$36 Trillion for Clean Energy, IEA reports.

Despite billions spent in investments over decades, solar energy will only make up 0.6 percent of total electricity generation in the United States, according to a report released by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA).
Report Solar Energy Subsidies Cost 39 Billion Per Year Washington Free Beacon
Yes but look at the growth rate
Yr Power* Growth
2010 1,212 35%
2011 1,818 50%
2012 3,990 119%
2013 8,514 113%
2014 17,360 103%

* Thousands of Megawatts

At 100% a year growth rate .19% of our power would come from solar in 5 years. Solar is our fastest growing fuel source.

EIA - Electricity Data

Bogus statistics thrown out by fake phony frauds.............

Solar now.........TOTAL..........makes up 0.2% of US energy production via solar!!!

Solar Provides 0.2 of Electric Supply--Up From 0.02 Before Obama CNS News

How impressive is that?:coffee::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Progressive assholes always like to post up statistics that display growth rates that lack overall comparisons............ these increases of 1000% etc............but when measured against numbers that matter, they end up looking like a joke.

Even Obama's IEA projects ALL renewables accounting for less than 10% of our energy by 2040!!!

Volumes of links/graphs here back this up >>> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Solar power is a joke and will be for decades..........all the info you need in the above link ^^:biggrin::biggrin::up:

According to your link the total electricity supply by solar power sources increased 10 fold in 5 years. Solar power generation is in it's infancy. 10 years ago Solar Photovoltaic generation was producing only 6 thousand megawatts. In 2014 it had increased to over 15 million.

So how many trees and wildlife are AGW cult going to sacrifice to build enough solar plants to try and replace coal?

how so can you say that solar power producti0n need t0 topple d0wn s0 many trees and destr0y wildlife?

last time i checked, the biggest s0lar installati0ns in the US for example are set up and laid out on swaths of desert. where n0 significant number 0f trees gr0w and n0 particular wildlife is affected. Your statement is real pointless and goes t0 sh0w that you kn0w nothing 0f what you are talking of.
no wildlife affected? Question, did you research that before making the statement?
According to your link the total electricity supply by solar power sources increased 10 fold in 5 years. Solar power generation is in it's infancy. 10 years ago Solar Photovoltaic generation was producing only 6 thousand megawatts. In 2014 it had increased to over 15 million.
Yet it cost so much, will cost trillions more. Solar destroys the Earth, 10 fold increase in 5 years, and its in it's infancy.

Never have we spent so much, destroyed so much, and had so little in return.

how so does solar destr0ys the earth? its utter n0n-sense. its a faulty claim.

by saying trillions, in the value of what?
It kills the land it covers, no plants, no rabbits, or turtles, miles of mirrors even attract birds, disrupting their migration. The earth also absorbs heat, not anymore, that is reflected back into the atmosphere further raising the temperature. Solar needs millions of gallons of water, which in this Mega - Drought er are suffering through is another extreme burden on the environment.

Yes 36 trillion is a lot, I have seen estimates as high as 67 trillion, and more if we include the infrastructure for millions and millions of charging stations.

Trillions of dollars will be spent on increasing oil production so that we can manufacture miles upon miles of solar, we will increase oil production to produce the toxic chemicals to build 40 story tall wind mills. Millions of them.

Every small town in America must build skyscrapers, 40 stories tall, in the form of a wind mill.

Build, build, build, the biggest heavy industry in the world spending the most money in the shortest time the world has ever seen.

Solar and wind are failing in europe, across the usa, so the government is doubling down.

Trillions of dollars is at risk.

