country. And I've spent the last year or so just coming to terms with the fact that we're headed down a dark road for a while.

My efforts now are in trying to help change a system that allowed this to happen.
I support law enforcement watching and arresting potentially dangerous groups that decided to act.

But it would be naive and gullible at this point, to not be skeptical of the FBI.

Skeptical of the FBI but sadly not of the police in general. Would I support disbanding the FBI? Yes. Do I also support holding the police accountable when they do wrong? Absolutely. I do not understand those who wish to make a distinction.

I could offer a guess.
'Because we never 'rioted' - we had 'mostly peaceful protests'.'

Most of the protests WERE peaceful.

The ones that weren't, well, you can't be surprised. We had 10 years of peaceful protests starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin. Ten years of prosecutors and juries excusing the murders of black people by the police and vigilantes.

Combine that anger with anxiety over Covid and Trump's recession, you had a bomb ready to go off, and it did.

The hell we are. Antifa and BLM are far larger and more dangerous that w.s. at this point in time.

Oh, and it is a valid question.

IMO, the obvious answer is that the feds just have not targeted either of them, because it doesn't support the narrative.

IF BLM wanted to bring down the country, they could... easily. They don't want that. They just want the police to reform, which frankly isn't a big ask.
The hell we are. Antifa and BLM are far larger and more dangerous that w.s. at this point in time.

Oh, and it is a valid question.

IMO, the obvious answer is that the feds just have not targeted either of them, because it doesn't support the narrative.
Wow, that must be frustrating to have everyone plotting against you every day of your life. How do you survive?
I wonder who the AG was the past 4 or so years when those black thugs were burning down entire cities and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people?? Why did the Dems stop that guy from charging those people?? Damn those Dems are so powerful!!!
Most of the protests WERE peaceful.


Lying leftard scum. ^^^

The ones that weren't, well, you can't be surprised. We had 10 years of peaceful protests starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin. Ten years of prosecutors and juries excusing the murders of black people by the police and vigilantes.

So you're gonna out-asshole the assholes, and be even BIGGER assholes than they are?

Indiscriminate firebombing THREATENS CHILDREN, you dimwitted fucking idiot.

You lefties are no better than ill tempered two year olds throwing tantrums. Don't give a rat's ass when blacks kill other blacks, but God forbid a white boy should do it, then it becomes a national crisis.

You fuckers are completely retarded.

And BECAUSE you're so stupid, we're booting your sorry asses out of power.

Bye now

Combine that anger with anxiety over Covid and Trump's recession, you had a bomb ready to go off, and it did.

More excuses?

(slaps forehead)

No, asshole.

YOU did it.

And you have no excuse.

IF BLM wanted to bring down the country, they could... easily. They don't want that. They just want the police to reform, which frankly isn't a big ask.

BLM is under indictment in six states. All the payment processors have frozen their funds


You're front and center, liar. What do you have to say for yourself?
Wow, that must be frustrating to have everyone plotting against you every day of your life. How do you survive?
Not nearly as frustrating as watching the two largest domestic terrorist organizations - ANTIFA and BLM - literally overthrow local US governments and setup “Autonomous Zones”.

And anti-American Marxists such as yourself cheered. Gross.
IF BLM wanted to bring down the country, they could... easily.
I can’t help but laugh every time I see JoeB pander and virtue-signal to the Gaystapo and BLM.

He views both groups as “useful idiots” for his Marxist wet-dream and as such, believes he can manipulate them by lapping up their balls as much as possible.

Reality check: BLM couldn’t “bring down” a school board. They just couldn’t. Much less the fucking United States.
They're still trying to equate the two.
Equate the 2?

White guys crammed in a van, all wearing the same uniforms with riot gear get stopped blocks away from the march..March...
- Curious: WHY were they stopped? Traffic or driving issue / vehicle defect...? Or were these guys already identified through some surveillance, were on a watch list, being followed, or someone looking for them to stop them? No matter - gla violence was prevented.


BUS LOADS of out-of-town Antifa / BLM trouble makers showing up, instigating violence followed by looting, vandalism, destruction, burning, attacks, assaults, molotov cocktails thrown, acts of terrorism, murder....MILLIONS of dollars in damage all total,, in cities all over the US.

When Antifa showed up in Charlottesville wearing riot gear, carrying shields, weapons, jars of their own urine to throw and without a permit to assemble / march / protest, why do you think they were not arrested for 'Conspiracy To Riot' before they attacked the white supremacists, who did have a permit to March?

