31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

On their website, they include a video of themselves loading up into a U-Haul, driving to a site, and jumping out with their shields, shin guards, and American flags, and then marching to drum beats.

Third National March – Patriot Front (starts at about 3:00)

It's quite funny to watch.

In the video, they also show themselves dealing with protestors - simply defensive shoves.

Their website manifesto does seem to have quite a bit of racist lingo. Makes me wonder if it is a false flag.

The website is registered to a Thomas Ryan. That is undoubtedly Thomas Ryan Rousseau, the 5'7" 135 lb founder of the Patriot Front. This is his mugshot for criminal mischief he got for placing stickers on public property...

It's interesting that his house is blurred on Google maps street view.
If the police can arrest a bunch of white supremacists for riding in a van containing shields and protectove riot gear and charge them with CONSPIRACY to Riot, not actually rioting...

...Can white Americans who own AR-15 be arrested for CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT A MASS SHOOTING?

Proud Boys KNOW how the violent left will react to their PEACEFUL PROTEST. They also know the police will do little to NOTHING to ensure their safety among LEFT WING RIOTERS
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Counter protesting as White Patriots is called freedom of expression. They have a right to protect themselves in case the homosexuals degenerate pedophile advocates attacked them.

These days protesting for traditional American values or counterprotesting against the freaks destroying our traditional American way of life is the worst action one can take; the federal government will come down on you like a ten ton hammer; the federal government is devoid of morality.
You trying to make this a white black thing is kinda crazy.

They didn't have ar 15s.

They were trouble makers looking to start a riot.
I'm not trying to make it a 'race thing'.

The above scenario was a very recent, very REAL event reported in the news.

You are as slow as molasses, dumb as dirt, and reading Comprehension level of a rock.

If cops can arrest these guys for ha ing shields and riot gear for POSSIBLY planning to riot, what do you think they cod do to people who own dreaded AR-15s...POTENTIALLY planning to perpetrate mass shootings.

Is that clear enough, or do you need me to draw you a picture?
On their website, they include a video of themselves loading up into a U-Haul, driving to a site, and jumping out with their shields, shin guards, and American flags, and then marching to drum beats.

Third National March – Patriot Front (starts at about 3:00)

It's quite funny to watch.

In the video, they also show themselves dealing with protestors - simply defensive shoves.

Their website manifesto does seem to have quite a bit of racist lingo. Makes me wonder if it is a false flag.

The website is registered to a Thomas Ryan. That is undoubtedly Thomas Ryan Rousseau, the 5'7" 135 lb founder of the Patriot Front. This is his mugshot for criminal mischief he got for placing stickers on public property...

It's interesting that his house is blurred on Google maps street view.
Sounds like a patriot and model citizen to me! :113:

Police in other states should learn from this and stop these criminals before they get started!

stop these criminals before they get started!

Sounds racist.

Police in other states should learn from this and stop these criminals before they get started!
The cops were acting on a civilian tip about "a masked army getting into a U-Haul truck." LMAO. You watch too much CNN. Nothing will come of this. They had a permit. They didn't break any laws other than hauling people in the back of a truck. Run along Chicken Little, the sky is falling and a piece of it might hit you in your empty head.
You trying to make this a white black thing is kinda crazy.

They didn't have ar 15s.

They were trouble makers looking to start a riot.
I'm not trying to make it a 'race thing'.

The above scenario was a very recent, very REAL event reported in the news.

You are as slow as molasses, dumb as dirt, and reading Comprehension level of a rock.

If cops can arrest these guys for having shields and riot gear for POSSIBLY planning to riot, what do you think they cod do to people who own dreaded AR-15s...POTENTIALLY planning to perpetrate mass shootings.

Is that clear enough, or do you need me to draw you a picture?

Police in other states should learn from this and stop these criminals before they get started!


I've called the police before, several times in my life, when there was threats of death and destruction being screamed at people/me.

And I got the SAME response from the so-called POS "police" each time......."there's nothing we can do unless they kill somebody". I've been made a target by illegals four times in my life so far, and I get THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING TODDLER EXCUSE FROM THE FUCKING "POLICE"!!!

I'm not condoning what these guys PLANNED to do..........I am BLAMING THE HYPOCRITIC GOVERNMENT AND POLICE for their LIES and BLATANT CORRUPTION!!

These guys had not done anything..........yet........IF AT ALL.
And yet, they got dragged to jail for NOT doing anything!!

In this case, the police not only need to be DEFUNDED, they need to be BEHEADED!!
White Groups and National Pride Groups

Yep, two groups the democrats definitely need to put their boot on the neck of! We can't have any nationalism, or pride in this country! Where do they think they are, in America?

Arrest them cause they LOOK like they are planning a riot, but yet they just can't seem to ever stop any BLM riots, Antifa riots, CHAZ/SHOP riots, or to protect any private businesses being looted.

But boy, they know how to crack down on Whites and American Patriots!

Police in other states should learn from this and stop these criminals before they get started!
i'm sure you will defend cops if they lock up violent leftists after the abortion decision coming up ...

I've called the police before, several times in my life, when there was threats of death and destruction being screamed at people/me.

And I got the SAME response from the so-called POS "police" each time......."there's nothing we can do unless they kill somebody". I've been made a target by illegals four times in my life so far, and I get THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING TODDLER EXCUSE FROM THE FUCKING "POLICE"!!!

I'm not condoning what these guys PLANNED to do..........I am BLAMING THE HYPOCRITIC GOVERNMENT AND POLICE for their LIES and BLATANT CORRUPTION!!

These guys had not done anything..........yet........IF AT ALL.
And yet, they got dragged to jail for NOT doing anything!!

In this case, the police not only need to be DEFUNDED, they need to be BEHEADED!!
Cops have been getting a (deservedly) bad rep lately. They needed a win. They got one. The method is a little questionable, but hey, they got the job done. Hats off to em.

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