Greed and power, the clean energy?
Elektra is so full of shit. Most of the solar going in is PV. And the desert animals probably appreciate the shade. Very little water used in PV, maybe twice or three times a year cleaned as you would wash a window. And solar is very good on commercial, industrial, and warehouse roofs. Solar has a very bright future, indeed.
Elektra is so full of shit. Most of the solar going in is PV. And the desert animals probably appreciate the shade. Very little water used in PV, maybe twice or three times a year cleaned as you would wash a window. And solar is very good on commercial, industrial, and warehouse roofs. Solar has a very bright future, indeed.
I was unaware that commercial, industrial, and warehouse roofs were designed for Solar Panels, further being in a city, semi-trucks, there will be a nice sooty smog type of film that will need to be cleaned from the Solar Panels. 3x's a year, maybe? But the bottom line is Solar Panels are about tax breaks so it simply does not matter if they are cleaned and took care of, once installed you get a tax break.

Solar on the roofs of Warehouses, sounds like a nightmare when its time to put a new roof on, or if the roof needs a simple repair. I wonder how many roofs will leak after attaching Solar, beings how the roofs were never designed for Solar.

The Government Dictating which how we are to get our energy, we must spend 36 trillion dollars, increasing oil production, we must spend 36 trillion dollars, increasing the use of Steel, Cement, Concrete, Aluminum, Fiberglass, Silica, Copper, Titanium, Cadmium, Lithium, and all kinds of other stuff. Build, build, build, build.

Sounds like Wall Street is going to make a huge profit off that 36 Trillion dollars to be spent.

Who else gets rich, off that 36 trillion dollars, I guess the banks will make Billions, in interest, off the government guaranteed loans.

Its a win for Corporations.

Its a win for Banks.

Its a win for Wall Street.

Its a win for Politicians

Its a win for the Government Worker bees.

Everyone wins, even us because we get to pay the most anyone has ever paid for something that used to be cheap, Electricity.

Of course they must double down on the war against oil, so we will see our Oil price skyrocket, once our government gains control of oil, again.
Despite billions spent in investments over decades, solar energy will only make up 0.6 percent of total electricity generation in the United States, according to a report released by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA).
Report Solar Energy Subsidies Cost 39 Billion Per Year Washington Free Beacon
Yes but look at the growth rate
Yr Power* Growth
2010 1,212 35%
2011 1,818 50%
2012 3,990 119%
2013 8,514 113%
2014 17,360 103%

* Thousands of Megawatts

At 100% a year growth rate .19% of our power would come from solar in 5 years. Solar is our fastest growing fuel source.

EIA - Electricity Data

Bogus statistics thrown out by fake phony frauds.............

Solar now.........TOTAL..........makes up 0.2% of US energy production via solar!!!

Solar Provides 0.2 of Electric Supply--Up From 0.02 Before Obama CNS News

How impressive is that?:coffee::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Progressive assholes always like to post up statistics that display growth rates that lack overall comparisons............ these increases of 1000% etc............but when measured against numbers that matter, they end up looking like a joke.

Even Obama's IEA projects ALL renewables accounting for less than 10% of our energy by 2040!!!

Volumes of links/graphs here back this up >>> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Solar power is a joke and will be for decades..........all the info you need in the above link ^^:biggrin::biggrin::up:

According to your link the total electricity supply by solar power sources increased 10 fold in 5 years. Solar power generation is in it's infancy. 10 years ago Solar Photovoltaic generation was producing only 6 thousand megawatts. In 2014 it had increased to over 15 million.

So how many trees and wildlife are AGW cult going to sacrifice to build enough solar plants to try and replace coal?

how so can you say that solar power producti0n need t0 topple d0wn s0 many trees and destr0y wildlife?

last time i checked, the biggest s0lar installati0ns in the US for example are set up and laid out on swaths of desert. where n0 significant number 0f trees gr0w and n0 particular wildlife is affected. Your statement is real pointless and goes t0 sh0w that you kn0w nothing 0f what you are talking of.
You never heard of the endangered Desert Tortoise? Burrowing Owls? Foxes, Rabbits, Squirrels, Mice, Horny Toads, Lizards, Snakes?
I thought the people who promote Solar are knowledgeable about Science and the Earth?

