31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

Press conference from the police yesterday....

Chief says they had received information that groups were planning to "disrupt" the heathen Pride event.

Evidence that they were planning to riot was the shields, shin guards, "other stuff" and paperwork.

No details provided about the "paperwork" or communications the group had. Chief simply states it appeared similar to an Operations Plan police of military might use.

The operation was launched simply based upon a phone call from a concerned citizen who saw a bunch of people climbing into the back of a U-Haul. There was no tip off from the Feds.

Oooooh, "they were all wearing hats that had plastic inside them."

The patriots cooperated with law enforcement.

There were plenty of "people [not these peaceful Patriot Front guys] walking around the event with long guns and bear spray. None of that is illegal in Idaho," said Chief White.

Chief White says, "They looked like a little army."

Sounds to me like the authorities have denied these patriots their constitutional right to peaceably assemble.
Press conference from the police yesterday....

Chief says they had received information that groups were planning to "disrupt" the heathen Pride event.

Evidence that they were planning to riot was the shields, shin guards, "other stuff" and paperwork.

No details provided about the "paperwork" or communications the group had. Chief simply states it appeared similar to an Operations Plan police of military might use.

The operation was launched simply based upon a phone call from a concerned citizen who saw a bunch of people climbing into the back of a U-Haul. There was no tip off from the Feds.

Oooooh, "they were all wearing hats that had plastic inside them."

The patriots cooperated with law enforcement.

There were plenty of "people [not these peaceful Patriot Front guys] walking around the event with long guns and bear spray. None of that is illegal in Idaho," said Chief White.

Chief White says, "They looked like a little army."

Sounds to me like the authorities have denied these patriots their constitutional right to peaceably assemble.

See something, say something. A good citizen stepped up.
Protesting is fine.....rioting, vandalism, pooping and peeing on public property, assaulting police officers, stealing, and insurrection are illegal.

Yes, and that includes anyone doing those things during the George Floyd protests TOO.
Right, and these patriots did nothing of the sort. They didn't even have any offensive weapons, even legal ones.

Cops shared zero information that any type of illegal activity was planned. I bet they would have shared it, if they had a smoking gun. The only claim is that based upon the information they have, they think the patriots were going to "disrupt the events."
And the result is rapidly rising crime. That will work out well for your communities. Your response will be to blame whitey.
I live in a rural community.

If Biden wins again in 2024, I guess your thugs will continue to have government backup.

I doubt very seriously he runs again but this started well before Biden.

You're building up a lot of resentment and hate in teh population. YOu sure that's a good idea?

The solution is easy. Hold law enforcement.accountable
Right, and these patriots did nothing of the sort. They didn't even have any offensive weapons, even legal ones.

Cops shared zero information that any type of illegal activity was planned. I bet they would have shared it, if they had a smoking gun. The only claim is that based upon the information they have, they think the patriots were going to "disrupt the events."
Keep excusing your SA wannabes. :heehee:
"White supremacist" is a euphemism for anyone who believes that White people have the same right as all other people (in countries that their forefathers built) to work together to protect and advance their collective interests.
Quit labeling your loads of horseshit 'facts'. White supremacists believe they are superior to other races because... reasons (and never good ones). It's not about rights. Every American citizen has the same rights. It's not about 'working together', since WS is an isolationist ideology. It's a form of mental illness.
They were not there to riot, but rather to counter protest a group of deviants who,in turn, were advocating pedophilia.
It would seem you suffer from a similar mental illness. It's why you defend white supremacist scum like this. Like them, you're just as lost.
None of the items listed could be classified as "riot gear". Most of them are defensive which, unfortunately, is necessary for Whites when counter protesting anti-White groups because of their propensity toward violence.
The words 'riot gear' triggers you because in your fevered brain white supremacists don't riot, they 'peacefully assemble'. :auiqs.jpg: Try to change words around and deflect to suit your delicate snowflake sensibilities all you want, but these attempts to gaslight the situation fall flat. We know exactly who you are.
antarian groups are often violent, especially when they outnumber the good guys by 10-1 or more
These aren't good guys, but thanks for self identifying with their scumbag ideology with your piss poor gaslight defense of them. I can only surmise we'll be watching your arrest on the news soon.
The bottom line is that once again the (((regime))) over-reacted and illegally violated the rights of pro-White advocates to peaceably assemble in order to petition their government for redress of grievances.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Yeah. Pretend this has anything to do with 'redress of greivances'. Fuck their greivances. But hey, go with that horseshit. I'm sure judges will really appreciate that excuse. :auiqs.jpg:
No...the Brits con-trolled the colonies. That's why they were called..........................(wait for it)........................colonies. :heehee:

That's why the colonials were complaining about................................(wait for it)....................."no taxation without representation". :heehee:

The taxes came from LONDON. The colonies had their own local governments.
Quit labeling your loads of horseshit 'facts'. White supremacists believe they are superior to other races because... reasons (and never good ones). It's not about rights. Every American citizen has the same rights. It's not about 'working together', since WS is an isolationist ideology. It's a form of mental illness.

It would seem you suffer from a similar mental illness. It's why you defend white supremacist scum like this. Like them, you're just as lost.

The words 'riot gear' triggers you because in your fevered brain white supremacists don't riot, they 'peacefully assemble'. :auiqs.jpg: Try to change words around and deflect to suit your delicate snowflake sensibilities all you want, but these attempts to gaslight the situation fall flat. We know exactly who you are.

These aren't good guys, but thanks for self identifying with their scumbag ideology with your piss poor gaslight defense of them. I can only surmise we'll be watching your arrest on the news soon.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Yeah. Pretend this has anything to do with 'redress of greivances'. Fuck their greivances. But hey, go with that horseshit. I'm sure judges will really appreciate that excuse. :auiqs.jpg:
The anti-White self guilt in you is strong. There is nothing wrong with being White. There is nothing wrong in being supreme.
Press conference from the police yesterday....

Chief says they had received information that groups were planning to "disrupt" the heathen Pride event.

Evidence that they were planning to riot was the shields, shin guards, "other stuff" and paperwork.
No details provided about the "paperwork" or communications the group had. Chief simply states it appeared similar to an Operations Plan police of military might use.

The operation was launched simply based upon a phone call from a concerned citizen who saw a bunch of people climbing into the back of a U-Haul. There was no tip off from the Feds.

Oooooh, "they were all wearing hats that had plastic inside them."

The patriots cooperated with law enforcement.

There were plenty of "people [not these peaceful Patriot Front guys] walking around the event with long guns and bear spray. None of that is illegal in Idaho," said Chief White.

Chief White says, "They looked like a little army."

Sounds to me like the authorities have denied these patriots their constitutional right to peaceably assemble.

And Earn a Union Living
The anti-White self guilt in you is strong. There is nothing wrong with being White. There is nothing wrong in being supreme.
Except a lotta the Folks who think they are White are not because their Great Grandparents lied about the Kiowa Comanche and Wandering Armenian Jew in the Woodpile ?
You mean the feds were going to riot?
They...they...they....they...........had SHIELDS with them, not weapons? And they arrested them for planning a riot? If I were going to riot, I'd bring something other than shields. Abuse of government power again.
The anti-White self guilt in you is strong. There is nothing wrong with being White. There is nothing wrong in being supreme.
Nope, nothing wrong with being white. There's a whole lot wrong with white supremacist ideology. It's cowardly, backwards and ignorant and pretty much never succeeds. Divide and conquer is a loser's game.
The taxes came from LONDON. The colonies had their own local governments.
"The taxes came from LONDON"? :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

Oh honey.....you most assuredly got a red state education.

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