37 Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking in AZ

Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


Most of them are white males, so I'm not seeing your "BLM" fantasy. Dung colored glasses?
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


Good that they got this scum off the streets, but many look like those who raided the Capitol last month.
blacks commit child abuse at TWICE the rate of whites
..it was a protest, not a raid/etc like BLM does

Tell that to the more than 100 police officers who were injured or the ones who died.

Besides you are a lying POS as usual you lie about white crime on a regular basis.

FBI — Table 43

Table 43 proves you are a lying POS.
the ones who died--one died of heart attack/stroke--two others committed arkanside/suicide. Why aren't they saying more about the whys of those two btw.

Tell me Turtle Shit would they have died anyway had they not experienced the stress of being attacked that day.
..you hate whites-we know that

You love black folks though, is that why you are always starting threads portraying us in such a negative light.
again, I RESPOND to lies and injustice!!!!

You're right the part where I said, "you love black folks". My bad.
..you, also, post a lot of lies

The lying, racist is you Trump Humper.

hee hee, you said wacist, like a retarded child.

If the Hood fits, wear it.

Except, it doesn't. YOu just say shit, like a retarded child with a mouth full of shit.

Oh yea it fits that is why you are running to his defense. Birds of a feather. You hit one racist coward and another one will holler.
YOU are the racist

harmonica. What would you do if say, Lysistrata looked at that photo and said something along the lines of,

"I am ashamed of the brothers that are pictured there, and I disown them and hope they all do time."
..they complain about black criminals GOING to JAIL!!!!!!
'''unfair'' to send black criminals to jail HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.
Biden and the FBI are making sure more fresh meat comes up from Latin America to more than offset these losses
Say, wasn't that one of the major things that Trump was addressing? Human sex trafficking?

Yes, true! Unfortunately Trump was plagued by the Byzantine General's problem: He told the FBI to go after pedos, and the FBI ignored it largely because to join the FBI leadership you have to be filmed fucking kids of each sex
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)

Yeah. Good. Perversion crosses all boundaries. But, as we have seen from mr. epsteins list, the vast majority of visitors to his little island were DEMS!

Yep and Trump was one of those DEMS.

No, he wasn't you lying piece of shit. Trump never went to lolita island. And when he found out epstein was what he was he banned him from all of his proerties.

That's a lie, he didn't ban him because he was a pedophile.
View attachment 459667

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraft “numerous times

So after 15yrs Trump didn't know the dude was a pedo? Right.
You have one flight from florida to new jersey for trump

but bill clinton flew all over the world with epstein

and you think they are somehow equal?

plus there are young girls linked to clinton but not trump
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)
And? We say hang him. We don’t cover for closet pedos. Look at the Lincoln Project, run by RINOs who were a bunch of pedos. Funny how those types are the ones that hate President Trump.

Is that why Trump and Epstein were buddy buddy

Until they weren't. Why do you continue to lie? Trump kicked epstein to the curb. YOUR people didn't. So, either you are a feckless lying piece of shit, or you too are a pedo supporter. So, which is it, boi?

Are you really that big of an idiot, how in the hell are you partners with someone for over 15yrs and then come out and say, "Oh I didn't know he was a pedo". That's some bullshit.

How were they partners? Be specific. The clintons AFTER epstein was convicted, still were on great terms with him. Riddle us that, dumbass.

What part of he is a "he is a terrific guy" that you don't understand.

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraftnumerous times

What in the hell makes him a lot of fun to be with? Do you say that about someone you hardly know?

What part of Trump kicking his ass out of every Trump property don't you understand?

Trump kicked him out, and then never had further contact. FOR 15 years!


Why weren't they friends anymore?

Because Trump found out Epstein tried to pick up an underage girl at his club.

Once that happened Epstein was 86d from every property Trump owned.

In other words the very second that Trump found out that Epstein was a pedo he cut ties with him.

Additionally when the victims sued Epstein, Trump was the ONLY person who willingly helped in their investigation.

The victims lawyer was very vocal in his thanks to Trump for that aid.

This is all well documented. So stop lying that Trump and Epstein were friends. They provably were not.