I guess our schools have failed, who teaches people that deserts are a wasteland that we should just turn into an Industrial Solar Power Station that stretches 100's of miles?

Yes but look at the growth rate
Yr Power* Growth
2010 1,212 35%
2011 1,818 50%
2012 3,990 119%
2013 8,514 113%
2014 17,360 103%

* Thousands of Megawatts

At 100% a year growth rate .19% of our power would come from solar in 5 years. Solar is our fastest growing fuel source.

EIA - Electricity Data

Bogus statistics thrown out by fake phony frauds.............

Solar now.........TOTAL..........makes up 0.2% of US energy production via solar!!!

Solar Provides 0.2 of Electric Supply--Up From 0.02 Before Obama CNS News

How impressive is that?:coffee::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Progressive assholes always like to post up statistics that display growth rates that lack overall comparisons............ these increases of 1000% etc............but when measured against numbers that matter, they end up looking like a joke.

Even Obama's IEA projects ALL renewables accounting for less than 10% of our energy by 2040!!!

Volumes of links/graphs here back this up >>> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Solar power is a joke and will be for decades..........all the info you need in the above link ^^:biggrin::biggrin::up:

According to your link the total electricity supply by solar power sources increased 10 fold in 5 years. Solar power generation is in it's infancy. 10 years ago Solar Photovoltaic generation was producing only 6 thousand megawatts. In 2014 it had increased to over 15 million.

So how many trees and wildlife are AGW cult going to sacrifice to build enough solar plants to try and replace coal?

how so can you say that solar power producti0n need t0 topple d0wn s0 many trees and destr0y wildlife?

last time i checked, the biggest s0lar installati0ns in the US for example are set up and laid out on swaths of desert. where n0 significant number 0f trees gr0w and n0 particular wildlife is affected. Your statement is real pointless and goes t0 sh0w that you kn0w nothing 0f what you are talking of.
You never heard of the endangered Desert Tortoise? Burrowing Owls? Foxes, Rabbits, Squirrels, Mice, Horny Toads, Lizards, Snakes?
I thought the people who promote Solar are knowledgeable about Science and the Earth?

I guess our schools have failed, who teaches people that deserts are a wasteland that we should just turn into an Industrial Solar Power Station that stretches 100's of miles?


Exactly my thoughts.
According to your link the total electricity supply by solar power sources increased 10 fold in 5 years. Solar power generation is in it's infancy. 10 years ago Solar Photovoltaic generation was producing only 6 thousand megawatts. In 2014 it had increased to over 15 million.
Yet it cost so much, will cost trillions more. Solar destroys the Earth, 10 fold increase in 5 years, and its in it's infancy.

Never have we spent so much, destroyed so much, and had so little in return.

how so does solar destr0ys the earth? its utter n0n-sense. its a faulty claim.

by saying trillions, in the value of what?
how are they made?????

if you mean the solar panels, then you can google it.

"How solar panels are made" or better yet;

"the future of cheap and efficient solar panel production".
if you mean the solar panels, then you can google it.

"How solar panels are made" or better yet;

"the future of cheap and efficient solar panel production".
$ 36 trillion dollars is cheap?
According to your link the total electricity supply by solar power sources increased 10 fold in 5 years. Solar power generation is in it's infancy. 10 years ago Solar Photovoltaic generation was producing only 6 thousand megawatts. In 2014 it had increased to over 15 million.
Yet it cost so much, will cost trillions more. Solar destroys the Earth, 10 fold increase in 5 years, and its in it's infancy.

Never have we spent so much, destroyed so much, and had so little in return.

how so does solar destr0ys the earth? its utter n0n-sense. its a faulty claim.

by saying trillions, in the value of what?
It kills the land it covers, no plants, no rabbits, or turtles, miles of mirrors even attract birds, disrupting their migration. The earth also absorbs heat, not anymore, that is reflected back into the atmosphere further raising the temperature. Solar needs millions of gallons of water, which in this Mega - Drought er are suffering through is another extreme burden on the environment.

