31 patriot front members arrested at pride parade for planning a riot. White national supremest group.

Not elaborate at all. The feds have been infiltrating groups for a hundred years or more. They brought down your fellow DemoKKKrats in the KKK back in the 60s and 70s that way.
And there’s another retarded right-wing conspiracy theorist.

- The covid vaccine kills you.
- Michelle Obama is a man.
- Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
- "Pizza" is Democrat code for sex with children.
- Sandy Hook was fake.
- Joe Biden has dementia.
- David Hogg is a crisis actor.
- The 2020 election was stolen.
- Jewish space lasers started the wildfires.
- Covid is no worse than the flu.
- Joe Biden is a pedophile.
- Dead people vote for Democrats.
- Hillary Clinton has people killed.
- Ray Epps is an undercover FBI agent.
- FBI agents pretended to be a white supremacist group.
Does anyone here really believe that the FBI puts big block-lettered stickers reading "FBI" on the sides of their bullhorns?

Why would they do that?

And there’s another retarded right-wing conspiracy theorist.

- The covid vaccine kills you.
- Michelle Obama is a man.
- Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
- "Pizza" is Democrat code for sex with children.
- Sandy Hook was fake.
- Joe Biden has dementia.
- David Hogg is a crisis actor.
- The 2020 election was stolen.
- Jewish space lasers started the wildfires.
- Covid is no worse than the flu.
- Joe Biden is a pedophile.
- Dead people vote for Democrats.
- Hillary Clinton has people killed.
- Ray Epps is an undercover FBI agent.
- FBI agents pretended to be a white supremacist group.
Pretty sure you're doing this as a generalization of right-wingers, and not just a subset aside from the ones who don't believe that.

(By the way, Ray Epps should be a main attraction in the J6 hearing, such incitement caught on video should have him dead to rights. But so far, nothing).

The FBI can pretend to be a lot of things. If they can do undercover stings, they can easily try to create fake extremist groups for the pure advancement of a political narrative.
When? Where? In your imagination?
Pretty sure you're doing this as a generalization of right-wingers, and not just a subset aside from the ones who don't believe that.

(By the way, Ray Epps should be a main attraction in the J6 hearing, such incitement caught on video should have him dead to rights. But so far, nothing).

The FBI can pretend to be a lot of things. If they can do undercover stings, they can easily try to creat fake extremist groups for the pure advancement of a political narrative.
Yea yea, you were also saying that dead people voted.

Right-wing conspiracy theories.
All and all a bad day for the conservatives...

Their strike team gets pinched and there is an inkling of actual governance working....
Thats the way things happen in conservative states. Law enforcement is allowed to do what they are supposed to do. Too bad blue shitholes don't work that way.
Ah yes. Because that was actionable data, disproving your generalization once again. You can't rebut the destruction of your premise, so you resort to calling everything that does a 'right-wing conspiracy'

Furthermore, I didn't believe dead people voted for Obama. And I was far more of an extremist than I am now. So there's that.
Ah yes. Because that was actionable data, disproving your generalization once again. You can't rebut the destruction of your premise, so you resort to calling everything that does a 'right-wing conspiracy'

Furthermore, I didn't believe dead people voted for Obama. And I was far more of an extremist than I am now. So there's that.
So now you admit that you believed that dead people voted.

Proves my point.
No. That's patently untrue. There are 512 instances in 2020 where that's provably untrue.

The hellhole San Francisco has become also proves that to be untrue.

The routine caravan of illegal immigrants bombarding our border proves that's untrue.

You can't possibly live in the same universe and say that the application of consequences for both sides is equal.
True. In blue shitholes, racist frauds get special treatment (Jussie Smollet), democrats are allowed to assault others with no legal consequences (Will Smith), and elected representative's relatives are given a free pass after committing crimes (Paul Pelosi and Hunter Biden).

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