Unlike YOUR heroes, and Epstein.
In other news:

Paul Petersen, a Republican who served as Maricopa County’s assessor for six years and operated an adoption practice on the side, is contesting the first of three sentences he’ll receive for arranging adoptions that are prohibited by an international compact.

A month ago, he started serving the sentence for a federal conviction in Arkansas for conspiring to smuggle humans. He is scheduled to be sentenced next month on convictions for fraud in Arizona and for human smuggling in Utah.
Paul Petersen, ex-Maricopa County assessor, appeals sentence in adoption scheme (fox10phoenix.com)

Petersen is a criminal and should do time.

But he was guilty of arranging illegal adoptions and defrauding the government of medical expenses.

Serious crimes but not nearly as vile as child sex trafficking.

“The Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, and Chandler Police Departments partnered with Homeland Security and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office for ‘Operation Broken Hearts,’ an undercover operation targeting sexual predators engaged in child sex crimes and human trafficking,”

I've heard that Trump did a lot to crack down on sex trafficking. This looks like part of that.

I'm sure ICE will go back to sleep now.

What did tramp do to cut down on human trafficking??
Why don't you look it up, you fucking retard?

Your intellectual laziness undoubtedly contributes to your profound ignorance.
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)
And? We say hang him. We don’t cover for closet pedos. Look at the Lincoln Project, run by RINOs who were a bunch of pedos. Funny how those types are the ones that hate President Trump.

Is that why Trump and Epstein were buddy buddy

Until they weren't. Why do you continue to lie? Trump kicked epstein to the curb. YOUR people didn't. So, either you are a feckless lying piece of shit, or you too are a pedo supporter. So, which is it, boi?

Are you really that big of an idiot, how in the hell are you partners with someone for over 15yrs and then come out and say, "Oh I didn't know he was a pedo". That's some bullshit.

males that arent queer drive libs nuts

How were they partners? Be specific. The clintons AFTER epstein was convicted, still were on great terms with him. Riddle us that, dumbass.

What part of he is a "he is a terrific guy" that you don't understand.

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraftnumerous times

What in the hell makes him a lot of fun to be with? Do you say that about someone you hardly know?
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


Good that they got this scum off the streets, but many look like those who raided the Capitol last month.
blacks commit child abuse at TWICE the rate of whites
..it was a protest, not a raid/etc like BLM does

Tell that to the more than 100 police officers who were injured or the ones who died.

Besides you are a lying POS as usual you lie about white crime on a regular basis.

FBI — Table 43

Table 43 proves you are a lying POS.
the ones who died--one died of heart attack/stroke--two others committed arkanside/suicide. Why aren't they saying more about the whys of those two btw.

Tell me Turtle Shit would they have died anyway had they not experienced the stress of being attacked that day.
..you hate whites-we know that

You love black folks though, is that why you are always starting threads portraying us in such a negative light.
You are clueless-----you can like good black people and despise the rest hun. Criminals, thugs, whinners, idiots, welfare hos, druggies/alcoholics, gang members etc aren't really likeable qualities in people of any color. Blacks seem to have more than their fair share---but there are good black people out there.

YOU AREN'T ONE OF THE GOOD people out there btw. I just thought you should know, manipulative whinner.

I take that as a compliment coming from a racist hag like you. Now answer the original question I asked instead of running like the cowardly hag you are.
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)
And? We say hang him. We don’t cover for closet pedos. Look at the Lincoln Project, run by RINOs who were a bunch of pedos. Funny how those types are the ones that hate President Trump.

Is that why Trump and Epstein were buddy buddy

Until they weren't. Why do you continue to lie? Trump kicked epstein to the curb. YOUR people didn't. So, either you are a feckless lying piece of shit, or you too are a pedo supporter. So, which is it, boi?

Are you really that big of an idiot, how in the hell are you partners with someone for over 15yrs and then come out and say, "Oh I didn't know he was a pedo". That's some bullshit.

How were they partners? Be specific. The clintons AFTER epstein was convicted, still were on great terms with him. Riddle us that, dumbass.