Yes 36 trillion is a lot, I have seen estimates as high as 67 trillion, and more if we include the infrastructure for millions and millions of charging stations.

Trillions of dollars will be spent on increasing oil production so that we can manufacture miles upon miles of solar, we will increase oil production to produce the toxic chemicals to build 40 story tall wind mills. Millions of them.

Every small town in America must build skyscrapers, 40 stories tall, in the form of a wind mill.

Build, build, build, the biggest heavy industry in the world spending the most money in the shortest time the world has ever seen.

Solar and wind are failing in europe, across the usa, so the government is doubling down.

Trillions of dollars is at risk.

Greed and power, the clean energy?

Another long and b0ring rhetoric. How so can the solar kills the land it c0vers? Is there a conclusive study about this? Or you are just making this statement out of your own opinion in 0rder t0 say s0mething against s0lar energy.

I could not see why reflecting the heat into the atmosphere would further raise the temperature. Its suppose to cool down since the heat is not abs0rbed rather reflected back int0 the upper atmosphere towards space.

I also do not see milli0ns 0f gall0ns 0f water needed in 0rder f0r the s0lar plant facility to functi0n.

Producti0n, producti0n and producti0n...cann0t be attributed al0ne t0 the pr0ducti0n 0f s0lar panels al0ne. F0r n0w 0f course we are reliant on oil. It must n0t c0ntinue at all indefinitely. We must at s0me point st0p 0ur reliance on such source 0f energy because its finite.
According to your link the total electricity supply by solar power sources increased 10 fold in 5 years. Solar power generation is in it's infancy. 10 years ago Solar Photovoltaic generation was producing only 6 thousand megawatts. In 2014 it had increased to over 15 million.
Yet it cost so much, will cost trillions more. Solar destroys the Earth, 10 fold increase in 5 years, and its in it's infancy.

Never have we spent so much, destroyed so much, and had so little in return.

how so does solar destr0ys the earth? its utter n0n-sense. its a faulty claim.

by saying trillions, in the value of what?
It kills the land it covers, no plants, no rabbits, or turtles, miles of mirrors even attract birds, disrupting their migration. The earth also absorbs heat, not anymore, that is reflected back into the atmosphere further raising the temperature. Solar needs millions of gallons of water, which in this Mega - Drought er are suffering through is another extreme burden on the environment.

Yes 36 trillion is a lot, I have seen estimates as high as 67 trillion, and more if we include the infrastructure for millions and millions of charging stations.

Trillions of dollars will be spent on increasing oil production so that we can manufacture miles upon miles of solar, we will increase oil production to produce the toxic chemicals to build 40 story tall wind mills. Millions of them.

Every small town in America must build skyscrapers, 40 stories tall, in the form of a wind mill.

Build, build, build, the biggest heavy industry in the world spending the most money in the shortest time the world has ever seen.

Solar and wind are failing in europe, across the usa, so the government is doubling down.
well perhaps you should learn about them before talking about them.
Trillions of dollars is at risk.

Greed and power, the clean energy?

Another long and b0ring rhetoric. How so can the solar kills the land it c0vers? Is there a conclusive study about this? Or you are just making this statement out of your own opinion in 0rder t0 say s0mething against s0lar energy.

I could not see why reflecting the heat into the atmosphere would further raise the temperature. Its suppose to cool down since the heat is not abs0rbed rather reflected back int0 the upper atmosphere towards space.

I also do not see milli0ns 0f gall0ns 0f water needed in 0rder f0r the s0lar plant facility to functi0n.

Producti0n, producti0n and producti0n...cann0t be attributed al0ne t0 the pr0ducti0n 0f s0lar panels al0ne. F0r n0w 0f course we are reliant on oil. It must n0t c0ntinue at all indefinitely. We must at s0me point st0p 0ur reliance on such source 0f energy because its finite.

