310 violations by Israeli forces against journalists just this year - 78 journalists have been shot!

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Wow.. Seems like Palestinians have a LOT of issues with journalists also... From 2017 as well..

Security forces beat journalists covering Ramallah protest - Committee to Protect Journalists

Security forces beat journalists covering Ramallah protest

March 20, 2017 5:01 PM ET

Palestinian Authority security forces attacked journalists from media outlets including the Jordanian broadcaster Roya TV, the Palestinian broadcaster Watan TV, and the news website Palestine Today as they covered a March 12, 2017, protest in the West Bank city of Ramallah, according to news reports.

Demonstrators had gathered in front of the Ramallah Court Complex to protest Israeli forces' killing of Palestinian activist and youth leader Basil al-Araj in a Ramallah raid six days prior, Roya TV journalist Hafez Abu Sabra told CPJ. When protestors started blocking the road in front of the courthouse, Palestinian security forces forcibly dispersed them, beating journalists including Roya TV video journalist Mohammed Shousheh, Palestine Today journalist Jihad Barakat, and Watan TV journalist Ahmed Melhem in the process, Abu Sabra said.
You do know that the security forces of the "PA" work for Israel, right?
No we don't. That's another fake news claim.
As the reporter says: "Security growing in the Palestinian enclave" (0:12):

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These people are certainly not in favor of FREE SPEECH as they practice THE EXACT OPPOSITE.
Can one of you just explain how you so easily move past treating journalists like this who are only doing their jobs?
Actually...press freedom is in danger around the world. Press freedom in danger: some striking cases

It's shocking and worrisome and we shouldn't be defending it or excusing it...

This site monitors journalistic freedom/censorship around the world: 2017 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Here's what it says about Israel:
Independent media constrained by military censorship
The Israeli media are free to be outspoken, which is rare in the Middle East. Nonetheless, despite the existence of independent media, journalists are subject to “military censorship.” The Israel Defense Forces often violate the rights of Palestinian journalists and journalists of other nations, especially when they are covering demonstrations. Under Israel’s system of administrative detention, Palestinian journalists can be held indefinitely without trial, without formal charge, and without notifying a lawyer. They are often accused of inciting violence, cooperating with terrorist organizations, or otherwise posing a threat to Israel’s security.

in the 2017 World Press Freedom Index
Ranking +10 (101 in 201)
Global score -1.57 (32.58 in 2016)
Actually...press freedom is in danger around the world. Press freedom in danger: some striking cases
Are any other nations actually shooting journalists at the clip that israel does?

Palestinian journalists can be held indefinitely without trial, without formal charge, and without notifying a lawyer.
Forget about can, several journalists are already held indefinitely without trial, without formal charge, and without notifying a lawyer by that wonderful, peaceful zionist regime.

As a side note, israel does this with children as well.
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