What part of he is a "he is a terrific guy" that you don't understand.

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraftnumerous times

What in the hell makes him a lot of fun to be with? Do you say that about someone you hardly know?

What part of Trump kicking his ass out of every Trump property don't you understand?

Trump kicked him out, and then never had further contact. FOR 15 years!


Why weren't they friends anymore?

Because Trump found out Epstein tried to pick up an underage girl at his club.

Once that happened Epstein was 86d from every property Trump owned.

In other words the very second that Trump found out that Epstein was a pedo he cut ties with him.

Additionally when the victims sued Epstein, Trump was the ONLY person who willingly helped in their investigation.

The victims lawyer was very vocal in his thanks to Trump for that aid.

This is all well documented. So stop lying that Trump and Epstein were friends. They provably were not.

Unlike YOUR heroes, and Epstein.

That's a lie, they feel out over a real estate deal.

Despite winning the battle, the rivalry clearly left a bitter taste in Donald Trump's mouth. He later claimed he had barred Jeffrey Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago estate, and the pair were never photographed together again.

Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump's friendship: a timeline (cosmopolitan.com)

Nobody can ever respect a lying POS.

They were friends for decades.
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)
And? We say hang him. We don’t cover for closet pedos. Look at the Lincoln Project, run by RINOs who were a bunch of pedos. Funny how those types are the ones that hate President Trump.

Is that why Trump and Epstein were buddy buddy

Until they weren't. Why do you continue to lie? Trump kicked epstein to the curb. YOUR people didn't. So, either you are a feckless lying piece of shit, or you too are a pedo supporter. So, which is it, boi?

Are you really that big of an idiot, how in the hell are you partners with someone for over 15yrs and then come out and say, "Oh I didn't know he was a pedo". That's some bullshit.

How were they partners? Be specific. The clintons AFTER epstein was convicted, still were on great terms with him. Riddle us that, dumbass.

What part of he is a "he is a terrific guy" that you don't understand.

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraftnumerous times

What in the hell makes him a lot of fun to be with? Do you say that about someone you hardly know?

What part of Trump kicking his ass out of every Trump property don't you understand?

Trump kicked him out, and then never had further contact. FOR 15 years!


Why weren't they friends anymore?

Because Trump found out Epstein tried to pick up an underage girl at his club.

Once that happened Epstein was 86d from every property Trump owned.

In other words the very second that Trump found out that Epstein was a pedo he cut ties with him.

Additionally when the victims sued Epstein, Trump was the ONLY person who willingly helped in their investigation.

The victims lawyer was very vocal in his thanks to Trump for that aid.

This is all well documented. So stop lying that Trump and Epstein were friends. They provably were not.

Unlike YOUR heroes, and Epstein.

That's a lie, they feel out over a real estate deal.

Despite winning the battle, the rivalry clearly left a bitter taste in Donald Trump's mouth. He later claimed he had barred Jeffrey Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago estate, and the pair were never photographed together again.

Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump's friendship: a timeline (cosmopolitan.com)

Nobody can ever respect a lying POS.

They were friends for decades.

Oh bullshit. When presented with provable facts you lie.

Fuck you.
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)
And? We say hang him. We don’t cover for closet pedos. Look at the Lincoln Project, run by RINOs who were a bunch of pedos. Funny how those types are the ones that hate President Trump.

Is that why Trump and Epstein were buddy buddy

Until they weren't. Why do you continue to lie? Trump kicked epstein to the curb. YOUR people didn't. So, either you are a feckless lying piece of shit, or you too are a pedo supporter. So, which is it, boi?

Are you really that big of an idiot, how in the hell are you partners with someone for over 15yrs and then come out and say, "Oh I didn't know he was a pedo". That's some bullshit.

How were they partners? Be specific. The clintons AFTER epstein was convicted, still were on great terms with him. Riddle us that, dumbass.

What part of he is a "he is a terrific guy" that you don't understand.

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraftnumerous times

What in the hell makes him a lot of fun to be with? Do you say that about someone you hardly know?

What part of Trump kicking his ass out of every Trump property don't you understand?

