31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

Nope, nothing wrong with being white. There's a whole lot wrong with white supremacist ideology. It's cowardly, backwards and ignorant and pretty much never succeeds. Divide and conquer is a loser's game.
You will have an easier time finding a Laotian Midget than you will a Real Kluxer
"The taxes came from LONDON"? :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

Oh honey.....you most assuredly got a red state education.

The Molasses Act


Are you retarded?

"The Molasses Act of 1733 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (citation 6 Geo II. c. 13), which imposed a tax of six pence per gallon on imports of molasses from non-British colonies. Parliament created the act largely at the insistence of large plantation owners in the British West Indies. The Act was not passed for the purpose of raising revenue, but rather to regulate trade by making British products cheaper than those from the French West Indies. The Molasses Act greatly affected the significant colonial molasses trade."
All the snivelling by the right wing era tells me they don't like this thread.

Too much truth I guess.

They can't handle it.
To much truth? A group that hasn't done anything that counter rallies a gay group pushing child grooming in schools who are known to be violent and crazy----with SHIELDS is arrested not for rioting but planning to riot with shields. Sounds like a corrupt DA and corrupt obama/soros judge playing political games.
So they didn't exactly riot? They just PLANNED to?

What type of riot? A 'riot' riot or a liberal 'mostly peaceful' protest?

View attachment 656850


You mean like this "mostly peaceful" riot?
These losers have dropped the Klan and go by skinheads. Many have joined 'militias' and other social clubs for losers with low self esteem.

And they still number, at most, in the several thousands. In a nation of over 300 million.

Tiny, insignificant fringe.
Are you retarded?

"The Molasses Act of 1733 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (citation 6 Geo II. c. 13), which imposed a tax of six pence per gallon on imports of molasses from non-British colonies. Parliament created the act largely at the insistence of large plantation owners in the British West Indies. The Act was not passed for the purpose of raising revenue, but rather to regulate trade by making British products cheaper than those from the French West Indies. The Molasses Act greatly affected the significant colonial molasses trade."
Did you miss that part?
And they still number, at most, in the several thousands. In a nation of over 300 million.

Tiny, insignificant fringe.
And, despite supporters like you, we plan on keeping them a tiny, insignificant fringe.
See something, say something. A good citizen stepped up.
Wait a minute, when a good citizen steps up and something about someone being menancing they are called karnes........but when the crazy left wants to take a group who doesn't support gays grooming kids and only has SHIELDS, you call it stepping up?
Yank a bunch of white guys out of a van and charge them with a crime that doesn't exist. Welcome to the 3rd world.

All of these dangerous terrorists [sarcasm] are being released on $300 bond...

They are all being charged with "Criminal Conspiracy."

Here's how that is defined in Idaho law...

"18-1701. Criminal conspiracy defined. If two (2) or more persons combine or conspire to commit any crime or offense prescribed by the laws of the state of Idaho, and one (1) or more of such persons does any act to effect the object of the combination or conspiracy, each shall be punishable upon conviction in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided under the laws of the state of Idaho for the punishment of the crime or offenses that each combined to commit."

Now, Chief White said that they were planning to disrupt the Pride Event. So that was supposed to be the planned crime - disrupting an event.

Cops are going to have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the patriots were planning a "riot"
Defined here - 2021 Idaho Code :: Title 18 - CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS :: Chapter 64 - RIOT, ROUT, UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY, PRIZE FIGHTING, DISTURBING PEACE :: Section 18-6401 - RIOT DEFINED.
or at least planned to "disturb the peace"

Fat chance, I say. Charges will be dismissed.
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^^ Supports the Republican white-wing SA wannabes.
You support Antifa....


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