31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

All and all a bad day for the conservatives...

Their strike team gets pinched and there is an inkling of actual governance working....
The whole line of questioning is brazenly stupid is it not? Yes, I'm superior to a white supremacist. You can just hear Cooter telling anyone who will listen, "They think they're better than me!!!!" No Bub...we know we're better than you.

The character "cooter" was not a w.s. and was actually a nice guy. He was a hick, though. I guess that is all you needed to hate him. Or anyone that is actually different than you.
Lol, they got sent to jail, received rubber bullets, got beat by night sticks. Fuck your what aboutism. Ya riot ya get fucked up. That is the way it is.
Ha, so speaks the lover of brown shirt tactics.

Keep that to yourself, please.

(Your Feds got fucked up, mate)
Seems odd how some posters wanna play 'whataboutism' whenever violent rightwing nutjobs emerge in the news.
Because we have prior evidence of the federal government and Antifa members impersonating Trump supporters in attempts to smear them.

It's not hard to see, that is if you're blind or willfully ignorant.

Only black people riot. 😂😂😂

These white dudes were going to bring violence and got busted.

They're feds

It seems to my poor avatar rather predictable.....that if a racist or homophobic white group does something predictably stupid or violent....then their defenders will shrill out 'well, what about CHOP? What about the broken windows at the Nike stores in 2020?'
Because they are far more legitimate and believable than anything you wish to point out.

Besides, even if it were true, that makes what, 4 riots in 5 years by right-wingers? Compared to the 512 in ONE YEAR by leftists?

Not even the math is on your side. So give it a rest.
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Ha, so speaks the lover of brown shirt tactics.

Keep that to yourself, please.

(Your Feds got fucked up, mate)
Lol, go fuck yourself mate. Protest is legal. Riots are not. That simple. Democrat or republican, there consequences for your actions. Black live matter break windows and burn shut go to fucking jail. Right-wing nut break shit and burn shit go to fucking jail. I won't shed a fucking tear for either. There are days I would like to punch ass holes in the face for being ass holes. They would likely deserve it. The thing is, I do that I go to jail. Get a record and pay consequences for my actions. Why the fuck should it be any different for any one else. Come break my window enter my shit ya leave in bag. How is that for brown shirt ass wipe.
How you know that?

What, did they wear badges?
Was there a sign-up sheet beforehand?
A membership de-coder ring required?
Did they wear "I Like Left" hats?

Poster TK, you are trying too hard.

They don't wear badges. They rioted because they hated and wanted to defund those who wore them.

What they actually wear is black.
So, anyone who wears a black hat.....is one of your feared "lefties"?

Really, TK, you are taking this all way too seriously.

ps....I bet you didn't even try to you look for the Leftie badges on 'em?
Democrat or republican, there consequences for your actions.
No. That's patently untrue. There are 512 instances in 2020 where that's provably untrue.

The hellhole San Francisco has become also proves that to be untrue.

The routine caravan of illegal immigrants bombarding our border proves that's untrue.

You can't possibly live in the same universe and say that the application of consequences for both sides is equal.

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