Trump kicked him out, and then never had further contact. FOR 15 years!


Why weren't they friends anymore?

Because Trump found out Epstein tried to pick up an underage girl at his club.

Once that happened Epstein was 86d from every property Trump owned.

In other words the very second that Trump found out that Epstein was a pedo he cut ties with him.

Additionally when the victims sued Epstein, Trump was the ONLY person who willingly helped in their investigation.

The victims lawyer was very vocal in his thanks to Trump for that aid.

This is all well documented. So stop lying that Trump and Epstein were friends. They provably were not.

Unlike YOUR heroes, and Epstein.

That's a lie, they feel out over a real estate deal.

Despite winning the battle, the rivalry clearly left a bitter taste in Donald Trump's mouth. He later claimed he had barred Jeffrey Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago estate, and the pair were never photographed together again.

Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump's friendship: a timeline (cosmopolitan.com)

Nobody can ever respect a lying POS.

They were friends for decades.
If Donald Trump was a pedo like most of the Washington Establishment is, he would had been protected and admired by all of them and the media.

Instead, all the pedos of Hollywood, the MSM, and the Washington Establishment hate his guts and are terrified of him. I wonder why.

You're an idiot. Whites are underrepresented in that group. And you do not know political affiliation of any of them.

You are an extremely stupid and dishonest bigoted piece of shit scumbag. How does a scumbag like you even live with yourself?
They are? Of the 34 photographed, 4 are black. That's 11.8% while blacks comprise about 13.4% of the population.

5 are Hispanic. That's 14.8% while Hispanics comprise about 18.3% of the population.

That leaves 25 who are non-hispanic white, or 73.5%. Compared to the population which is about 59.7% non-hispanic white.

So the only reasonable conclusion once can reach from your post .... is ... you're a flaming imbecile.
You're an idiot. Whites are underrepresented in that group. And you do not know political affiliation of any of them.

You are an extremely stupid and dishonest bigoted piece of shit scumbag. How does a scumbag like you even live with yourself?
They are? Of the 34 photographed, 4 are black. That's 11.8% while blacks comprise about 13.4% of the population.

5 are Hispanic.
That/'s your deluded idiotic opinion. You're a bigot and a moron.
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)
And? We say hang him. We don’t cover for closet pedos. Look at the Lincoln Project, run by RINOs who were a bunch of pedos. Funny how those types are the ones that hate President Trump.

Is that why Trump and Epstein were buddy buddy

Until they weren't. Why do you continue to lie? Trump kicked epstein to the curb. YOUR people didn't. So, either you are a feckless lying piece of shit, or you too are a pedo supporter. So, which is it, boi?

Are you really that big of an idiot, how in the hell are you partners with someone for over 15yrs and then come out and say, "Oh I didn't know he was a pedo". That's some bullshit.

How were they partners? Be specific. The clintons AFTER epstein was convicted, still were on great terms with him. Riddle us that, dumbass.

What part of he is a "he is a terrific guy" that you don't understand.

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraftnumerous times

What in the hell makes him a lot of fun to be with? Do you say that about someone you hardly know?

What part of Trump kicking his ass out of every Trump property don't you understand?

Trump kicked him out, and then never had further contact. FOR 15 years!


Why weren't they friends anymore?

Because Trump found out Epstein tried to pick up an underage girl at his club.

Once that happened Epstein was 86d from every property Trump owned.

In other words the very second that Trump found out that Epstein was a pedo he cut ties with him.

Additionally when the victims sued Epstein, Trump was the ONLY person who willingly helped in their investigation.

The victims lawyer was very vocal in his thanks to Trump for that aid.

This is all well documented. So stop lying that Trump and Epstein were friends. They provably were not.

Unlike YOUR heroes, and Epstein.

That's a lie, they feel out over a real estate deal.

Despite winning the battle, the rivalry clearly left a bitter taste in Donald Trump's mouth. He later claimed he had barred Jeffrey Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago estate, and the pair were never photographed together again.

Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump's friendship: a timeline (cosmopolitan.com)

Nobody can ever respect a lying POS.

They were friends for decades.

