34 Troops Diagnosed With Traumatic Brain Injury

So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?
So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?

Um no. We say that the DOD has some serious issues to deal with.

The president doesn't report casualties, the DOD does. All Trump did was repeat what he was told. The DOD reported no casualties and you're blaming Trump for repeating this? The REAL problem is our DOD not being honest, not Trump for repeating the DOD's bad info. Where the fuck do you think Trump gets his reports? THE DOD!!!

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse
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So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?

Um no. We say that the DOD has some serious issues to deal with.

The president doesn't report casualties, the DOD does. All Trump did was repeat what he was told. The DOD reported no casualties and you're blaming Trump for repeating this? The REAL problem is our DOD not being honest, not Trump for repeating the DOD's bad info. Where the fuck do you think Trump gets his reports? THE DOD!!!

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse

The NWS gave him a prediction of where a hurricane was going and he Sharpied it.

The blob did the same thing with Bhagdadi’s death...he just made stuff up.

And you honestly think he wasn’t told one thing and told us another because it was politically convenient?

Again...he lied...you know it. Just admit you don’t care. It’s not like it would come as some great shock.
are you saying russia told trump there wasnt anyone injured???
NOBODY said "there wasn't anyone injured." The lying leftists here are moving the goal posts.

Trump said there were no CASUALTIES. Good Allah, the left are deceitful. I don't think they're capable of honesty

Casualties of war are injuries and deaths. So you basically said that nobody said there were no injuries after saying Trump said there were no casualties. Sorry that's the same thing.

Category:War casualties - Wikipedia

"A war casualty is a military person who is killed, wounded, imprisoned, or missing as a result of war"

Trump was wrong but he's being blamed for the inaccuracies reported to him by the department of defense. I mean he didn't go to that base and examine these people. He heard that nobody was injured. That's all he can know. Trump doesn't report casualties, the DOD does.

But liberals can't let that small fact get in the way of the hate-Trump train.

A casualty is a death. It is not an injury.
War reports always seperate the two.
So many casualties..... So many wounded.


Sorry. You are just wrong. How long did you serve in the military?
View attachment 302554

Bullpuppies, it is nice to see that there is one thing we can agree on. I guess you there is hope for you yet!
So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?

Um no. We say that the DOD has some serious issues to deal with.

The president doesn't report casualties, the DOD does. All Trump did was repeat what he was told. The DOD reported no casualties and you're blaming Trump for repeating this? The REAL problem is our DOD not being honest, not Trump for repeating the DOD's bad info. Where the fuck do you think Trump gets his reports? THE DOD!!!

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse

When are we going to quit accepting their lies?
So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?

Um no. We say that the DOD has some serious issues to deal with.

The president doesn't report casualties, the DOD does. All Trump did was repeat what he was told. The DOD reported no casualties and you're blaming Trump for repeating this? The REAL problem is our DOD not being honest, not Trump for repeating the DOD's bad info. Where the fuck do you think Trump gets his reports? THE DOD!!!

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse

From your source:

“The Pentagon press corps is “probably one of the most knowledgeable groups of reporters in the country,” Lapan says. Yet when Esper briefed them last week, he refused to discuss why he suggested that multiple embassies may have been targeted.

“I’ve spoken a lot about Iran this week and I have nothing more to add,” he said.

Translation: Please don’t make me defend a statement by my boss [aka the blob] that may not be rooted in actual fact.”
Lets see, trump said no one was hurt. Everyone was fine.

Now we are being told that not only have military been hurt, they have traumatic brain injuries. Eight of them have been sent back to America because of their injuries. I wonder if anymore will be sent back.

This is much more than a headache as trump and his followers have claimed.

trump really should stop lying. Especially about our military. Their lives are literally in his hands. He should have more respect for those who are willing to die or be injured to keep our nation free and safe.

How many more have to pay for trump killing that Iranian general? There is a reason why several past presidents didn't have that man killed. Killing him wasn't going to stop the violence.

He just wasn't worth the violence and lives that have and will be lost.

U.S. says 34 troops diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iran strike

so lets look at this logically,,
on the first day after the attack these men showed no signs of injury but days and weeks later they started showing signs,,,

not sure how or where trump lied on the first day,,,,

it seems your TDS is the only real problem,,,
This is funnier than shit.

Trump said no one was hurt but that was OK because the injuries did not show up until later.

After Benghazi, a video was given as alikely cause and a couple days later it changed. YTou assfucks ran screaming through the steeets "OMG OMG OMG"
So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?

Um no. We say that the DOD has some serious issues to deal with.

The president doesn't report casualties, the DOD does. All Trump did was repeat what he was told. The DOD reported no casualties and you're blaming Trump for repeating this? The REAL problem is our DOD not being honest, not Trump for repeating the DOD's bad info. Where the fuck do you think Trump gets his reports? THE DOD!!!

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse
Nice try but he called them headaches just recently.
It is sad state of affairs when the military doctors do not know the difference between a concussion and Traumatic Brain Injuries.
So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?
Say what you said is true. What's the difference? Our nation needs an enema. One where most of us suffer a bit. It will clean up most of the mess because we won't be able to afford to keep paying for it. We have people who have a lot, guilting those who have a lot less , to pay for those who have nothing.
So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?

Um no. We say that the DOD has some serious issues to deal with.

The president doesn't report casualties, the DOD does. All Trump did was repeat what he was told. The DOD reported no casualties and you're blaming Trump for repeating this? The REAL problem is our DOD not being honest, not Trump for repeating the DOD's bad info. Where the fuck do you think Trump gets his reports? THE DOD!!!

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse

From your source:

“The Pentagon press corps is “probably one of the most knowledgeable groups of reporters in the country,” Lapan says. Yet when Esper briefed them last week, he refused to discuss why he suggested that multiple embassies may have been targeted.

