35 quotes by the Founding Fathers

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate |


The separation of church and state is one of the cornerstones of America’s foundation. Conservative Christian fundamentalists have sought to crush this cornerstone in the hopes of establishing Christianity as the state religion, an action that would threaten the rest of the foundation that makes up the Constitution. These conservatives contend that the Founding Fathers dreamed of making America a Christian state at the expense of those who practice other religions or none at all.

So here are 35 quotes from the Founding Fathers. Perhaps your first thoughts are the first four Presidents and maybe Benjamin Franklin, but there were many other Founding Fathers. Many were signers of the US Constitution and The Declaration of Independence. They were lawyers, judges, soldiers, merchants, farmers, and some were even clergy. And the great majority of them signed the Constitution knowing that matters of government and matters of religion would be separate.

Please note that these are not suitable reading for RWs. Don't say you have not been warned.
35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate |


The separation of church and state is one of the cornerstones of America’s foundation. Conservative Christian fundamentalists have sought to crush this cornerstone in the hopes of establishing Christianity as the state religion, an action that would threaten the rest of the foundation that makes up the Constitution. These conservatives contend that the Founding Fathers dreamed of making America a Christian state at the expense of those who practice other religions or none at all.

So here are 35 quotes from the Founding Fathers. Perhaps your first thoughts are the first four Presidents and maybe Benjamin Franklin, but there were many other Founding Fathers. Many were signers of the US Constitution and The Declaration of Independence. They were lawyers, judges, soldiers, merchants, farmers, and some were even clergy. And the great majority of them signed the Constitution knowing that matters of government and matters of religion would be separate.

Please note that these are not suitable reading for RWs. Don't say you have not been warned.

Sounds like RW's should put the founders on their hate list.
Notice how they glanced at this and them pretended not to see it?

One thing RWs can't stand is the truth.
It's called Freedom OF Religion NOT Freedom FROM Religion.

11. “I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799
That includes worship of the State, Your Political Party and your Global Warming Cult. Remember, Washington didn't like Political Parties.

Just look at how you Liberal persecute ANYONE who dares to question it or seek to limit it's power over people and their wallets.
22. “In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practiced, and both by precept and example inculcated on mankind.”
~Samuel Adams, The Rights of the Colonists (1771)
Someday Luddy may be a tolerant one too.
31. “Persecution is not an original feature in any religion; but it is always the strongly marked feature of all religions established by law. Take away the law-establishment, and every religion re-assumes its original benignity.”
~Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man, 1791
Of course you know they were refering to Henry the 8th? And probably ROman Emperors who established a State Religion and FORCED the people to donate to it.

Name ONE State sponsored religion that the Government FORCES you to worship.

I can: Global Warming via Carbon Taxes.
34. “The American states have gone far in assisting the progress of truth; but they have stopped short of perfection. They ought to have given every honest citizen an equal right to enjoy his religion and an equal title to all civil emoluments, without obliging him to tell his religion. Every interference of the civil power in regulating opinion, is an impious attempt to take the business of the Deity out of his own hands; and every preference given to any religious denomination, is so far slavery and bigotry.”
~Founding Father Noah Webster, calling for no religious tests to serve in public office, Sketches of American Policy, 1785
See? They were talking about Government keeping their f*ckin' hands out of peoples Religious business. NOT about using the power of the State to limit it.

Authoritarians, all of you.

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