Maybe you should learn about them before posting about it.
if you mean the solar panels, then you can google it.

"How solar panels are made" or better yet;

"the future of cheap and efficient solar panel production".
$ 36 trillion dollars is cheap?

have you als0 c0nsidered the amount 0f m0ney that was spent since our reliance on f0ssil fuels ??
No, you have to consider you will use up all the money and all the oil to build miles and miles of solar panels and miles and miles of wind turbines. At the end of the day they will not supply us with 1% of our power.
if you mean the solar panels, then you can google it.

"How solar panels are made" or better yet;

"the future of cheap and efficient solar panel production".
$ 36 trillion dollars is cheap?

have you als0 c0nsidered the amount 0f m0ney that was spent since our reliance on f0ssil fuels ??
No, you have to consider you will use up all the money and all the oil to build miles and miles of solar panels and miles and miles of wind turbines. At the end of the day they will not supply us with 1% of our power.

W0w, what an exaggerati0n...all the m0ney and all the oil. I don't think s0lar and wind since you included it is going t0 pr0vide only 1% of our p0wer needs. That is pr0bably if the techn0l0gy would n0t be devel0ped and impr0ved instead its going t0 decline in quality. As our oil supply and reserves dwindle (an eventually sucked dry), we d0n't have a ch0ice after all. St0p our dependence on it, 0r st0p existing and thriving as a civilization.
W0w, what an exaggerati0n...all the m0ney and all the oil. I don't think s0lar and wind since you included it is going t0 pr0vide only 1% of our p0wer needs. That is pr0bably if the techn0l0gy would n0t be devel0ped and impr0ved instead its going t0 decline in quality. As our oil supply and reserves dwindle (an eventually sucked dry), we d0n't have a ch0ice after all. St0p our dependence on it, 0r st0p existing and thriving as a civilization.
The $36 trillion dollar figure comes from the IAE, a Wind and Solar industry lobbying group. I made a thread specifically about the cost, as reported by the Wind and Solar industry lobbyist.

IEA - International Energy Agency - affordable clean energy for all iea.org

Technology? Technically speaking, Solar is weak and the Wind blows around things. Foolish to pursue such things. We can not wait for the Sun to come up or the Wind to blow to power our World. Even a tiny bit is extremely expensive and takes funds away from research that is needed, like to stop cancer.

This is about money, power, greed, and politics.

Nothing more.
Well I believe this is just stubbornness to continue our reliance on fossil fuels and not find some alternatives and backup sources of power. Money is money after all, its useful, advantageous if you have some agenda that you want to further, The oil and gas giants I believe do not have a deficit on this important resource, Factor in all the greed, hunger for power and influence, politics and everything for everybody's sake and then we have this two factions struggling for control.

By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to promote this fairly new collaborative project: erissolver.com
I believe with all the intelligence and knowledge you all there claim to have you could throw lot of disruptions and eye-opening concepts regarding the current problems that we as a human civilization face nowadays. With collective intelligence, solving a myriad of complex and highly sophisticated problems would be more efficient and easier. A lot of algorithms for data analytics can also be implemented to fully dissect and process the gathered data.
Well I believe this is just stubbornness to continue our reliance on fossil fuels and not find some alternatives and backup sources of power. Money is money after all, its useful, advantageous if you have some agenda that you want to further, The oil and gas giants I believe do not have a deficit on this important resource, Factor in all the greed, hunger for power and influence, politics and everything for everybody's sake and then we have this two factions struggling for control.

By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to promote this fairly new collaborative project: erissolver.com
I believe with all the intelligence and knowledge you all there claim to have you could throw lot of disruptions and eye-opening concepts regarding the current problems that we as a human civilization face nowadays. With collective intelligence, solving a myriad of complex and highly sophisticated problems would be more efficient and easier. A lot of algorithms for data analytics can also be implemented to fully dissect and process the gathered data.

You really are clueless..

You dont have a clue about anything...

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