34 Troops Diagnosed With Traumatic Brain Injury

Lets see, trump said no one was hurt. Everyone was fine.

Now we are being told that not only have military been hurt, they have traumatic brain injuries. Eight of them have been sent back to America because of their injuries. I wonder if anymore will be sent back.

This is much more than a headache as trump and his followers have claimed.

trump really should stop lying. Especially about our military. Their lives are literally in his hands. He should have more respect for those who are willing to die or be injured to keep our nation free and safe.

How many more have to pay for trump killing that Iranian general? There is a reason why several past presidents didn't have that man killed. Killing him wasn't going to stop the violence.

He just wasn't worth the violence and lives that have and will be lost.

U.S. says 34 troops diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iran strike

so lets look at this logically,,
on the first day after the attack these men showed no signs of injury but days and weeks later they started showing signs,,,

not sure how or where trump lied on the first day,,,,

it seems your TDS is the only real problem,,,
Come on, we all know tRump was lying. Did you see the pics of the damage?

And anyway, he does it all the time. What makes you think he wouldn't this time?

The blob lied. It’s that simple.

STFU moron!

A lie indicates you knew something was false when you said it, as Adam Schiff does numerous times a day. This was new information given to Trump at a later date.

No one has crystal balls like you!

The Pentagon might have lied to him also..........why do we continue to accept them lying?
Lets see, trump said no one was hurt. Everyone was fine.

Now we are being told that not only have military been hurt, they have traumatic brain injuries. Eight of them have been sent back to America because of their injuries. I wonder if anymore will be sent back.

This is much more than a headache as trump and his followers have claimed.

trump really should stop lying. Especially about our military. Their lives are literally in his hands. He should have more respect for those who are willing to die or be injured to keep our nation free and safe.

How many more have to pay for trump killing that Iranian general? There is a reason why several past presidents didn't have that man killed. Killing him wasn't going to stop the violence.

He just wasn't worth the violence and lives that have and will be lost.

U.S. says 34 troops diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iran strike

so lets look at this logically,,
on the first day after the attack these men showed no signs of injury but days and weeks later they started showing signs,,,

not sure how or where trump lied on the first day,,,,

it seems your TDS is the only real problem,,,
Come on, we all know tRump was lying. Did you see the pics of the damage?

And anyway, he does it all the time. What makes you think he wouldn't this time?

The blob lied. It’s that simple.

STFU moron!

A lie indicates you knew something was false when you said it, as Adam Schiff does numerous times a day. This was new information given to Trump at a later date.

No one has crystal balls like you!

:abgg2q.jpg: So are you saying that Trump doesn't know he is lying when he tells the many lies he tells.
She's seriously Fd up anything she touched. Plus a lot of people died.

Can you imagine Benghazi under Trump?
  1. By the Ambassador's third call, he'd have had all those people out of there.
  2. If our embassy had been attacked, he would have had every last Special Forces in there to mop up and sterilize the place of Libyans.
  3. Instead of telling a committee "what difference does it make," he would have gone back there and dropped a MOAB on the bastards!
If Trump had been president he would have never used America's military to remove Gaddafi and Ambassador Stevens would not have been murdered by terrorist at Bengahzi.
So leftist you have witnessed how the elite view their pawns.

If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps.
there is no if about it you support someone who hates your guts imagine how he would have used you as a tool. look at what happened to one of his ambassadors

What happened?
Nope not playing your stupid game
If you have to ask you're too stupid to understand the answer.
but trump was correct when he spoke,,,at the time there were no reported injuries/casualties,,,where as hilary straight up lied and knew it wasnt a video

Unlike our current president, who chooses the word of Russia over our own investigative agencies, Hillary accepted and repeated the word of our CIA throughout the entire time.

are you saying russia told trump there wasnt anyone injured???
NOBODY said "there wasn't anyone injured." The lying leftists here are moving the goal posts.

