31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

Right-wingers hate rioters and people who attack the police.

…except when it’s their own people doing it.
There are days I would like to punch ass holes in the face for being ass holes.
There are days I'd like to punch stupid people in the face for being stupid, but yet here we are. And because violence does not do anything but create more violence.
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well, good thing those firebombings weren't indiscriminate, then.

It is when that white boy has a uniform and a badge and is acting as an agent of the state. You guys were threatening violence over mask mandates and not being able to go to Applebees.

View attachment 656958

They were protesting the police murdering people.

Yawn, you guys are going to be SOOOOO disappointed when you find out control of Congress means you are actually expected to get work done.

That you are a stupid racist nitwit who is laughable?
Dumbass fucking retarded leftists on display. ^^^

Front and center. :p

I love this job. It's so EASY. :p :p :p
Right-wingers hate rioters and people who attack the police.

…except when it’s their own people doing it.
For the most part CGI is needed to see that. Progs are owed thousands and thousands of vicious attacks just to make it even. It has not happened and may not ever happen. Also, Progs seem to off Progs at a much higher percentage. Even in Red areas within Red areas Progs are killing each other.
Do you have proof for that claim?
Yeah? A simple bullhorn. Serious fuck up if you want to paint this as a group of white supremacists wanting to start a riot.

Yawn, you guys are going to be SOOOOO disappointed when you find out control of Congress means you are actually expected to get work done.

A complete stalemate would be better than allowing moronic and traitorous Democrats to pass more policies to destroy the US.

That you are a stupid racist nitwit who is laughable?

We know. Everyone that isn't a poster child for white guilt is a racist.
Press conference from the police yesterday....

Chief says they had received information that groups were planning to "disrupt" the heathen Pride event.

Evidence that they were planning to riot was the shields, shin guards, "other stuff" and paperwork.

No details provided about the "paperwork" or communications the group had. Chief simply states it appeared similar to an Operations Plan police of military might use.

The operation was launched simply based upon a phone call from a concerned citizen who saw a bunch of people climbing into the back of a U-Haul. There was no tip off from the Feds.

Oooooh, "they were all wearing hats that had plastic inside them."

The patriots cooperated with law enforcement.

There were plenty of "people [not these peaceful Patriot Front guys] walking around the event with long guns and bear spray. None of that is illegal in Idaho," said Chief White.

Chief White says, "They looked like a little army."

Sounds to me like the authorities have denied these patriots their constitutional right to peaceably assemble.


Karen did this?
Yes, yes, it’s always an elaborate conspiracy theory with you right-wingers.
And for you, everything has to be true, you demand it to be truth, and any rebuttal is seen as 'conspiracy.'

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
- Freidrich Nietzsche
And for you, everything has to be true, you demand it to be truth, and any rebuttal is seen as 'conspiracy.'

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
- Freidrich Nietzsche
Yea, yea. You were also claiming that dead people were voting for Hillary Clinton.

Idiotic conspiracy theories.
Does anyone here really believe that the FBI puts big block-lettered stickers reading "FBI" on the sides of their bullhorns?

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