31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

You're pretty consistent too.

You ever see a group of w.s. that looks so fit? Where are the fat ones? Where are the old ones? Where are the ones with meth problems that don't eat and look like it?

IF this is as it is reported, a group of w.s. was planning a violent crime and the fbi was tipped off and did their job, great.

It just seems, unlikely.

w.s. are a pathetic fringe. They don't do well planned and executed operations. Uniforms? Since when?
I know how much effort you put into trying to frame issues within the context of "white supremacy" and "white supremacists".

You're clearly trying desperately to minimize issues by assigning them to a small and insignificant group -- i.e., unless you officially belong to WS group, with ID cards, uniforms, badges and secret handshakes, you are completely innocent, you're the victim, and those Satanic commies are lying.

So, you cram WS into every available opportunity, even out of context, thinking it's an argument. It doesn't work. And it's boring.
I know how much effort you put into trying to frame issues within the context of "white supremacy" and "white supremacists".

You're clearly trying desperately to minimize issues by assigning them to a small and insignificant group -- i.e., unless you officially belong to WS group, with ID cards, uniforms, badges and secret handshakes, you are completely innocent, you're the victim, and those Satanic commies are lying.

So, you cram WS into every available opportunity, even out of context, thinking it's an argument. It doesn't work. And it's boring.

I do not want people who are NOT w.s., called w.s. by liars.

That is not me "desperately trying to minimize issues".

There are people, plenty of them, that claim that America as a whole is w.s. or that the GOP as a whole, is w.s.

That is absurd. And should be pushed back against, vigorously.

By all people of good faith.
I do not want people who are NOT w.s., called w.s. by liars.

That is not me "desperately trying to minimize issues".

There are people, plenty of them, that claim that America as a whole is w.s. or that the GOP as a whole, is w.s.

That is absurd. And should be pushed back against, vigorously.

By all people of good faith.
"Good faith"

Do you think that a claim that America is a w.s. nation, is not a divisive falsehood that should be resisted by people of good faith?
You just keep doing it, even after I clearly point it out.

This is precisely the enabling I always talk about.

Try this on someone else. It's ugly. Dismissed.
They are all the same..weak minded misfits. Look at Proud Boys,. Patriot Front, Boogaloo Bois, Oath Keepers and all the other half-assed militias.

The Proud Boys are not w.s. Thus tehy are not the same.

Why do you want to call people who are not w.s., w.s.?
They are all the same..weak minded misfits. Look at Proud Boys,. Patriot Front, Boogaloo Bois, Oath Keepers and all the other half-assed militias.
Yep. And the enablers of these groups always rush in to deny and deflect, and toss out straw men and conspiracy theories.

Always. As we're seeing here.

'Because we never 'rioted' - we had 'mostly peaceful protests'.'


You just keep doing it, even after I clearly point it out.

This is precisely the enabling I always talk about.

Try this on someone else. It's ugly. Dismissed.

I support law enforcement watching and arresting potentially dangerous groups that decided to act.

But it would be naive and gullible at this point, to not be skeptical of the FBI.
Yep. And the enablers of these groups always rush in to deny and deflect, and toss out straw men and conspiracy theories.

Always. As we're seeing here.

Those groups are not all the same and not all w.s.

Why do you support calling people who are not w.s., w.s.?
All these young men are losers. They lack education and marketable skills. Many of them are also incels. Trump's bombast soothes them.

From what I've seen incels are just as likely to be libs as cons. I don't know why you people are so fixated on them.

And that group of people arrested, don't look like losers. They all seem in great shape, for one thing.

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