As BUS-LOADS of out-of-town violent Antifa and BLM rioters and criminals were coming into town in Baltimore and other cities - the FBI, DOJ, & the cops knowing what wass about to go down because they had seen it before - why do you think k they did not stop the busses, arrest them for 'Conspiracy To Riot ... Loot, Burn, Destroy, Assault, & Murder'? Or at least turn the busses around...

It would be hard to equate a violent Riot to organized acts of violence, arson, assaults, murders, and terrorism...IMO.

I am glad the police stepped in and actually prevented at least one planned riot.
If you want to bring up 2020 make a thread .

This thread is about riots almost started. By whites.""
Why did you bring up (let me find your quote)......Oh yeah,

here it is, "Only black people riot. 😂😂😂"

If this thread is about riots almost started. By whites.?
Why did you inject the Black comment into your OP?

You're not very good at this, ListenToMYLie, are you?
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Equate the 2?

White guys crammed in a van, all wearing the same uniforms with riot gear get stopped blocks away from the march..March...
- Curious: WHY were they stopped? Traffic or driving issue / vehicle defect...? Or were these guys already identified through some surveillance, were on a watch list, being followed, or someone looking for them to stop them? No matter - gla violence was prevented.


BUS LOADS of out-of-town Antifa / BLM trouble makers showing up, instigating violence followed by looting, vandalism, destruction, burning, attacks, assaults, molotov cocktails thrown, acts of terrorism, murder....MILLIONS of dollars in damage all total,, in cities all over the US.

When Antifa showed up in Charlottesville wearing riot gear, carrying shields, weapons, jars of their own urine to throw and without a permit to assemble / march / protest, why do you think they were not arrested for 'Conspiracy To Riot' before they attacked the white supremacists, who did have a permit to March?

As BUS-LOADS of out-of-town violent Antifa and BLM rioters and criminals were coming into town in Baltimore and other cities - the FBI, DOJ, & the cops knowing what wass about to go down because they had seen it before - why do you think k they did not stop the busses, arrest them for 'Conspiracy To Riot ... Loot, Burn, Destroy, Assault, & Murder'? Or at least turn the busses around...

It would be hard to equate a violent Riot to organized acts of violence, arson, assaults, murders, and terrorism...IMO.

I am glad the police stepped in and actually prevented at least one planned riot.
The (not so) funny thing is, these asinine leftists think they're somehow morally superior to the white supremacists
The thing is, rage works. It makes people think they're at war, and when you're at war, you're willing to exert a will that the other side isn't. It's asymmetrical, because you don't feel constrained by normal rules.

I spent a few years after 2016 trying to fully understand what has happened, and what it meant about this country. And I've spent the last year or so just coming to terms with the fact that we're headed down a dark road for a while.

My efforts now are in trying to help change a system that allowed this to happen.
The system didn't allow this dummy, ABUSE of the system allowed this.

Goddammit, babies aren't people but corporations are. Land lines are private but cell phones aren't. Drug laws, gun laws, RICO laws, there's a long, LONG list

Most of all, our federal government has its grubby little paws in everything it should never be allowed to touch.
Most of the protests WERE peaceful.

The ones that weren't, well, you can't be surprised. We had 10 years of peaceful protests starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin. Ten years of prosecutors and juries excusing the murders of black people by the police and vigilantes.

Combine that anger with anxiety over Covid and Trump's recession, you had a bomb ready to go off, and it did.

IF BLM wanted to bring down the country, they could... easily. They don't want that. They just want the police to reform, which frankly isn't a big ask.
If it came to that they'd get their ass shot off .....an they know it..
Why does a parade bother anyone? Don't go. Heck I haven't been to a parade, even on the 4th of July, for 40 years. I could care less.
There was NO riot they were stopped on a tip, where else are you going to flog a few stupid whites planning a riot?

Your thread is stupid.
You were absolutely right, I live 2 miles from CDA,ID.
I was having breakfast with some of my friends last Wed. and it was a topic of
conversation with us. It was widely known this was going to happen.
After the ARYAN NATION, the CDA PD does not put up with this.
If this group was smart, they should have tried pulling it off in Clarkston Wa.
IMO, the obvious answer is that the feds just have not targeted either of them, because it doesn't support the narrative.
What narrative? I mean, you folks do remember who was in charge of the DoJ during the BLM riots, right? Was Billy the Bagman part of the fictitious Deep State too?

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