Trump said there were no CASUALTIES. Good Allah, the left are deceitful. I don't think they're capable of honesty

Casualties of war are injuries and deaths. So you basically said that nobody said there were no injuries after saying Trump said there were no casualties. Sorry that's the same thing.

Category:War casualties - Wikipedia

"A war casualty is a military person who is killed, wounded, imprisoned, or missing as a result of war"

Trump was wrong but he's being blamed for the inaccuracies reported to him by the department of defense. I mean he didn't go to that base and examine these people. He heard that nobody was injured. That's all he can know. Trump doesn't report casualties, the DOD does.

But liberals can't let that small fact get in the way of the hate-Trump train.

A casualty is a death. It is not an injury.
War reports always seperate the two.
So many casualties..... So many wounded.


Sorry. You are just wrong. How long did you serve in the military?
Unlike our current president, who chooses the word of Russia over our own investigative agencies, Hillary accepted and repeated the word of our CIA throughout the entire time.

are you saying russia told trump there wasnt anyone injured???
NOBODY said "there wasn't anyone injured." The lying leftists here are moving the goal posts.

Trump said there were no CASUALTIES. Good Allah, the left are deceitful. I don't think they're capable of honesty

Casualties of war are injuries and deaths. So you basically said that nobody said there were no injuries after saying Trump said there were no casualties. Sorry that's the same thing.

Category:War casualties - Wikipedia

"A war casualty is a military person who is killed, wounded, imprisoned, or missing as a result of war"

Trump was wrong but he's being blamed for the inaccuracies reported to him by the department of defense. I mean he didn't go to that base and examine these people. He heard that nobody was injured. That's all he can know. Trump doesn't report casualties, the DOD does.

But liberals can't let that small fact get in the way of the hate-Trump train.

A casualty is a death. It is not an injury.
War reports always seperate the two.
So many casualties..... So many wounded.


Sorry. You are just wrong. How long did you serve in the military?
Technically, but we all knew what was meant.

In civilian usage, a casualty is a person who is killed, wounded or incapacitated by some event; the term is usually used to describe multiple deaths and injuries due to violent incidents or disasters. It is sometimes misunderstood to mean "fatalities", but non-fatal injuries are also casualties
trump still told the truth at the time he said it,,,

Clearly he did not since the statement was made the next day. But let’s play out your fantasy...

did he correct his statement? When did he find out he had mislead the American people?

dont change the subject just because you failed,,,

just remain silent,,,

So he, in your mind, mis-lead the American people but never corrected his statement. Using your barometer...has any politician ever told a lie...ever?


When they made statements that were later shown to be false.

Candycornkernels in a turd, that's what I think about you being a serious POS. Was he going to address the nation in prime time on TV to tell everyone that some of the troops may have been injured but it doesn't appear until now?

You libs would bitch and complain that he preempted The Bachelor.
Neither does PTSD... no band aid.

Is that an injury according to you and the blob?
You are asking the wrong person. I believe PTSD is a completely made up condition for people to use to justify unacceptable behavior.

There were no injuries. Of the 34 that experienced the concussive effects 17 got an aspirin and went back to work. 8 received further medical care. The residual effects of loud noise "injuries" is commonly a temporary loss of hearing and ringing in the ears. This can't even be jerried up into injuries.

BLASTS cause problems other than just NOISE-----jerk
Blasts cause concussive injuries by rapid changes in air pressure. They aren't the same as a injury caused by getting hit in the head. These are noise injuries. No one bleeds. No bones are broken. There isn't even a sprain.

Yep...PTSD is all in their heads. Dumbass
From observation..... It's a good excuse for acting out.

When you get your fucking medical degree, maybe we will consider your stupid ass opinion!

My son suffers from PTSD after a tour in Afghanistan. You, on the other hand, apparently suffer from dumb ass disease!

An apology would be acceptable for being a moron! Don't ever say anything that stupid again!
You are asking the wrong person. I believe PTSD is a completely made up condition for people to use to justify unacceptable behavior.

