31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

Let's talk about the millions of dollars of damage to the capital

And the pipe bombs at that riot.

Since we are talking about riots.

Even though I think both are terrorism.

Only black people riot. 😂😂😂

These white dudes were going to bring violence and got busted.

"You might have thought that the "Patriot Front" had already been laughed out of existence since they might as well have been wearing "Undercover Fed" badges. Well, apparently there was an attempt to resurrect what little credibility that group might have had by a very convenient arrest by hilariously over-geared cops in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho on June 11. As you can see, even bystanders were mocking the Mutant Ninja Cops for busting undercover feds for the benefit of the cameras. Oh, and speaking of cameras, when did you ever hear of police encouraging people to film an arrest, as long as they stayed off the grass, as happened here?"

"You might have thought that the "Patriot Front" had already been laughed out of existence since they might as well have been wearing "Undercover Fed" badges. Well, apparently there was an attempt to resurrect what little credibility that group might have had by a very convenient arrest by hilariously over-geared cops in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho on June 11. As you can see, even bystanders were mocking the Mutant Ninja Cops for busting undercover feds for the benefit of the cameras. Oh, and speaking of cameras, when did you ever hear of police encouraging people to film an arrest, as long as they stayed off the grass, as happened here?"

You have a good imagination. And I'm sure there are idiots that will believe. The Republican party is full of them.
😂 😂 😂

Only black people riot. 😂😂😂

These white dudes were going to bring violence and got busted.

Only black people riot. 😂😂😂

These white dudes were going to bring violence and got busted.
29 of em were feds
Why do white dudes want to riot.

Please tell us old wise one .

Master deflector from the facts.
You are such a retarded partisan hack, it's mind boggling that fucktards like you even exist

Look here jackass, look what your rioters did to an 8 year old. And FUCK YOU AGAIN for making it racial. You support THIS. VVV

You slimeballs are vile human beings

Odd. In 2020 the same cops were heroes who needed help like that of Rittenhouse to oppose all the Leftists. Now they are all lying scum when they arrest RW dolts.
They didn't "need help" doofus,they were kneeling with the commies! Or standing around doing nothing while AntiFa trashed one city after another.
Let's talk about the millions of dollars of damage to the capital

And the pipe bombs at that riot.

Since we are talking about riots.

Even though I think both are terrorism.
Reports of outside interference involved with this group. True or not. Unlike the BLM riots. There is a shadow on the land. And it grows darker as the central government security apparatus grows more and more powerful. This has germinated and taken a life of its own. We see the involvement with Jan. 6. The TV Pravda llike stage on it and more to come.

Only black people riot. 😂😂😂

These white dudes were going to bring violence and got busted.

They sound pretty awful to me.

You have a good imagination. And I'm sure there are idiots that will believe. The Republican party is full of them.
😂 😂 😂
Hey, dumbass STOOPID libbie fucktard, riddle me this.

If the FBI can find 31 right wingers who were planning a riot, how come they can't find the AntiFa types who were doing the exact same thing FIVE HUNDRED TIMES in 65 cities?
Denial, deflection, conspiracy theories, "nothing to see here".

The cult is consistent, give them that.

You're pretty consistent too.

You ever see a group of w.s. that looks so fit? Where are the fat ones? Where are the old ones? Where are the ones with meth problems that don't eat and look like it?

IF this is as it is reported, a group of w.s. was planning a violent crime and the fbi was tipped off and did their job, great.

It just seems, unlikely.

w.s. are a pathetic fringe. They don't do well planned and executed operations. Uniforms? Since when?

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