“I’ve spoken a lot about Iran this week and I have nothing more to add,” he said.

Translation: Please don’t make me defend a statement by my boss [aka the blob] that may not be rooted in actual fact.”

How about it is none of your damn business?
no yours....give him some ass once in a while dont play the headache game...even gay men have needs...
Are you inquiring if I’m
A homo? Lol
no need to inquire....just read some of your very feminine posts....you are as gay as richard simmons...
I banged a hot Brazilian girl last nite ,, she didn’t think I was gay, she called American man the best ever
yea like i believe that....every time you say you have had sex with a "hot" female, its funny how its always a different nationality...yea you can be anything oh the internet even a guy who has sex weekly with a woman from different stocks....
...I will only date or marry a white female! .....ce

There’s the epitome of a moot point!
So the bottom line here is this right Blob supporters?

He lies but you all could care less....right?

Um no. We say that the DOD has some serious issues to deal with.

The president doesn't report casualties, the DOD does. All Trump did was repeat what he was told. The DOD reported no casualties and you're blaming Trump for repeating this? The REAL problem is our DOD not being honest, not Trump for repeating the DOD's bad info. Where the fuck do you think Trump gets his reports? THE DOD!!!

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse

From your source:

“The Pentagon press corps is “probably one of the most knowledgeable groups of reporters in the country,” Lapan says. Yet when Esper briefed them last week, he refused to discuss why he suggested that multiple embassies may have been targeted.

“I’ve spoken a lot about Iran this week and I have nothing more to add,” he said.

Translation: Please don’t make me defend a statement by my boss [aka the blob] that may not be rooted in actual fact.”

How about it is none of your damn business?

He is an American, so how is it none of his damn business.
Lets see, trump said no one was hurt. Everyone was fine.

Now we are being told that not only have military been hurt, they have traumatic brain injuries. Eight of them have been sent back to America because of their injuries. I wonder if anymore will be sent back.

This is much more than a headache as trump and his followers have claimed.

trump really should stop lying. Especially about our military. Their lives are literally in his hands. He should have more respect for those who are willing to die or be injured to keep our nation free and safe.

How many more have to pay for trump killing that Iranian general? There is a reason why several past presidents didn't have that man killed. Killing him wasn't going to stop the violence.

He just wasn't worth the violence and lives that have and will be lost.

U.S. says 34 troops diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iran strike

so lets look at this logically,,
on the first day after the attack these men showed no signs of injury but days and weeks later they started showing signs,,,

not sure how or where trump lied on the first day,,,,

it seems your TDS is the only real problem,,,
This is funnier than shit.

Trump said no one was hurt but that was OK because the injuries did not show up until later.

After Benghazi, a video was given as alikely cause and a couple days later it changed. YTou assfucks ran screaming through the steeets "OMG OMG OMG"

at the time he said it it was true,,,
Lets see, trump said no one was hurt. Everyone was fine.

Now we are being told that not only have military been hurt, they have traumatic brain injuries. Eight of them have been sent back to America because of their injuries. I wonder if anymore will be sent back.

This is much more than a headache as trump and his followers have claimed.

trump really should stop lying. Especially about our military. Their lives are literally in his hands. He should have more respect for those who are willing to die or be injured to keep our nation free and safe.

How many more have to pay for trump killing that Iranian general? There is a reason why several past presidents didn't have that man killed. Killing him wasn't going to stop the violence.

He just wasn't worth the violence and lives that have and will be lost.

U.S. says 34 troops diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iran strike
so lets just leave the bad guys alone....right dana?....
Let`s not poke a mean dog with a stick. Iran wasn`t bothering anybody until stable genius withdrew from an agreement that our allies had no problem with. He applied severe sanctions for no other reason that to piss them off. Would you not lash out at your tormenter?


The entire job of the guy who got whacked was to export violence towards Iran's enemies, from the Quds force to proxies like Hezbollah.
What did he export to us or what was he planning? Be as specific as you can. No Iranians were among the 9-11 hijackers.
Hijackers in the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

Who is talking about 9/11?

and for your actual question, GIYF, he was a known terrorism enabler.
Lets see, trump said no one was hurt. Everyone was fine.

Now we are being told that not only have military been hurt, they have traumatic brain injuries. Eight of them have been sent back to America because of their injuries. I wonder if anymore will be sent back.

This is much more than a headache as trump and his followers have claimed.

trump really should stop lying. Especially about our military. Their lives are literally in his hands. He should have more respect for those who are willing to die or be injured to keep our nation free and safe.

How many more have to pay for trump killing that Iranian general? There is a reason why several past presidents didn't have that man killed. Killing him wasn't going to stop the violence.

He just wasn't worth the violence and lives that have and will be lost.

U.S. says 34 troops diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iran strike

so lets look at this logically,,
on the first day after the attack these men showed no signs of injury but days and weeks later they started showing signs,,,

not sure how or where trump lied on the first day,,,,

it seems your TDS is the only real problem,,,
Come on, we all know tRump was lying. Did you see the pics of the damage?

And anyway, he does it all the time. What makes you think he wouldn't this time?

The blob lied. It’s that simple.

No, he didn't. But you can keep repeating your own lie ad nauseum if it makes you feel better.

He said no one was injured...34 were. That’s a lie.

The information has developed over time, and his statement was made the day after the attack. He was speaking based on the information he had.

Again, not a lie.
It is sad state of affairs when the military doctors do not know the difference between a concussion and Traumatic Brain Injuries.
All concussions are called traumatic brain injuries. Even the use of the word concussion is misunderstood. No one got a concussion from a blow to the head. They got headaches, tinnitus and a temporary loss of hearing. 17 of the 34 were back at work in minutes.

Trump didn't lie. Democrats lied. But they always do.

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