There were no injuries. Of the 34 that experienced the concussive effects 17 got an aspirin and went back to work. 8 received further medical care. The residual effects of loud noise "injuries" is commonly a temporary loss of hearing and ringing in the ears. This can't even be jerried up into injuries.

BLASTS cause problems other than just NOISE-----jerk
Blasts cause concussive injuries by rapid changes in air pressure. They aren't the same as a injury caused by getting hit in the head. These are noise injuries. No one bleeds. No bones are broken. There isn't even a sprain.

Yep...PTSD is all in their heads. Dumbass
From observation..... It's a good excuse for acting out.

When you get your fucking medical degree, maybe we will consider your stupid ass opinion!

My son suffers from PTSD after a tour in Afghanistan. You, on the other hand, apparently suffer from dumb ass disease!

An apology would be acceptable for being a moron! Don't ever say anything that stupid again!

It is seriously unfortunate that your son has to go through this because of the lies of the Pentagon.

How much longer are we going to accept those lies?
are you saying russia told trump there wasnt anyone injured???
NOBODY said "there wasn't anyone injured." The lying leftists here are moving the goal posts.

Trump said there were no CASUALTIES. Good Allah, the left are deceitful. I don't think they're capable of honesty

Casualties of war are injuries and deaths. So you basically said that nobody said there were no injuries after saying Trump said there were no casualties. Sorry that's the same thing.

Category:War casualties - Wikipedia

"A war casualty is a military person who is killed, wounded, imprisoned, or missing as a result of war"

Trump was wrong but he's being blamed for the inaccuracies reported to him by the department of defense. I mean he didn't go to that base and examine these people. He heard that nobody was injured. That's all he can know. Trump doesn't report casualties, the DOD does.

But liberals can't let that small fact get in the way of the hate-Trump train.

A casualty is a death. It is not an injury.
War reports always seperate the two.
So many casualties..... So many wounded.


Sorry. You are just wrong. How long did you serve in the military?
Technically, but we all knew what was meant.

In civilian usage, a casualty is a person who is killed, wounded or incapacitated by some event; the term is usually used to describe multiple deaths and injuries due to violent incidents or disasters. It is sometimes misunderstood to mean "fatalities", but non-fatal injuries are also casualties

Your own quoted information says Jo is wrong. Do you have reading problems?
Can you imagine Benghazi under Trump?
  1. By the Ambassador's third call, he'd have had all those people out of there.
  2. If our embassy had been attacked, he would have had every last Special Forces in there to mop up and sterilize the place of Libyans.
  3. Instead of telling a committee "what difference does it make," he would have gone back there and dropped a MOAB on the bastards!
If Trump had been president he would have never used America's military to remove Gaddafi and Ambassador Stevens would not have been murdered by terrorist at Bengahzi.
So leftist you have witnessed how the elite view their pawns.

If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps.
there is no if about it you support someone who hates your guts imagine how he would have used you as a tool. look at what happened to one of his ambassadors

What happened?
Nope not playing your stupid game
If you have to ask you're too stupid to understand the answer.

Talk about a stupid answer.
I'm still waiting for hurricane Dorian to hit Alabama....

dont change the subject just because you failed,,,

just remain silent,,,

So he, in your mind, mis-lead the American people but never corrected his statement. Using your barometer...has any politician ever told a lie...ever?


When they made statements that were later shown to be false.

they werent false at the time he said it,,,

Wow...so if Nixon who said "I'm not a crook" didn't believe he was a crook....that wasn't a lie?

Your blob said he had the largest electoral victory since Reagan...clearly false...if he believed it when he lied...does that count as a lie in your book?

I'm just trying to figure out why you are giving the blob a pass when Americans were injured after he said there were no injuries--several hours after the attack?

Wow did trump lie on that one. I just looked up the electoral results since 1988.

The only president that got less electoral votes than trump is the bush boy. Both times.