Oh bullshit. When presented with provable facts you lie.

Fuck you.

Prove it then, I am giving you the provable facts you are giving your weak ass opinion. Go fuck yourself, you will get more.
Lovely diverse bunch, looks like mugshots from a BLM “peaceful protest”:


and a lot of whites.

Yeah, that's what diverse means. Try and keep up.

And a lots of whites and republicans.

Yeah, but a whole ton more Hispanics and democrats. The Dem aparty is THE Party of pedophiles.

Former staffer for Senate GOP, RNC arrested on child porn charges
Former Senate Republican, RNC staffer arrested on child porn charges (nypost.com)
And? We say hang him. We don’t cover for closet pedos. Look at the Lincoln Project, run by RINOs who were a bunch of pedos. Funny how those types are the ones that hate President Trump.

Is that why Trump and Epstein were buddy buddy

Until they weren't. Why do you continue to lie? Trump kicked epstein to the curb. YOUR people didn't. So, either you are a feckless lying piece of shit, or you too are a pedo supporter. So, which is it, boi?

Are you really that big of an idiot, how in the hell are you partners with someone for over 15yrs and then come out and say, "Oh I didn't know he was a pedo". That's some bullshit.

How were they partners? Be specific. The clintons AFTER epstein was convicted, still were on great terms with him. Riddle us that, dumbass.

What part of he is a "he is a terrific guy" that you don't understand.

Ten years later, Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump’s name appears on the flight log for Epstein’s plane, and Epstein’s brother claimed that Trump flew on the aircraftnumerous times

What in the hell makes him a lot of fun to be with? Do you say that about someone you hardly know?

What part of Trump kicking his ass out of every Trump property don't you understand?

Trump kicked him out, and then never had further contact. FOR 15 years!


Why weren't they friends anymore?

Because Trump found out Epstein tried to pick up an underage girl at his club.

Once that happened Epstein was 86d from every property Trump owned.

In other words the very second that Trump found out that Epstein was a pedo he cut ties with him.

Additionally when the victims sued Epstein, Trump was the ONLY person who willingly helped in their investigation.

The victims lawyer was very vocal in his thanks to Trump for that aid.

This is all well documented. So stop lying that Trump and Epstein were friends. They provably were not.

Unlike YOUR heroes, and Epstein.

That's a lie, they feel out over a real estate deal.

Despite winning the battle, the rivalry clearly left a bitter taste in Donald Trump's mouth. He later claimed he had barred Jeffrey Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago estate, and the pair were never photographed together again.

Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump's friendship: a timeline (cosmopolitan.com)

Nobody can ever respect a lying POS.

They were friends for decades.
If Donald Trump was a pedo like most of the Washington Establishment is, he would had been protected and admired by all of them and the media.

Instead, all the pedos of Hollywood, the MSM, and the Washington Establishment hate his guts and are terrified of him. I wonder why.

View attachment 460231

So why would you hang out with a man who is a pedo if you despise them?
You're an idiot. Whites are underrepresented in that group. And you do not know political affiliation of any of them.

You are an extremely stupid and dishonest bigoted piece of shit scumbag. How does a scumbag like you even live with yourself?
They are? Of the 34 photographed, 4 are black. That's 11.8% while blacks comprise about 13.4% of the population.

5 are Hispanic.
That/'s your deluded idiotic opinion. You're a bigot and a moron.

It's a deadly combination of reality and simple math. Well, a deadly combination to conservatives who fail at both.

Donald Trump caught saying he will date 10-year-old girl 'in ten years' in new video

Republican presidential candidate hit by new claims of inappropriate comments about women

Donald Trump caught saying he will date 10-year-old girl 'in ten years' in new video | The Independent | The Independent
he must of looked upon her as a sexual toy.
So are you in denial that cute 10 year old girls generally grow up to be very desirable 20 year old women?

Are you fucking ignorant and/or blind?

Why do you LWNJ moonbats consistently deny reality?

Pedo Joe Biden: I'm going to fondle that cute 10 year old girl right now because I get off on it.

DJT: That cute 10 year old girl will probably be very sexy when she's an adult.
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