35 trillion and counting


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017
At the end of 2017, rational debt was 20 trillion, at the end of 2020, debt was 27 trillion

So 7 trillion attributed to Trump

At the end of 2021 debt was 28 trillion, currently, debt has crossed 35 trillion and we still have 5 months left. So let’s say 36 to 37 trillion by the time Biden leaves office..

So that’s 8 to 9 trillion attributed to Biden

4 trillion of trumps spending was Covid spending..

So….who’s worse on the debt?

At the end of 2017, rational debt was 20 trillion, at the end of 2020, debt was 27 trillion

So 7 trillion attributed to Trump

At the end of 2021 debt was 28 trillion, currently, debt has crossed 35 trillion and we still have 5 months left. So let’s say 36 to 37 trillion by the time Biden leaves office..

So that’s 8 to 9 trillion attributed to Biden

4 trillion of trumps spending was Covid spending..

So….who’s worse on the debt?

The DEEP STATE is responsible back to Obiden 1.0 (Housing bust, $11.5T), Trump normal business thru 2019, DEEP STATE lunches Flu (adds massive debt to steal power back), Obiden 2.0 (Green hogwash adding Trillions for nothing, 20 million dependents over 4 years, war funding). All DEEP STATE all day, all the time.
The future generations are being taxed before they are born on that debt= taxation without representation, proving schools teach lies of why america turned traitor to England. Then teach Benedict Arnold was the traitor when in reality it was they being traitors to England.
They are all the same--puppets of the ultra rich who end up with those trillions.
4 trillion of trumps spending was Covid spending..
Still blaming COVID I see.

Gas prices were also lower because of COVID. No trump POLICY lowered gas prices.
"No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." djt......COVID
At the end of 2017, rational debt was 20 trillion, at the end of 2020, debt was 27 trillion

So 7 trillion attributed to Trump

At the end of 2021 debt was 28 trillion, currently, debt has crossed 35 trillion and we still have 5 months left. So let’s say 36 to 37 trillion by the time Biden leaves office..

So that’s 8 to 9 trillion attributed to Biden

4 trillion of trumps spending was Covid spending..

So….who’s worse on the debt?

The Reps and Dems are the worst on debt.

It's not even just about Presidents, Congress does a lot of the spending.
So….who’s worse on the debt?

Create a Crisis, blame the R every time. Spend like drunken sailors to repair the self-inflicted wounds, get rich while spending. They don’t care. Power and money. They can kill 100 million if they need to. We know now, man-made virus can be launched when needed. Deep State.
At the end of 2017, rational debt was 20 trillion, at the end of 2020, debt was 27 trillion
So 7 trillion attributed to Trump
At the end of 2021 debt was 28 trillion, currently, debt has crossed 35 trillion and we still have 5 months left. So let’s say 36 to 37 trillion by the time Biden leaves office..
So that’s 8 to 9 trillion attributed to Biden
4 trillion of trumps spending was Covid spending..
So….who’s worse on the debt?

Janet Yellen wants to spend THREE TRILLION PER YEAR just on fighting climate change. :shok:

In other words, what your chart shows is that Trump only spent slightly more than Biden (and Biden's term isn't finished yet), much of it rebuilding things long neglected by Obumma, and the other money was necessarily spent combating a global pandemic that Biden didn't have to even deal with.

Good argument. :smoke:

Twice as much spending, nothing to show for it. Trump was a fiscal catastrophe.
In other words, what your chart shows is that Trump only spent slightly more than Biden (and Biden's term isn't finished yet), much of it rebuilding things long neglected by Obumma, and the other money was necessarily spent combating a global pandemic that Biden didn't have to even deal with.

Good argument. :smoke:

it is always different when your side does it
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At the end of 2017, rational debt was 20 trillion, at the end of 2020, debt was 27 trillion

So 7 trillion attributed to Trump

At the end of 2021 debt was 28 trillion, currently, debt has crossed 35 trillion and we still have 5 months left. So let’s say 36 to 37 trillion by the time Biden leaves office..

So that’s 8 to 9 trillion attributed to Biden

4 trillion of trumps spending was Covid spending..

So….who’s worse on the debt?

We are.

"A new paper shows that racial and ethnic inequalities have cost the US economy $51 trillion in lost output since 1990. Persistent gaps in rates of employment, education, and earnings are key drivers of this. The paper maps out what GDP would have been if gaps in the labour market didn't exist."

At the end of 2017, rational debt was 20 trillion, at the end of 2020, debt was 27 trillion

So 7 trillion attributed to Trump

At the end of 2021 debt was 28 trillion, currently, debt has crossed 35 trillion and we still have 5 months left. So let’s say 36 to 37 trillion by the time Biden leaves office..

So that’s 8 to 9 trillion attributed to Biden

4 trillion of trumps spending was Covid spending..

So….who’s worse on the debt?

Twice as much spending, nothing to show for it.
  1. Rebuilt our dilapidated military
  2. Vastly fixed the VA
  3. Largely found a way to secure our border
  4. Addressed huge trade imbalances
  5. Reinvigorated American manufacturing
  6. Reduced government regulations stifling industry
  7. Eliminated ISIS
  8. Kept Russia, N. Korea and China at bay keeping the world at peace
  9. Created the Space Force
  10. Raised the national standard of living
  11. Gave us the best economy ever
  12. Lowered crime
  13. Got other nations to pay their fair share into NATO
  14. Arranged with the Taliban to stop killing our soldiers and an agreement for us to pull out of Afghanistan after 20 years
  15. And took on a global pandemic, kept us to only the 18th in the world fatalities per population and cut red tape to allow the creation of a vaccine in record time.

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