1988 bush the first 426
1992 Clinton 370
1996 Clinton 379
2000 bush boy 271
2004 bush boy 286
2008 Obama 365
2012 Obama 332
2016 trump 304

If that man wasn't able to lie he would have absolutely nothing to say.
Wow did trump lie on that one. I just looked up the electoral results since 1988.
The only president that got less electoral votes than trump is the bush boy. Both times.
1988 bush the first 426
1992 Clinton 370
1996 Clinton 379
2000 bush boy 271
2004 bush boy 286
2008 Obama 365
2012 Obama 332
2016 trump 304
If that man wasn't able to lie he would have absolutely nothing to say.

Dont worry your poor little heart there, dear.

Trump will do much better this year, Gawd willing.
Unlike our current president, who chooses the word of Russia over our own investigative agencies, Hillary accepted and repeated the word of our CIA throughout the entire time.

are you saying russia told trump there wasnt anyone injured???
NOBODY said "there wasn't anyone injured." The lying leftists here are moving the goal posts.

Trump said there were no CASUALTIES. Good Allah, the left are deceitful. I don't think they're capable of honesty

Casualties of war are injuries and deaths. So you basically said that nobody said there were no injuries after saying Trump said there were no casualties. Sorry that's the same thing.

Category:War casualties - Wikipedia

"A war casualty is a military person who is killed, wounded, imprisoned, or missing as a result of war"

Trump was wrong but he's being blamed for the inaccuracies reported to him by the department of defense. I mean he didn't go to that base and examine these people. He heard that nobody was injured. That's all he can know. Trump doesn't report casualties, the DOD does.

But liberals can't let that small fact get in the way of the hate-Trump train.

A casualty is a death. It is not an injury.
War reports always seperate the two.
So many casualties..... So many wounded.


Sorry. You are just wrong. How long did you serve in the military?
Infantrymen especially but servicemen in general who are assigned to arid environments commonly suffer from mild dehydration, which makes them more prone to mild concussions.

This is no big deal, hell nearly a thousand people in the US services die from training every y ear. 34 concussions is a tempest in a tea pot.

Jus dont let Democrats steal the medicine and sell it on the black market like they did in PR instead of letting it go to the people intended.

When they made statements that were later shown to be false.

they werent false at the time he said it,,,

Wow...so if Nixon who said "I'm not a crook" didn't believe he was a crook....that wasn't a lie?

Your blob said he had the largest electoral victory since Reagan...clearly false...if he believed it when he lied...does that count as a lie in your book?

I'm just trying to figure out why you are giving the blob a pass when Americans were injured after he said there were no injuries--several hours after the attack?
Trump never said that.

“I guess it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.”

Trump Said His Win Was the 'Biggest Since Reagan.' It Wasn't

I guess using the new rules of what constitutes a lie, you were not lying when you said "Trump never said that"

The only president since reagan that trump got more electoral votes than is the bush boy.

Every other president after reagan received more electoral votes than trump.
“I guess it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.”
Trump Said His Win Was the 'Biggest Since Reagan.' It Wasn't
I guess using the new rules of what constitutes a lie, you were not lying when you said "Trump never said that"
The only president since reagan that trump got more electoral votes than is the bush boy.
Every other president after reagan received more electoral votes than trump.
The phrase 'biggest electoral win' could be a reference to the margin he was supposed to get (losing huge to Hillary) vrs what he did get.

It could be a reference to the surprise everyone had when he won. Many have said it was the biggest election in US history, and that is not a reference to h ow many electoral votes he got, dear.

Infantrymen especially but servicemen in general who are assigned to arid environments commonly suffer from mild dehydration, which makes them more prone to mild concussions.

This is no big deal, hell nearly a thousand people in the US services die from training every y ear. 34 concussions is a tempest in a tea pot.

Jus dont let Democrats steal the medicine and sell it on the black market like they did in PR instead of letting it go to the people intended.

Are those training deaths caused by a foreign government?

Did the CiC (in the past) say there are no injuries (let alone deaths) due to trainings?

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